What is everyone drinking tonight?

What is everyone drinking tonight?
Picture related, I'm trash and I know it. No need to tell me.

dont feel bad op

im a college budget broke Sup Forumsro and I slam 40's all the time

cheap and good

Buffalo trace mixed with coke

and it's owner is a trumptard

Just tightened -pic related up-
At least I aint gotta work @ 1100

Damn, 8.1? Fuck Mickeys and OE from now on

lol, right? been drinking since I've been poor, but you can get a 6 pack of 16 ouncers for $4.99 here and it's super strong. When I'm rich again come March 15 I may just keep drinking steel reserve

Anyone underage knows this
pic related
4$ a pint and ya get shitfaced off about 2/3 of 1
by yaself

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
> too lazy to post pic
> still drinking at 0400 in Minnesota

Embrace your fetish.

not gonna stop drinking the beer because of that

Jack and coke, just like every night that don't have weed.

Fantastic, I now know the brand of the next slab I pick up, eat a dick you fucking communist.

I'm not a hipster, I just like dessert wine.

perkele viina mämmi sauna ja tietenkin olovin kolomosta,,,,,,

I got a question for you, my husband is 6'3" and can drink roughly two or 3 sometimes 4 of those. Why do you think it taste so good? I've tried to drink one myself but I can't.

It doesn't taste good at all. Only reason I drink it is because it's 2$ for a 40oz and is 8.1%

So would you say he's probably drinking to just get drunk then?

It tatse good... I aint no snitch.. tits or gtfo

I'd say so. It seems hard to believe he actually enjoys the taste.

Captain Morgan and Coke, at work XD