New St Louis thread... Anyone still awake here in the Lou?

New St Louis thread... Anyone still awake here in the Lou?


Hadnt seen that one... Good man.

Who had the Katie Z pics?

314 over here

Were you in the last thread?

Yessir. Here.

I think STL has died for the night. Sucks.

Stl, the city that never wakes

I literally just moved out here a couple weeks ago. Not going to lie, it's seemed pretty sketchy so far. Already almost got killed by some nigger.


Where you living? You must look very white and skinny and shit if it happened so quick. Harden up and walk with a purpose little faggot user, thats how you get by in louie

You should probably just leave now.

Hazelwood. I'm staying in some hotel. Not going to green text but basically I went out for a cigarette in the morning and there was some white dude with a baseball bat in his sweat pants, hidden poorly. Turns out he was looking for some nigger who robbed his house. I come out again an hour later and the guy is gone, but I'm smoking weed outside and this black dude whispers me out the window, asking if I want to smoke with him. Honestly, I don't give a fuck about living so I go up there to find that this is the guy who stole from the white guy. Basically, the whole time the guy was like, "in not going to kill you, not going to kill you" as he pulled drugs out of his pants, then started saying I was going to rat him out. He was obviously tweaked out of his mind. Kinda subtly slipped out the door, found the white guy again outside. He was looking at the window that guy was in. Next day, the hotel staff was carrying out a bloody mattress from upstairs where that guys room was. Dunno if related but eh.

moved here about 6 months ago, can confirm, major shit hole.
not the first big city i lived in but st louis sucks.
not because im scared of black folk, in fact im the only whitey in my work and apartments. the city is just shit.

Par for the course.

Any Allie C? Went to IWA


Yeah, I'm the only white guy at my work as well. I've met like 2 white people at my hotel, ones schizophrenic and yells at the air, and the other just silently brings hookers home every weekend

314 reporting
Yall going to mardi gras? I've never been but I hear its fun.

Also if you guys know anybody from kirkwood area, then I probably know them. If they party, then they've probably partied at my house.

>Kirkwood is an inner-ring western suburb of St. Louis located in St. Louis County, Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the city's population was 27,540

>population was 27,540

Assuming only half these people party, you are suggesting you have had 13,770 people to you house... Gonna call bullshit on that one.

I didn't say I partied with half of kirkwood lmao. I said if you knew somebody from that area, then I've "probably" partied with them. As in a high probability, as in not EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Also it relies on whether or not you know somebody which narrows down the age range.

Well ok.

Anyone know McKenzie?