Is it wrong that I get turned on by the thought of a snow white aryan woman flushing her genetics down the toilet by...

Is it wrong that I get turned on by the thought of a snow white aryan woman flushing her genetics down the toilet by mating with a savage African with skin the colour of a thick, warm log of shit to create an unusually ugly, caramel coloured baby? Her beautiful white recessive genes being overpowered and corrupted the dominant black ones, making her next generation of offspring darker, less intelligent, and more inclined to violence

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That’s dark but bbc on blondes is hot

No, what you're feeling is natural and should be encouraged.

Yes, you are a traitor to your race.
Kill yourself.

interracial is always hot. With all races. Must be hardwired for widening the gene pool or whatever.

No, that's the whole appeal of interracial porn.

I love how porn is fucking up your mind and everybody is on the fucking hypetrain for whatever is the current thing.

First it was "amateur", then it was cuckold shit, now its blacks. You get this shirt forced on every major porn website and every major label.

I wonder if there is a sublimal message in here somewhere :^)

goddamn thats hot. I can picture it throbbing against her pretty white face before he impregnates her


I can understand how the taboo appeal of cuckold porn is hot. But jacking to it is one thing and actually getting your wife fucked out by another guy is another. That's just... retarded

I wanna see my girl blacked

i wanna see your girl blacked too

Whiteness is meant to submissive, recessive as the strong black genes take over, darkening it so that it echoes through the bloodline forever. A pure white woman becoming a brood mother to a litter of brown mutt babies. Like a cup of raw sewage being dumped into a barrel of fine wine, fouling it. It's such a beautiful thing to imagine, I'm actually hard as I type this.

I dream of this diversification that Europe is experiencing to happen over here, and I'm glad that my country, my leader, and my people feel the same way. Litter after litter of brown babies will inherit all that we've built.

Why the hell should I be loyal to my race? There is nothing good or bad about being of different races, only the cultures that exist within those. I've met enough white trash that I know that white people are no better then any other race.

yknow the whole stereo type of blacks being dominant and white bois being little cucks would stop if u faggots stopped being such fucking cucks. jesus christ man up. threads like these are fucking embarrassing.

I just want to see her getting gangbanged by lots of large dicks, no matter the skin color.

I also want to see my girl getting gangbanged by lots of large dicks.

Ironically, stormfags are the reason I'm not loyal to my race.

this. a million times this.

Sweden is a nation I really look up to. I like to envision a pure, nordic family that has had dozens upon dozens of generations born carrying genes as pure as untouched snow, only for the family's daughter to give into passion and accept the seed of an unidentifiable negro refugee from Somalia.

His putrid spawn growing within her belly, his primitive genes now forever tarnishing a family's future bloodline forever like a splash of feces being mixed in a snowbank. No matter how much white you try to add, it will never be pure again

i just hope you are aware you cannot call yourself a man and after typing these words, u never can call yourself a man again.

Yeah she’s cute. It’s the hottest thing when she tells me her ex was bigger.

Well I'm white so I'm not very manly anyway.

Blacks are the only real men these days. We should just accept that we can't compete.

There are no reliable sources that prove that penis size vary by race. How do I know this? I know this because I read it from reliable sources such as medical journals. - "Death of a Salesman - Wikipedia"

Also penis size might vary based on the size of specific body parts such as one's feet. There is no conclusion on this.

The above link to a Wikipedia page was randomly placed there. Also race mixing is fucking disgusting; please stop.

mhmm tell me more. with pics

>being so triggered by cuck threads that you start writing a disertation on BBC

You make me very, very sad.

Just dispelled misconceptions.

It depends; do you think being a racist is wrong? If so, then yes, it's wrong to get turned on by blacking

Kill yourself
Follow your leader

I wonder what Hitler would think if he were alive today and saw the rise of BLACKED interracial porn and mass gang rapes by African immigrants in Germany lol

I don't really consider myself racist but I am a self-hating white man. So I guess you could say I'm racist against my own race.

The same thing everybody is thinking who's not a brainwashed teenager.

That its goddamn hot?


My gf got blacked at a party before we dated, I don't think much of it

Bet she does.

More of this Jew nigger spam?

You do realize that your attrackting to BBC and Interacial is foced upon you by porn industry and you're let to believe in it, being yet another sheep?

What does that mean

Okay but it's still hot af

As long as you realize that you're being used and controlled, go ahead and think of it as HOT AF LOL as much as you want.

Faggots gonna faggot.

I mean that's like saying "do you realise that the reason that you like juicy steaks is because it's forced upon you by the food industry?"

BLACKED is hot as fuck. There's nothing better than seeing a beautiful white girl get destroyed by a bunch of black bulls.

If you don't like it then fuck off.

> If you don't like it then fuck off.

Yes, that mentality never caused any problems. Fucking sheep. Just get cancer already, faggot.

t. triggered pussy

Cut yourself.

i heard Ash sucked a lot of nigger dick

Planning on having my fiancé black bred before our wedding.

Would love to see this slut get railed by that BBC. Moar?

The absolute state of the white race in 2018

that is the whitest comment i've ever read.
congratulations, you played yourself.


Has to hold on to the wall cuz blacks can't swim

Lol I bet you're a black dude, aged 15-18, Dick < 5", fat, nappy hair and you smell like McDonalds. Post more made up shit pls.

Mulatto males are 50/50 in the genetic lottery, but the mulatto woman is almost always gorgeous

whatever you say Jewish scumbag

he would be disappointed at his failure

nasty finger nail


i'm not the guy pretending to be her boyfriend. i just heard that she got blind drunk at a party and sucked off a few guys. and as the pic shows, she is obviously a past coalburner. i don't care, i'd fucking destroy that, she is soooo fucking hot


Great ass!!!!! Any more good pics?? Jerking it to her

>black bois getting 9/11’d

Someone was insecure enough to make this. Truly sad.

yeah, i have a few. too lazy to see if i'm reposting, maybe Sup Forums will catch it for me

Holy Shit... I Think I know that girl...
Source? Looks like A girl named Charlotte McNair


any more pics of her?

the pot calls the kettle...



Fuck what a body!!


Is this just a girl from your jerk off folder? She's amazing

What are you trying to imply? It's not like I saved that picture for threads like these just to give myself an ego boost.

Oh big words, you American dog, just make sure you don't escalate beyond words. You keep handing over your tax dollars annually to Israel or else. And if we need to start any wars you be sure to provide your soldiers to die for us, faggot.
As long as you behave like a good dog we'll let you vent your cucked frustration on the internet, just dont get any ideas above your station. Make Israel great again !

Makes valid points tho. It’s got to be the same 2 or 3 people generating these threads and making 90 percent of the posts. You can tell by the logic, the way they type, the interracial porn pictures used, the general way criticism or differing opinions is responded to etc, that it might even be a single individual who does this. Autistics do take comfort in repetitive behavior... like engaging in the same horseshit on Sup Forums.


Most likely is. Pretty sure I’ve seen her in various threads under a bunch of different contexts. Not sure tho, only about 80 percent sure.


damn, any of her takin some dick?


What I would give to shove my cock in her asshole

Any nudes?

this is Ashley. her boyfriend, or someone that claimed to be, posted a lot of these on a Sunday morning about 2 years ago when she was at mass. he gets off on wanting to set up a gangbang and watch her take about a mile of nigger dick, but it's all in his head. i doubt she even knows she's on Sup Forums.
and yes, she is hot as all fuck. there was even a guy that made fakes of her, she actually has a following. pic related

I fantasize about watching her service a BBC


Its natural. We want to see them humiliated and ruined. Same reason we want to see them fucked by dogs, horses and homeless men. The more innocent she is the better.

or two

"savage" blacks

This is now the best image in my spank. bank. Any more of the fakes?? How do I join the following, how big is the following

Yeah seriously but then again this is /b where faggots dwell and normal mother fuckers cringe scrolling for something decent to show up.

well, there are some that he claimed were of her, but i'd take that with a grain of salt. here is the only one that i think might actually be her, but even this is iffy. nice ass though

Buuuuurn.... also logical truth

> samefagging this hard

Compare it to the fat ass in the bikini. Fat ass, skinny waist...I believe

some of the worst justification for your bullshit beliefs ive ever seen.

jews in the media are pushing white woman/nonwhite man relationships. nobody gives a fuck about a white man's ethnic fetishes.

>How do I join the following
show up here on a sunday morning USA time. the guy that is maybe her actual b/f likes to post her when she's in church. he's not here every week, but you might catch it.

Yes, very wrong

> samefagging this hard
well, about half of those are me, and i never claimed to be different posters. what's your fucking point? i'm the guy supplying all the content

da joooz

Fuck I want to cum in this chick!!! Anything more? I'd fap daily to her