Aska billioaire anything

Aska billioaire anything
Proof? Fuck you.
Don't want you btards knowing my rep

Other urls found in this thread:

when are you sending a car to space

few actually care about your money
tell us about the real you

why do you tell such stupid lies?

I love donald trump
I think he will help the people obama claimed he would
I think aliens are real, from real intel from the top
I made all of it in nat resources and tech
I love people
I hate racists
I think genes are a driving factor in the aggregate

What's the deal with airline food?

I owned an airline
for a few years
terrible business
I wanted to deunionize and pay more
they wouldnt let me

That doesn't answer anything.

its a pretty consolidated industry
the food that is
airlines have such thin margin
its bascially an oil company
thats why delta has its own refinery

q user

What's the deal with black people?


bird guy

What's a billioaire? Is that some kind of alien?

Why are you so retarded?

im one of you
im pretty good at this stuff
I want to help
please ask good questions

im an hero

Knowing that having money is really what makes money, what do you think of the rest of us? What should we even do? What would you do if you were us?

Hire me?


Real talk
only spend
**in total**
10-15% of what you earn AT
dont give me shit about luxiries
plenty of time for that later
trust met
invest in things that you know
invest in people that you trust
dont let anyone hold you back
all roadblocks are in your mind

sorry couple glasses
on spelling

how do i become a millionaire at least?

poorfag here feels bad

Power of compounding is real
See Graham. See Buffett
Knowing when do deploy is the real key
Please wait
for there will be a time
donald good very well propel us 30% higher
dont get illusioned
real assets in distress is where its at
dont falter
you will have a time
build a cash balance
and deploy when theres blood in the streets

follow this and you will become a millionaire

? association(s) - lodges / rite(s) / rank(s)

Why can't you spell billionaire?

no association
sorry Sup Forumsros
worked too long and too hard to not get noticed

gin is the prob

How do you feel about the gooks?

How do I tell my parents that I'm gay without having them chase me around the house with a broom?

great advice user

looking back on your life, is there anything you wish someone would have told you when you were younger?

post a timestamp pic of the room you currently are in so we can believe your fake billionaire ass you lying sack of shit

good find
I think asians have a genetic predo. to capitalism.
only a matter of time

im in the sickest house youve ever imagined
no images

thank you
love this question
dont invest all of it
learn poker
wear sunscreen
youre not as fat as you think you are
youre not as smart as you think
find smarter people than you
give them your money to put to work
develop your bullshit radar
dont let people con you

They're not black.

How many fountains?

And you can't deal with them.

more like how many alexas integrated into my speaker system

Is it hard to handle all that money?
How much money do you think is enough to live happily?

aaaaaand you just further proved that i am right thinking that you're full of shit
Why the fuck would a legit billionaire would be on this shitty message board filled with mentally challenged fucktards?

Do you ever strip them and make them wrestle?

i was comfortable after 10m
after 50
after 250
after 1.2

fuck you
ive been on this shit for years

happy married

yeah but why lying about being a billionaire you stupid illiterate shitfuck?

shes asleep
i have more gin
ask more

honestly b ro
not lying
i know you cant trust
but i wont post proof

Post something expensive with a picture. Just put it on your bed or something with no background, just the expensive item and take a picture with a timestamp.

you write like a fucking retard and no way that someone with as much cash as you pretend to have would have such mediocre orthography and brag about being in the richest people on the planet let alone hang out on here you fucking liar
now proof or shut the fuck up and leave

just like ive been saying
all of my money is invested
I have a nice place
but material things?
fuck the new new money like cohen who thinks its cool to by art and shit
fuck new
fuck old
be yourself
stereotypes dont exist
you create yourself
you move yourself
no one will build you
you buid you
70% of my money is in op businesses
20% cash
10% venturecapital
art values decided by a few guys
fun as bitcoing
real action is in patience

im from the *bgov* and im here to help
pepe is my ally
moot is gone i miss him
i raf you ruse


I have a DD blond asleep in my bed
but i hang out with my bfags
cuz maybe one of you
could benefit from advice

got it?

dont waste your time
your youth is your most importan resource
its wasted on the young
fucking get your shit together
i dont care if you have a low iq
ive worked with many who have built their net worth
i dont care what race you are
there is plenty of room at the top
have a mindset of live as a poker player
learn pot odds learn hand odds
fold when you need to
call when you need to
go all in when youre sure
america is a great platform
dont fuck it up

I love you
be good
be succesful
i hope you win

okay Mr. Billionaire, you want your dick sucked or more, buy me a mad max car then, only somewhere between 40-80k I think,

i don't like you
you're a humonguous pathetic lying shit
peep this great haiku bitch

i try very very hard
to come across something i am not
i am OP the faggot

i am being a fag
and no one can't stop me
from sucking big juicy cocks

yours truly, OP

Have you ever considered starting a fragrance line? "Elon's Musk" would sell like tickets to a fucking dumpster fire.

im sure it would sell well as an irony play
dont put all your money it
gat an 'investor'

shrek is love
shrek is life
>be me
>ask me

"'gat' an investor"
haha perfect b fodder

actually here for real fin advice
post your probs

bed soon
shes waiting

love you all
getting tired
please please please
dont put your money in stocks or crypts
invest when theres blood in the streets
god bless

make sure its actuallt blood
not a scar

pics you shouldnt share

Stick the broom in yourasshole first.

is killing b

i need smart conversation
ask me a question you cant google that you think i could answer

What did you start with? Silver spoon? Give an actual number, net worth of your parents

dad was a waiter at an italian joint
mom looked after us
started with an education

Rags to riches? I call bullshit. You need money to make money there’s nothing you can do to overcome that fact.

call bullshit
thats bullshit
youll go nowjere
i mean NOWHERE
if thats whats you tell yourself

As a guy with $29 in his account I’m inclined to agree. What fucking opportunities to invest do I have? Call BS on OP

I had a stroke trying to read that

Dont invest
Find a job
Any job
study your job
study your managers job
study his managers job
be better than him
dont enout your off time
be better
you will quickly overtake them
they go home
they go drink
be better
every min they are slacking
you are cranking
capitalism works
darwanism works
dont be the fatted calf

How did you make money without money? Seriously if you were a billionaire your name is among 100 or so people- and a fags to riches story like you’re selling is bound to be front page, buzzfeed fodder, household name. The fact that we can’t guess what idiot went from waiter parents to billions by that story alone calls bullshit on itself.


i dont know what to say
it works.
be in the game

“Be in the game” sounds like silver spoon talk to me

“Oh you have to be rich to be rich”

if silver spoon is taking home the leftovers from the bottom of the fridge

Im not trying to debtate my nw
if any of you want advice from a tard that made it
be my guest
the cake is a lie

good night
ill be back

Next time be interesting

Guess money can’t buy that.

Yet that Elin musk flamethrower guy.

A billionaire would know how to spell.
If you were, what is your morning routine and what books are you reading?

Why do you only shave your left goose egg?

"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."