Would you rape a sleeping girl if you knew you'd never see her again?

Would you rape a sleeping girl if you knew you'd never see her again?

If no repercussions, fuck yeah

yeah. I would hope to get her pregnant.

This if it was 100% id never see her again and wouldn't get caught then fucking hell yes

I've had sex with a girl multiple times while she slept/was passed out from alcohol. It was thrilling

that's not possible

>That's the only time to

I don't need to rape.

she knows she was raped but you never have to deal with any consequences

You guys are all fucked. No OP, I would not. When is rape justified? You guys love to try to blur the line but you can't. Ask yourself, when would you like to be violated? Answer unless you're gay should be a clear NEVER.

No but part of an agreement between me and a life partner is that we wake each other up with sex

your sexual fantasy is obviously to get raped

If any answer other than yes their a total cuck and a faggot

why are females so easy to fuck when they're asleep? i mean, i've read stories that it happened to simply sleeping, not even intoxicated females. if something was going in my mouth or ass i'd notice it.

Doesn't have to be justified you fucking pussy beta nigger if you want something take it where you can get it that's what us men do and then you deal with potential consequences

>sleeping girl
How do you rape someone without waking them up?

You're as cunning as a grade schooler. Being woken up by your partner with oral sex is one thing, probably not that bad and far from traumatizing even if you weren't wanting it, but penetration is another story. Boundaries man. Morality is lost on you?

already have, felt good man

You are an imbecile.
>us men do
Yet you speak like a child. Grow up and learn to speak with some civility you fool. Maybe then you might act with some as well.

I would love for a member of the opposite sex to force them selves on men. You can fuck right off

where do you think we are?

You guys are fucking retarded. Obviously underaged too because you've never taken a health class. When she isn't around, her body doesn't lubricate. IE, rape is painful because of the vagina tears. That is not opinion, that is an objective fact. Yous just got schooled


>never see her again?
doesn't mean you won't ever see police and a court case after you dump some dna in a sleeping victim. your crime is nigger tier and enjoy your prison sodomy faggot

No, I'd want to see her multiple times.

Some girls are wet anyway it's like 50/50 odds. And she'll most likely get wet from you fucking her anyway

No, she might wake up and be traumatized. Seeing all this Bill Cosby roofie drama, I don't know if there even is a safe way do do it without her noticing.

Actually, in order for you to be charged with the rape you would have to actually see her in court. Since this can't happen then you cant.be charged

Would I do it?

Shit nigga, I've DONE it.

The internet. Anonymous is at its best a mask for the truth. Truth is moral. Anonymous shouldn't be treated with so much flippant faggotry where everyone pretends they would perform a crime and be general degenerates because, what's the point? I answered OP honestly, that's all. You'd have to be some high level scumbag to violate anyone's body, simple.

one time i was sound asleep having a weird dream about snowboarding even though I've barely ever snowboarded and then all of a sudden the dream changes and I'm fucking this hot chick and it feels so real and it's awesome. and then i think im gonna cream but instead of a load i unleash this earth shaking behemoth of a 12 second long monster fart and wake up blurry eyed and confused with my then girlfriend wretching and throwing up on my erect dick.
no more surprise blowjobs for me



no means yes ;)

Yes i'd rape a sleeping guy as well, maybe don't pass out around my watch.

I already have. it was fun

They can be horny beforehand