You have 10 seconds to tell me why whites are superior to asians

You have 10 seconds to tell me why whites are superior to asians.

>protip: you cant

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Nobody is superior to anyone else. We're all the same species, dipshit.

Uh I mean tiny asian dicks desu desu

I love delicious, pear shaped women as much as the next guy, but that's a fucking shoop and the girl was hot to begin with. The hell.


Whites can see when they’re driving

nice shop insecure white boi

Tell me more...

>pro tip: they arent

Whites don’t need to pay for surgery in order to have a crease in their eyelid

Keep telling yourself that

Whites can produce children with hair and eye colours other than black/brown

that chink has a fat COCK

even mudslims can do that, try harder

Not all look alike, eye color differences are beautiful, if you cant see that you are fucking retarded.

Whites have souls

White people can laugh

Blond pussy

Beat me to it

We’re talking about asians, not muslims, stay focused

History, science, math, flag on moon. Colonized china and made it our bitch


White women know to shave/wax a pussy

If even mudslims can do it, the lowest ranking race on the planet, its not much of an arguement is it? Seems like I understand english better than you and it is not even my second language. Try harder white boi.

Wow, you're stupid

Only a White male has the mystic power to use dowsing rods

This was not the photo I expected to be jerking off to when I came to Sup Forums tonight, but I guess life is full of surprises. :))

ITT WW2 didn't happen.

Asians are basically white. Besides the downie faces, yellow skin, protruding front teeth and a disregard for human life, of course.

You know the purebred whites lost that war, right? And the slavs (not whites) won?
>westernized whiteboi education roflmao

You have 10 seconds to tell me why whites are superior to asians.

>protip: you cant




Richer, no language barrier for commands. West girls also use cannabis more. Apart from this its pretty much east all the way though.

oh sweetie hes not cute tho...

Uh, how do you get ww2 wrong dude?
Remember when the japs gave up because of what whites did to Hiroahima and Nagasake?
I'm white and I live in Japan retard.

But... Muslims live in asia…

Because white pussy doesn't smell like rotting fish heads

Don't have more of the first set but It's of Julia Boin and Anri Okita

Normal humans only please.


Asians: protip; you can't
Whites: just did
Asians: … nuh uh…

White people created civilizations

Here is another one of her. LMAO
Whites BTFO


>whiteys actually believe this

Asian women are superior to all other races. Submissive, wettest pussies, sexually repressed, great blow jobs, fuck like animals. It's why I married a Japanese girl when I was in college. She was an international student, we hit it off, she had all the above qualities, super smart, loved me unconditionally, so we got married. Still married 14 years later, both work in $150k year jobs, still loved and supported, have 2 daughters/1 son. We still fuck like crazy, do all kinds of shit in the bedroom to keep it entertaining, everything is great. Asian women > All other races of women

Pic related: Wife's pussy.



just £150k?
Poor people


sure thing ching chong



That's a cat user

How cute - ching chong tries to post a link.

jesus christ the cat


Don't let ching chongs around rotating machinery.



First civilizations occured in the middle east.
Ib4 history prevaricator.

>one race must be superior to the other
Didn't know the outdated social darwinism was still a thing.
Well it's probably easier to valuraize oneself by claiming to be superior than millions of people who have a different race.