Reddit fucking downvotes me all the time, what the fuck am i doing wrong and why are they like this...

reddit fucking downvotes me all the time, what the fuck am i doing wrong and why are they like this? It's honestly just making me misanthropic.


I think, i might be wrong, the adolf hitler post.

yeah yeah fuck you

you have to comment using a reddit approved template. Thats how it works, frendo!! now get out here an bamboozle some heckin doggos!!

source: am redditor can confirm gets upvotes lmaooooo

im not even a trumptard but i still get downvoted for any non mainstream opinion

Go back

nice meme

Learn the bssics

>secretly lurks reddit
i died

honestly i consider the equivalent to downvotes on Sup Forums is just getting ignored, luckily theres b8 tactics you can use, i guess getting "good" at Sup Forums is getting good at making good b8 but it sucks going hours without getting a single reply to a what i thought was a well crafted b8.

There are 4 kinds of users on Reddit/imgur
1) Active/inner circle: They're typically politically left leaning, post constantly, and downvote if you're outside of their agenda, upvote if you're in their agenda.
2) Attention whores: (I'd probably put you in this category) People who aren't ultra active but are actively trying to get points for some reason and come off as try-hard. Other attention-whores and random users will downvote you if you do something that is even slightly controversial.
3) Social Media Types: People that just use it while they're screwing off and nothing else but they're into social media and tend to actively comment/like. They'll just bandwagon like/dislike and never actually read anything cause they're only on the Toilet. If you piss off 1 or 2 the 3 just gives you extra votes in one direction or the other.
4) Lurkers: They never comment and just vote. I tend to think that most of them just bandwagon vote because shit will get downvoted into oblivion even if it's the truth. They seem to (at least at a rate greater than 50%) bandwagon onto #3.

Moral of the story, the two sites are basically shit. If you care about the votes then you need to be a Kardashian or something.

Howdy newfag, you'll git gud soon


Do you know where you are? This isn't plebbit. Fuck out of here newfag. Back in my day, OP's were hunted down, if there was a way to find them, it'd be game on, life ruined. Now, Sup Forums is another fucking social club, not much different than facebook. Faggots like you come here and post your selfies, asking for rates, etc. Bogus. Gtfo kid, before I change my mind and hunt your ass down. I've done raids with Anonymous when they were still a thing, at full strength, we were able to find anyone, and I still posses those skills. Reply with something smart, I fucking dare you to. It'll be the worst mistake you've ever fucking made.

>inb4 nice pasta hurrr
This isn't a fucking pasta, you newfag fucks!

no i don't really care about votes superficially but isn't there like consequences for having low karma?

Holy fuck...that reddit user is exactly my buddy...who is incidentally a massive reddit user.

nice pasta

Like what? Your fucking self esteem is hurt?

Why do you even fucking care if you get downvoted? I post shit on imgur all the time that gets downvoted to hell. Who gives a fuck.

The only time I don't comment is when I'm too lazy to put a coherent thought into 20 shitty twitter messages.

Reddit is just the online version of what normies call Reality.

that's deep bro chill

Oh my dear, where to start with a pathetic fuck, like you

This is not your ecochamber that tumblr is, this is where you are confronted with the purest that mankind is without its restraints, you are confronted with reality, these videos show fucking reality, if you are like me, you are desesitized to this kind of shit due to prior happenings, but your comment just shows that you are some priviledged weak cunt who never had something bad to experience and lives on in his isolated dream world where never something bad happens

most people here don't even fucking value their life due to how others treat them, tell me a reason how you shouldn't shrug off death, if life does not treat you well

This is fucking accurate.

you forgot one for Sup Forums
>likes rick and morty, especially pickle rick

That's for reddit

i hate to burst Sup Forums's bubble but there's nothing too unique about the content on Sup Forums vs reddit most of the gore posted here is also on reddit, although they don't allow the cartoons, but even tumblr beats Sup Forums in regards to pedophile content. the only thing that makes Sup Forums special i guess is it's culture and anonymity and lack of vote system, but even still people bumps are pretty much upvotes and herd mentality bumps the same generic theme threads every damn time

You forgot the "kinda uses the site but knows how lame it is on account of upvotes/downvotes. Says decent things and gets some updoots but also says stuff for downdoots."
I've been trying to get negative overall karma in /r/residentevil for a while now.

to add to that, i see a lot of fucking stuff here that was first on reddit.

thanks. will use for bait.
stupid nigger.

Cheers anons.

what the fuck is misanthropic supose to mean. use real words reee