How come the manlets always have the best looking bitches? What makes the women attracted to this little guys?

How come the manlets always have the best looking bitches? What makes the women attracted to this little guys?

It’s the same as bitches carrying those little dogs in their purses. They feel in control. FYI pictured bitch is low tier, that’s a double bagger.

Big dick

they dont

Sure bruh.

Tall guys have dicks of all sizes but short guys are almost always hung.
t. i'm gay and kinda slutty

Big dick by proportion*

for every manlet with a hot girl I could show you 10 tall chiseled dudes with one

Unless you have any data to back up that claim, you're just kidding yourself.

I had a friend when I worked fast food who told me she only dated shorter guys so hot guys were more likely to ask her out. Holy shit though he came through the drive-thru one night drunk as fuck crying and begging for her to talk to him when they broke up. Cops came and arrested him because he refused to leave (and DUI).

Good night actually, suppose to be busy but he held up the rush.

Probably because not everyone is as retarded to feel superior over something as random as height.

I've literally never seen an example of this.

Memes aside, confident men under 5'8" are the true masterrace.


Because chad has already used her up and moved on
now she needs a "nice guy" to make her feel loved and wanted

Some girls are afraid of their man to cheat on them so they choose to date manlets as Tall guys usually are more alpha.

For example when someone short walks in a room no one notices him when someone tall and big walks in everyone looks at him.

I know this feel

aye, this plus the little dog in purse mentality

the manfaglets are just friendzoned for usual

Stop being a bitter pussy bitch and maybe somebody might actually like you for your personality

It's because this manlets learned to compensate for their shortness
While you where thinking "i'm tall, so bitched will come anyway" they already knew they had to find another way to be succesful

>stop being a bitter pussy bitch
>nothing happens

sorry to disappoint you, but life isnt a fairytale where shit changes over night just because you said so and you thought it sounded cool.

Explain her logic. Why would a girl with a shorter boyfriend attract hot guys to her?

I'm one of them tbh 6ft 2 but my dick is like 5.5inches doesn't match my body whatsooever

The manlet s put up with the chicks cheating

I'm only 5 7 manlet and I bang taller, hot chicks often. Even women who have boyfriends or are married! I'm not rich, and I'm kind of chubby too, but I have a nice face, and I'm extremely confident with zero self doubt and otherwise am well groomed. I do lift but I also like to eat LOL. I'm also balding but in the attractive way I guess.

Get it through your thick skulls women care way more about your attitude than your looks. Be strong not a weak faggot.

Oh, and my dick is average length, but extra thick. And I can have multiple orgasms while staying hard. Often marathon sex. I credit studying tantric sex exercises when I was in my teens.

Also I can cook. I am highly skilled chef.

I second this

I want to share something with you guys that I learned.Women will date anyone despite what they ever said about having a type.Short, tall, fat,skinny.You just have to say the right things or the right lies.My advice though is never stick to one girl for too long and when you break them off its best to forget about them right away.I learned from one of my homies.He could literally get any girl he wanted.He taught me some things and Ive tried them for myself.When I was in highschool I wasnt very popular.Like not even on the radar.But I was able to steal a popular guy's girlfriend with my homies advice.All of a sudden I was known all over the school.

Thats just advice, not a miracle spell though.Gotta atleast work on how you look.Dont expect to get the super hot girls if you're wayyyyyy way too fat or dirty.

So, user. Why are you so insecure about?



Is this how you do it?
You fucking loser