How does it makes you feel knowing that this 16 yo kid drive cars better than you'll ever be able to

How does it makes you feel knowing that this 16 yo kid drive cars better than you'll ever be able to.

I don't care
Does she have any nudes?

Good. How can she be hired as my driver.

Don't care

Why would anyone give a fuck?
It's not like her and me (or you for that matter) are involved in a competition.

Yeah, but see, the wage gap.


I feel so useless now not driving a car like her!

Can't parallel park.

That's obviously a 42 year old man

How does it makes you feel knowing that this 16 yo kid suck cock better than you'll ever be able to?

she makes me feel all funny in my dirty areas


I don't have a license but I don't give a shit. in Dirt Rally I always come first.

I would feel bad if my morning commute involved criss-crossing the Badlands. But since I drive on paved roads, it doesn’t bother me at all

But I don't know that.

Out there somewhere, some 15 year old kid is better than literally anything I do. That's true of everyone unless you are that kid.

Probably, but can she take me in a bare knuckle fist fight? I'd land one gentle right cross upside her thinker, then pause and admire as I watch both her legs fold up and she hits the ground like a sack of potatoes and starts poppin and lockin like a 1980's break dancer on pcp

Check mate

I feel inspired that girls can do so much with the limited intelligence and common sense they're given. Add a little guidance and direction from a man and even the most basic uterus can Excel. It's adorable when they think they're people.

/Thread also kek

Didn't quite grow out of your Oedipus complex yet, son?

ya dude

This. I'd be more impressed if she didnt have a team of men doing all the work for her behind the scenes. Ill bet anyone here $1000 right now that she couldnt even lift one of those tires off that truck.

ye i too would like to drive around in that car behind her just like that without traffic and all that.