Smallest Cutest JAV/Asian Girls

Smallest Cutest JAV/Asian Girls

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I don't have any sorry.






Feels so much pedo despite the fact they are of age

Just go on loliconjav(.)pl

There is a bit of that, I just like it because of how god damned cute they are.

something about asian girls with those goofy ears is adorable

Not sure if I should put Chips Handon or PedoBear here...shit..japs are fucking small


Marina Nagasawa. She's so cute. Somehow I think the ears accentuate the youthfulness.


that name sounds super familiar, and not just cause you linked snail cosplay.


This looks like a real life loli, but I bet she is actually around 30.


OP here. I've only got so many images :p Unless someone else comes along to contribute, this thread will die. (Or I'll move it to /s/)



>I've only got so many images :p Unless someone else comes along to contribute, this thread will die

I love how the main selling point is their height in cm

you're mistaken; that's the dick size they are taking

Praise Japan for porn.

.....aaaand now you've ruined it for me.

I dont remember being in any JAV

Is there a place that streams decent jav? can't be fucked to torrent it all

hoooo thanks, that's sweet of you


But can she be smol and loli at 164cm tall? For me, it's too tall.

they're legal age, get rekt faggot

This is Pedo stuff, no matter how the girls are. Mods?

Look at the watermark. It has AV on it. Adult Video.

>legal age

>no matter how (old?) the girls are
But it literally can only fucking be "pedo" if they're underage, you brainlet faggot

>as in 18 & over
Sorry them lookinbg like they're younger triggers you so fucking much


>sh-she's of age, she just LOOKS like a child
>that means i'm NOT a paedophile
I've seen more convincing mental gymnastics trying to get around traps being gay.

Matthew 7:6

dicks are gay girls with dicks are gay girls who look like boys but dont have dicks are not gay

So these girls are supposed to just never have any kind of sexual life whatsoever, no matter how old they are, because they LOOK too young to not trigger your easily triggered ass?
How enlightened of you

>18 & over
Tell it to the judge

Liking child looking women is not pedo. Liking children is pedo.

Fuck you i just want to fap to younger looking girls

Being a pedophile means being attracted to people who look like children. Age doesn't matter here! If you're attracted to a person who looks like an adult but happens to be a minor, you're not a pedophile (but could become a child molester).

You know. I'm sick of hating child molesters. Too much hate is bad for my soul.

Yes, save that hate for people who actually deserve it


It's not the (unknown) date of birth which triggers the biological/psychological/sexual reaction, but the child-like looks.
So, yes, liking that kind of women probably means you're a pedophile.

I don't juge pedophiles. I don't care. You can fap to whatever you want. Just try not being caught.


You're a fucking faggot.


Where can I watch these?

Do you have any uncensored ones at all?

I got one small that is uncensored, but isn't as cute as most of these though: Uta Kohaku.

Rather be a faggot than a pedophile

nice try, fbi

You're attraction to a person would immediately cease if you found out they're not of age?

No, it's the actual sexual activity in the real world with actual fucking children that makes one a pedophile.

It's meant to be used with The girl, the one you want a child with. When this miracle happens, break the glass and to be sure poke a few holes in it ;)

Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me

Didn't you know there was a magical fucking brain switch that flips when one turns 18 that makes the kind of giurls they've been attracted to for the entirety of their life completely abhorrent?
What are you, a fucking pedo?

You're talking about child molesters and child rapists, not about pedophiles.
You don't have to molest or rape to be a pedophile, and you don't have to be a pedohpile to molest or rape children.
Pedophilia is something that only happens in your head.

>go to javocado com
>search mini

>What are you, a fucking pedo?
Seems so!

>b.but they're 18 i think?

What? But really. It's not fake or anything.

but its legal, do you not know the definition?

Also, in some places it's 18, in others 16 or 14. Which would mean if pedophilia had something to do with age, it could legitimately switch everytime you hop a border.
Which ios obviously nonsense.

Except to be considered a pedophile carries the same kind of consequences as actually being a child molester or rapist.
Which is, like, totally fair & not at all asinine.
So everyone might as well go out & rape & molest kids in the real world, since they're going to get treated like they did regardless.

Yeah dude not fake go ahead


>if pedophilia had something to do with age, it could legitimately switch everytime you hop a border
You trying to tell me enlightened Africans in countries with no laws whatsoever against child porn are somehow wrong?

Well, one shouldn't go out and tell other people one is attracted to minors, right? That would b stupid!

Oh so they're children lookalikes?
That's not sick whatsoever

There is no harm in googling a name. You'll find that she is a 25 year old JAV idol that is very slim.

And as a nice little feature, her stuffs are uncensored.

I just wanna find more like her.

but legal

I didn't know there where still countries which don't have such laws. Not being enforced, okay, being shitholes and such, but not having them?

Tell me what country it’s 14 in.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

And still fucked up

how boring



Those enlightened Muslims, I tell you

Here ya go :



And even so, we’ve seen how fucking retarded Germany has acted in history. Lost WW1, did the Nazi shit in WW2, crippled their economy, and now are being buttfucked by Muslims. Germany has always been a shithole run by buck tooth drunks

fugg! is she for sale? i mean, is she single?

For fucks sake can anyone post some sauce, I need this shit in my life.

when your only defense for pedophilia is the age of consent is placed like the Middle East, you know pedophilia is really THAT bad

look at all those places where the consent age is HIGHER than 18
I guess WE'RE ALL the fucking peodophiles, then

Oh shes hot sauce?

>all those places where consent is higher than 18

It’s literally one tiny country in North Africa