Best advice for school shooting

Best advice for school shooting

Shoot yourself first

use gun and shoot ppl?
if you need advice just kys instead

Get pumped up kicks to play in the background. Also if you're not a total faggot tell us what day it will be.

And don't do it unless you really have to

Use explosives

That’s two school shooting threads this morning.

What state should be concerned this time?

I want to be in the screenshot when this goes on the news.

Somewhere in april

Y do you ask op?

murder is wrong. seek mental help


Everybody come back in April. False alarm.

aim for the school's weak spot, which is usually between the gym and the library, first. this will cripple the school and make it easier to catch and finish off.

step 1 - don't post on Sup Forums about it
step 2 - have fun getting v&, kid

Yeah don't hurry get everything planned out. Tape it when you do it

Yes but this is hard to hit unless the school is positioned just right and isn’t moving.

For a slowly moving school aim for hall C between C12 and C10. It will take longer to wound but it’s easier.

Kek man, thanks for the effort with the tabs

Top kek faggy,you are as convincing as a 9 11


alright faggot how is this for you? was going to just post a fake image but because you had to open up your fucking mouth i reported you for real, have fun getting a visit from the gestapo

And this is a fake thread lol

think the fbi care? you're on a watchlist at the very least now

What will be your preferred suicide caliber once its time?


This is an active investigation thread now.
Fuck off with the idea or det arrested, faggots!

It's pretty pointless to shoot up a school these days.
Everyone will probably laugh about you after you'll be dead.
School shootings were cool in 1990's.
Now everyone is just copying Columbine guys.

>If you're a tiny guy use it to your advantage you can blend in with the rest of the student population after the fact.
>if you're not in school anymore this trick will work if you change in the bathroom
>infiltrate the school during the middle of the day bring a backpack, hoodie and bandanna
>don't forget to lock as many doors as you can before the fact
>try to shoot (haha) for their lunch period when they're all in the cafeteria it's easier to secure
>also remember to find the security room and the relevant person with the keys you'll need that footage
>most schools still use VHS CCTV so just take the tape and firebomb the security room
>make this your primary target after you emerge from the bathroom
>if done correctly you should have a bathroom with weapons, knowledge of lunch time and the security tape
>once all these bases are covered get your guns from the toilet and get it done
>shotguns and high capacity magazines are your best friend
>shotguns for the initial attack when accuracy doesn't matter
>high capacity magazine .22 rifle for when they inevitably scurry to the hallways
>enjoy the next 3-6 minutes living your pumped up kicks fantasy
>bonus points if you can strap a bomb to a corpse for false flag potential pick a muslim kid
>they will hide in rooms be sure to make plenty of pipe bombs to throw in then walk away
>school police should be shot when you take the security tapes
>DON'T use large caliber rounds as you'll get fatigued very quickly
>DON'T chase ANY target you're here for fun not work
>DON'T purchase any kind of bullet protection like a vest if you must have one use it to store more ammunition on your person
>DON'T get carried away your whole spectacle should last 10 minutes tops
>once you're done firing take your weapons back to the bathroom
>remove your clothes and put on a second pair you had in your bag
>these clothes should be to current style
>light old clothes on fire in bathroom
>light front office on fire

Start with killing yourself you fucking degenerate

Dont be a pussy and shot yourself, blow yourself up make this fuckers remember your name, shame your family so that what you did forces them to have too move, your mom and dad lose there jobs and your lil sister gets raped because you kill some niggers daughter. Oh and the only creature that cared for you, your dog get decapitated all because you were a lil pussy that couldnt handle some bullying. But yeah i would blow myself up. Good luck

kys yourself and save us all the trouble

good luck

that's oddly specific..

I was expelled from school and labeled a domestic terrorist by the FBI for talking about things like this.


New score plz kek

I'm also a homicidal suicidal schizo that ducks the institution.

What kind of things do you hallucinate?

Why do your fingers look like penises?

Neck yourself fag

Sometimes people, sometimes objects, sometimes animals and sometimes innocuous shapes that don't even make sense to me.
Most of the time it's slight blurs like if you scratched a pencil on paper for a moment then it disappeared.
Occasionally under extreme stress I detach from reality completely and enter a world of my own creation. I enjoy those moments but others don't like when I end up in their house trying to "scavenge" their canned goods.

Because you have something gay on your mind.

sounds like fun. is it fun?

Don't do it.

Can be. It's like getting to be in a movie or a video game. You know that you could die but just don't really care which propels you to do more. You're always pushing what you can get away with though. I fear I'm on the road to disconnecting and raping someone.
It's most fun when you find out some people got in on it with you thinking it was a bit. Unfortunately you don't get that much and most people are afraid.
I wish people would just come play with me but with me usually trying to hurt them I see why they don't.

Make chlorine gas bombs for the noob campers, Make sure you bring phone with nice camera and internet so you can stream for the plebs. Attach camera to forehead for maximum immersion.Bring katana or machete for the lulz. Dont waste bullets, shoot at fat kids first . Aim for new highscore. GL&HF

You know there's a well known recipe for mustard gas that so long as it was in mason jars you could carry it around. It would also make it a lot easier to break those jars in a ventilation duct after you turn the AC to max.
Just a thought.

Like nike said: just do it

Don't start as soon as you get in, wait few minutes for those who might be late

Leave note "don't come to school tomorrow" i 10 random lockers

Top kek

that's hot.

get some psychological help before you hurt some one


They'll just institutionalize him and make things worse.
Don't you ever wonder what happens to the "dangerously" mentally ill?
They essentially rip them of their rights (lookup Legal 2000 hold), imprison them and isolate them from anything that would make them happy. It's a terrible system that expects people to be happy while essentially being tortured in medical prison. They come in at all hours of the night to poke you, they take away everything you would ever love, they take away anything that makes you happy and in the end they just want to keep you there forever to rot away from society.
It's a fucked up system that expects people to be happy by taking everything that makes them happy away from them.
Hate you fags thinking psych help is always the best for you.



moar stories. do you have any fantasies or fetishes?

Use an automatic weapon, like an uzi. Carry two so you can switch without reloading if necessary. If you see someone walking towards you, aim for center mass. If possible have a buddy to back u up.


Some say fucking a donkey 10x daily for 12.5 years will grant you the powers of Eddie Murphy for 6 hours.


not my art

No fuck off.

ignore eric

ignore eric



Date birth: 10/21/1991


Your just an edgy faggot who daydreams to much.

You probably tortured lizards and frogs but thats about it.

Location or this is fake


I was about to write the same thing


Pull the fire alarm, line those fuckers up. Don't understand why no one has done this already


I wish it were this simple user then I wouldn't be as fucked as I am now.
>torturing animals
Grew out of that as well. Dogs and cats were more my speed because they're readily available and emote more.
Fuck I miss being a kid. We all use to get away with so much under the guise of "confusion" or boys will be boys.

Somewhere in April? No wonder you get bullied.


If they were smart and not stupid assholes they would have made plan for escape not this " bruh we have to shoot ourselves afterwards bruh " horseshit.

Seriously, dont be a faggot go out in a blaze, what they can shoot innocent kids but they cant shoot some policemen.

These two are nothing cruel pussy ass faggots, they just took advantage of an easy situation. The worst part is they thought this was some sort of righteous or honorable act.

I hope they are in hell getting their dicks ripped open for all eternity for being such cowards.


Kill your family and eat them


i just wanted to look at a dead body

when he smokes...




sure thing bub

Don't shoot up a school. I havd kids I'm school. They need to learn and feel safe. Dont put your unresolved issues on dead kids. Just cause you cant deal with your emotional or what ever issues doesnt mean people need to die.

dylan klebold was a jewish adonis

So are you, you posted in a school shooting thread.




How bout your grow the fuck up, we all get bullied or made fun of in school.

Some of us just decided to skip school instead of kill people.

They are dumb kids, one day they will grow out of it and maybe even apologize for being so mean.

These two faggots are cowards killing innocent people, they could have just signed up for the army if they wanted to do that.

Fuck you and fuck your kids you don't know what they do at school. For all you know they could be tormenting some kid who just wants to be left alone.

Iv been on Sup Forums for a long time, and i seriously cant understand why you faggots glorify these two lame ass pussies.

Putting away the homicidal maniacs IS better for everyone.
Except the homicidal maniacs.

>we all get bullied or made fun of in school.

dylan was a fucking heartthrob

If they're ill you expect them to get better.
If you expect them to get better you need to treat them like they can get better.
How do you expect people to learn to live in society if you can't expose them to society?
Your logic is flawed and if you support treating these people this way I implore you to go to your local hospital to find out what it's really like.
Prepare to be treated worse than a nigger in the 1800's.

Not asking about it on the internet you retard.