Why does Albania suck so much?

Why does Albania suck so much?


Fuck Albania

because its full of Albanians?

ill kill and fuck your dead body

And Muslims, don't forget those assholes. Albania has been a backwards shithole pretty much forever.

fuck your sister

They always been conquered

you won't do shit.

i promise your faggot white trash ass wouldn’t have the balls to say that to an albanian, you internet lurking virgin pussy faggot sissy

Fuck off back to pol suckers with this bot shit. Let it die Sup Forumstards.

Found the Albanian.

Its such a poor place, I'm thinking it would be cheap for a weekend buying the local whores.

Because they border on the Adriatic. And their chief export is chrome.

>white trash

Albanians *are* the white trash of Europe.

I'll impregnate your entire country. At least then the IQ will rise by fifty points in the next generations.

i'm a burger fucker or amerifat or whatever pol calls americans now, but pol is throwing their trash into Sup Forums tonight and it's stupid

the mention of our name strikes fear any where in the world you go. talk is cheap, especially thru a computer screen. pussy

says the fag talking through a computer screen.

albania would not be so bad if it were not for the stupid fucking comunist mentality that still persists. getting anything done in that fucking country requires so much bullshit no wonder people sit around piss drunk all day.

this is true, plus you dont need a script for pharmies so you can get piss drunk adn eat a ton of xanax

Cause they are full of dirty turks

And gypsy

Shut up cunt. Stop acting like your gonna steal an organ

Evens out having the most aesthetic flag

>for the record I'm totally joking, don't care for nation statism, Albania, or equality, however I would breed cuteys from the region. Was once an eastern roman province that remained mostly loyal and didn't fuck up but once the empire fell it remained in obscurity and eventual roman Catholicism.

I might be thinking of Romania lol but they're similar, I think

Goat fucking boarder jumpers for ever