Hey, lonelyfag here again

Hey, lonelyfag here again.
It's probably too early for anything interesting to happen. But I mean, I don't have much else to do.
So hi, how are ya?

I'm sick and bored af at the hospital. Waddup?

I'm getting sick and I'm bored at home.
Pretty much it. I mean, I woke up like two hours ago so there's that.

>being up this early
mon dieu! get the fuck back to bed

I don't feel like sleeping sorry

see this is why you dont keep people around, i would drag you the fuck back into that bed

That's very unfair ;w;

non, we both know you would be up for that if only you intended to be more sociable

im about to start a new mmo and am here to masturbate first so i dont feel the urge to while playing

You still have a shit taste

Hey, I don't decide whether or not to be sociable.

I'm sure that's a standard strategy

no u

Nah kokichi is better than your gay ass niggas

>Hey, I don't decide whether or not to be sociable
from past threads you seems unwilling, but really with a decision to become more sociale its easier

You don't know what you're talking about.

prove it

I might have mixed easier/easy. I can only speak for my self, but even when I want to socialize the most it becomes fuel for my anxiety.

It becomes an anti-constructive event, and makes it harder to try the next time.

its easier but that does not have to make it easy
if you got any hobbies which could benefit from socail interaction thats a good way to start, hell most of the time me and my friends meet up we play cards and talk about everything

Having friends would be nice! I communicate with a few people through SoMe, but that's about it. I got a puppy last year, but every encounter with other dog-people is awkward and one-offs.

something you could do is train the puppy and attend these dog schools of sorts, now you will meet new people and ensure your dog is properly raised
welp now thats said and im out, the bed is calling.

I browse this shithole at random times but i see your fucking gay posts written by cheeto covered fat hands all the time, go oitside already

But I do go out tho


Very confused


Hot more hairy legs bois cat

but why ;w;

Do what's your plan for valentine?

Ehem **so

Why are cat girls so cute?

How about you stop avatarfagging for a first?

Go to work. Get home, eat, play games, sleep.

Cause cats are cute

But that's hard

Ha loser

hi user, tell me where you get your cute stuff

Nah. Look, I'll do it right now.

my bf is getting me some weed and then im leaving the country for a few months in two days :(

Just lurk a lot. You'll find plenty.

very true

I can't not do it

At least you're posting half decent stuff.

>tfw can't find tripcode

>half decent
I only have the highest quality stuff


Your stuff fails to impress my ADHD riddled brain. Get more stuff.

Well seems like that's all, nice to see you

Get a better brain then

I would if I could.

Try to could harder

I'm really okay user, you?


>namefag tells avatar fag to stop being a fag


aren't you on Discord?

Doing alright I guess. Just mild boredom

>fag points out fags acting like fags


Sure am, don't recognize me? It hasn't been that long, has it?


I've tried to could enough. It ain't possible.

Sue me.

she s a d d

You fags still have shit taste

It was more a question of why you use the thread instead of my Discord but alright


Not coulding trying enough

more like dis pair


haha, male genitalia

I try to could everyday though.

i dont get it

How's it going, lonelyfag?

Try harder to get it then

your animes gay nigga

Why are you such a loser?

Maybe I like japanese homosexual propaganda.


What is going on in here ;w;

born to be this way probably


no u

Also you defs didnt have as good trips as mine so dont even bother searching

That's probably true, I don't feel like wasting power on using some autistic program to get em.

Also that's the wrong kind of homosexuality.

I searched for like an hour 5 years ago and it spat this one out


Me and this stupid loner
Me on the left

That's rude as hell


I wish I could just sleep whenever I wanted, life would be much better