Is this true?

Is this true?

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Look at Sweden and all those brown babies. You tell me.

Pretty sure that’s cuck thinking. But then again...



To a certain extent, yes. At least, this is the extreme form of leftist ideology just like the extreme form of right-wing ideology is caving in the heads of spooks.

>all liberals have cuck fetishes
I mean... surely not all of them..

Isn't the whole cuck thing about getting off on being humiliated?.

Which is why we need to put more Planned Parenthoods in low income areas, because that's where most of the blacks live.
Abort more of their babies, and we'll have less niggers in our country.

Actually poor and middle class conservatives appear to be the biggest cucks. They just want to give everything to the rich without question with the hopes that some scraps trickle down.

Except abortion is murder.

tasty tasty murder......

>B-but killing niglets is bad

Any reason why I should feel bad about that?

Honestly, a lot of right-wing people harbour cuck fetishes too. I would daresay right wing people do more, especially racists since you see stuff like that (degeneracy/black people/perversions) as a taboo, and so your mind becomes more inclined to indulge in those taboos since it causes excitement and creates dopamine.


>unironically starting post with “Actually...”
Your worldview is noted. Feel better?

No, you can just search on the internet but the fans of interracial porn skew right-wing and even racist

It's true. I'm liberal and I literally don't give 2 shits if the guy in my porn is black or white. Then I get to thinking why people even would. Like why is it hot for a chick to bang a black guy? Oh, maybe if you're racist and think she's being bad or some shit. Interracial is for racists.

Because it legitimizes the murder of white babies.

>liberal cucks

Conservatives = cucks
Be mad bro


The world works a certain way and liberals choose to ignore it.

Take for example someone with bad credit. This person has shitty credit but they feel super bad about it and swear they're going to do better. They tell their sad stories to people and made a plan to make it right.

They need to be loaned some money. A Liberal will take their sad story, feel super bad about it and loan them money. They'll then feel great about themselves. They'll call everyone else selfish assholes because "people change" or "everyone is not like that" or whatever. They'll pull up statistics about how if a down and out person is given a leg up, they'll become productive so the loan was a good thing. And 7, 8 or 9 times out of 10 they'll never see their money back. But the few times they do will be held up as proof that their system is the right way.

It's like this with everything when it comes to liberals. They fail to balance the risks to the reward. They'll fail the majority of the time, those fails will be swept under the rug and forgotten, and they'll brag nonstop about their wins.

>The world works a certain way


I don't think you understand liberals. Liberals are about giving freedom not taking it. They wouldn't care about your fetishes, as long as everyone is consenting. They wouldn't ban cars but encourage a system that that diminished the need for cars in heavy pedestrian areas. If they are trying to shut doors not open them don't let them tell you they are liberal.

>paying attention to buzzfeed

Uh, cars should be banned from big cities, but not because of m-muh terrorism.

Dumb fuck, doesn't know liberals and democrats are different.

Whoever made this should be executed for crimes against comedy.

I only ever see such fervent cuck obsession in right wing circles.

jesus christ, i despise libtards and even i find this thread retarded

thats like saying republicans are different from nazis

>Liberals are about giving freedom not taking it
>as long as everyone is consenting

Like the freedom to choose whether or not you consent to paying an extra portion of taxes that is committed to growing the size of the nonworking consuming demographics that only vote liberal.

they live in their own cycle of stupidity and blame everyone outside for their problems

Whereas the libs want to give just enough to the poor to make themselves look good while lowkey making the rich richer

You sound like a little bitch

>Actually, according to my sociology professor, if you hate black people, youre the cuck. Brb, gotta go feed my wifes bulls.

Except that's implying that liberals are loaning their own money, and not just taking from others and spending 5% on some charity case while pocketing the rest

We could also say all four are the same in regards to the fact they could all be classified as political parties.

>the world works one way and i'm about to describe it on Sup Forums

well actually. also the real nazis were communists and democrats.

the promotion and usage of public transportation and bicycles should get rid of the need for a lot of cars in a city. This plus the coming of autonomous vehicles will mean a drastic change in how cities are zoned and organized. Just because you're a fat lazy dumb piece of shit that can't fathom not driving somewhere (or you live in some shit area with terrible public transportation) doesn't mean there shouldnt be strong public options.

Again, being a liberal, and being sack of shit who doesn't own up to themsevles is different. Shitty people are shitty people

Are. Not were. Are.

>implying you can think and be liberal

Almost got me there OP.

>Shitty people are shitty people
They just tend to often vote blue.

To be fair, I'm more inclined to believe that a conservative is more likely to be a cuck. For a liberal, it's more like Stockholm Syndrome. They have no choice but to let their wife fuck other men, lest the relationship end. The convince themselves that they're aroused, but read any blog from a liberal cuck. You can watch as he convinces himself that he wanted that lifestyle, otherwise he'd have to admit that he's just a surrogate father for a deluded middle class white girl: pay for everything while she acts like a spoiled whore.
For a conservative, I could see the taboo and structured emasculation being something that he would get some sort of perverse joy from

What a massive faggot you are. Also, Idon’t like nigger porn cause it lookes like she’s shitting from her vag, and that my faggotty friend is a massive boner killer for me

There are 3 penises in that photo. Guess who owns them.

No they werent

Do you unironocally believe that there are still card carrying members of German workers party from the 1930s waltzing around? I thought that was just something you called people when they confronted you with facts during an argument

The jews?

Fair enough



I usually consider easily impressionable and flimsy people who blindly agree with the first well presented point to cross their path, shit. So really it comes down to who accidentally recruited them first.

shit this logic is so perfect. save'd.

bullshit. liberals are modern conservatives and conservatives are liberals because free markets decides.
give it 1 year and liberals want to ban porn

If a party of people want to attempt to ban porn, regardless of what they sell themselves as, I would never call them liberals.

Libtard here, and I like my porn too much to even think about banning it.

comservatives are the religious nutbags that do shit like trying to ban porn, while having a massive porn collection. or passing anti gay legislation while being in the closet

Liberals all need euthanized. They are disgusting wastes of oxygen. They're pissed off all the time simply because nobody loves them, and even disgusting Sup Forumsrothers dislike them.

You're a liberal? Take that energy you're spending being angry and off yourself.

Libtards are weird little pussy bastards that do nothing but stay annoying and occasionally pollute the gene pool (in the off event that they're actually laid, even rarer laid buy an actual member of the opposite sex and not just another mentally deranged fuck pretending to be).

...but if the female party in the encounter is actually a female, the beta male party will go to jail, because the female party will use a false rape claim to have an outlet for her mental illness.

kill all libtards

how does "wanting the government to control everything" about giving freedom? How is wanting to ban hate speech, guns and forcing other to accept their way of life that has only been seen in the previous 10 or so years about giving freedom? I don't think you have a good idea of what freedom is.

Nah, am liberal. Fuck niggers. Fuck feminists. I do think we're all equal, but no need for the special treatment they all think they deserve.

Also, wasn't a response to the stupid image. Of course not, no one is fucking my girl but me, stop spreading propaganda.

I will grant that, however i am totally certain that the vast majority of cucks are liberal. What I mean here is people who willing allow their wives to fuck other men. I further posit that all out and proud cucks are liberal. A conservative might have an actual fetish, but he would be ashamed. A liberal would pretend he likes it because his ideology commands it.

Most of the people letting niggers fuck their wives are poor white trash trump supporters.


>People actually watch dudes fuck girls
You like seeing cocks and man ass on your screen, faggot?

Solo porn is the way to go, you're supposed to imagine yourself fucking the girl

those people you're calling trash are the true Americans, you retarded commie cocksucker.

Yep. Very true.

Not so much comedic as it tells you the psychology behind liberal thinking

Citation needed

nah, that's definitely a conservative thing, the average liberal wouldn't agree to have a wife because they don't believe in borders

This is unironically part of Agenda 21. They do indeed want to ban cars. I guess that's the next narrative they're going to push soon? They'll start in Europe and move to the USA.

"hurr durr conspircearacy!!!!"

Yeah fuck off idiots. Read agenda 21 and look into what's planned for california after the fucking laser-weapon fires that just happened there. Not fucking forest fires. Fuck you.

You deserve to live in a micro apartment during agenda 21 under a totalitarian regime. The rest of us will keep our cars.

>true Americans
Pretty sure everyone that was born in America is a "true" American, pleb fuck

movie's name?

And yet your side is the side that cringes at the sight of the American flag, preferring to fly the ISIS flag in its place. FUCK. YOU. COMMIE. COCKSUCKER.



wrong thread kill me

Dude those people are far less dangerous to the country than the average NSA worker or CIA agent. They may be many but a massive horde of antifas or retarded liberals will do a lot less to destabilize the country than a single CIA agent's career.

>cringes at the sight of the American flag, preferring to fly the ISIS flag in its place
Nah, pretty sure that's terrorists, brah

Where do you live?

more like "what the right thinks the left is saying"

Liberals, terrorists... same fucking thing.

And even if they aren't literally flying ISIS flags, you can't deny they hate the sight of the stars and stripes.

No, it's what you're saying. You're either in denial or just plain ignorant.

samefag. and no, they're not, and no they don't, retard.

fat, hippie shirt and tranny in doorway

Fucking love that game. Now I have to go find my copy and re-install it.

i only hate black woomen, im racist?

You're right, democrats are conservative now.

No, you're missing out.

no, it's a strawman stuffed by racists who can't make intelligible arguments so they resort to crude maymays

republicans used to be liberals you stupid fuck, back before Goldwater

What's the difference

>...said the cuck, filled with impotent rage.