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first time grower here, having some issues with my fem master kush plant, any growfags around that can help me diagnose whats wrong?

Do you sing to your plants? Science shows that the melodic vibrations of singing boosts plant activity and aligns it's chemical structure in a more uniform way that promotes well-being

ask on reddit, and color correct your pictures to white light so we can actually see the plants. /r/microgrowery is good iirc

interesting, what type of music do they like?

Curling leaves inward, it's either too hot, not enough water or a combination of both.

Soothing music like Classical or slow love songs

^^this, maybe lights are too close?
needs ventilation/airflow

amsterdamfag grower here

your lights are either wy too fucking close to the plant or youre burning them with your nutes

limit nutrients, if the leafs keep shriveling within 2 days then move the lamp away

whats the best place to buy weed in rotterdam

its 20 degrees celsius in my growroom, they grow at 55 % ish humidity and they're plenty watered, dont think thats it.
the lights are about 11 inches above the canopy and i have a fan going in there 24 hours a day

Lil pump/tekashi for sativa

The weeknd for indica

four floors nigga

What's your watering system like, if you are watering from the top like my dipshit dad does than the fan and the heat combined with wet leaves will cause wind burn.

thanks fam. i normally go to trefpunt.

;its the carbon so sing in erson anything you can

Too much wind? High PPM?

got it, and i'm not feeding them nutriments right now because i thought it could be nutriment burn aswell, however i did put a bunch of nutriments in the soil when i replanted it. tiny bead looking things and they could be breaking down when i water the plant and fucking with it

If temp and water is alright you propably use too much fertilizer


Raise the light they look burnt

11 inches is to close try 18 inches above the plant a little more won't hurt

that's what you get for using shitty chinese blurple lights.

If the leaves curled down, I would say nutrients or water but they curled up so I say light but they have brown spots to

Light burn*

OP buy a LED light bank cheaper on electric and does good results

This, adding nutrient lock.

It looks like he's using leds

No it's straight up the light being to close he said it's not even a foot above the plant

Yeah you fuckin twat.... you can't flower to full potential with LED. No matter what the companies say. Only HPS. Fuckin newfag

Also not true

Nute burn, or lights are too close. Flush em with Reverse osmosis water, or PH'd water, with no nutes.

Airs too dry, not enough humidity you Fucking retard

You don't want a full flush before flower it will drain all the nutrients from the soil

Hps has nothing on natural 18 hours of sunlight, learn to grow without being a shill

Not true either I've had success at 20% rh all the way through veg and flower

honestly it could be the start of nutrient burn. If you are using nutrients i would recommend doing 2 flushes until the ppm of the run off is like 2-300. also always be sure to PH your water to 5.9 for most efficent nutrient uptake

Def light burn. LEDs should be 18" up.

Careful with nuts on youngens... if your soil is new, you dont need to treat til 4-8wks depending.

LEDs have to be inches off the plant, they are also shite but what do i know. Its water and/or nutrient lock. This isnt even hard to fucking google

You don't want to flush all the nutes out, once it flowers it will tear through the nutes in the soil, so if you flush now you'll have to add nutrients again. Just raise tge light to 18 inches and keep raising as it grows. And water it generously once until the water just starts to come out the bottom don't do a full flush you will regret it later on

Disinformation being posted, would Sup Forums discourage crime?

Larger lights such as the 450 Watt LED Grow Light should be lowered around 14-30 inches from the top of the canopy. More intense lights such as the 600 Watt and the 900 Watt LED Grow Light should be kept at 14-36 inches from the top of the canopy of your plants.

flush, then slowly reintroduce the nutes gradually, if it's nute burn, then there's too much nutes already in the soil.

I personally run a single 600w 18 inches above my plant veg and flower

Put hand in between light and plant if you can feel heat at top of plant it's to close sometimes it's the simplest solution