What's Sup Forums drinking?

What's Sup Forums drinking?

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Cheap cider

an APA, why?

Nice, having whiskey myself
About to enter the fog

Just asking
What APA? Never had one tbh

I only have cheap whiskey, I wih I had my friends stash instead of Johnnie Walker, he has a lagavuhlin

some lager
never saw the point in drinking shitty whiskey, at least have a single malt

It's a question of getting fucked up... I don't want to waste a good whiskey on getting fucked

Blizzard Bock dark lager

guess so, and you'd lose any complexity if you down half a bottle in an hour

Everybody keeps telling me Lagavulin is great and tbqh I've yet to have it

Hear hear

Lemon aide & vodka. Russian Vodka

fuck this hipster art school cunt and all her hipster art school co-conspirators

Stella Artois and Bacardi

It's really one of the better I've had. But then again, I'm not much of a whiskey guy, I prefer rum

>visible snapcap

American Pale Ale. Think of an IPA but with 'murican hops. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale as an example.

But thinking about it, if you're in the US, you'd probs just call it a Pale Ale...

>Say what you like about the US of A, you fucks can make a good beer. Cheers!




nothing, although i'd do anything for a beer right now, fuck

Suck a nigga's dick no homo.

Beer called Kaiserdom Kellerbier Unfiltriert

anything but that, a slight clarification

US' bitter is great, but fuck their lager; the shipment we get over the pond is piss

shit me too
89 days sober

suck a whitey's dick

nice my dude

hey man, if you ain't gay, you ain't gay. No homo but a nigga get his toes sucked.

Coffee because I quit drinking starting yesterday.

grape juice

Aye, fucking NWO kikes

Next time I go shopping

I knew the A was for America
Not sure I've had any American beer

Fuck 89 days dam son i am only on day 2 and i know i could get a drink if i tried.
But i am trying really hard not to.


What happened yesterday?


yeah i was a raging alky and i needed to cool down. the first ten days was hell i wont lie, but it got easier around week two. now every day is about the same. im not craving anymore but i still want also this sound triggers the fuck out of me


What would posses you to find that vid man. That have me a chubby and I am drinking

Cheap Rum, I am more of a whiskey guy but this was cheaper.

for the most part american beer is straight up ass but we do have a few good ones. blue moon comes to mind

Some Monster Zero Ultra

A glas of Masi Campofiorin 2005.


See that was what I'd heard way back when. But some mates have been recommending a few APAs

Whey protein shake


>What would posses you to find that vid man.
that sound is like porn to the alky trying to stay dry
pic related is me when the sound of a can opens anywhere within a 40 mile radius

soooo how old is she



Tecate Beer

>tfw sober 16 days today
I kind of miss it. I miss living in that empty warm space that blackouts offered me. I miss the taste and smell. I miss loose and carefree. I miss a lot of what drinking offered me, but it was turning me in to a retarded machine that only lived to get fucked up. I miss a lot of what drinking offered me, but it took so much of my humanity and my soul away in the process. It left me an empty shell of a person.

apple juice

I'd post my manboobs but I won't

Lagavulin is great indeed, perfect balance between peated smoke and ocean salt if that's how you'd describe it in english.

As for me, 2 Chimays before bedtime, sucks to work on sundays. Baguette here btw.

About to have my first ever gin and ginger ale

We got a developed pallet ITT
Now I really gotta pick it up
Gotta make money somehow
Even if it offends god




Dark red wine. Pinotage.

İs there porn video of she?

beerlao ftw

There's an app for that now

ginger tea

Brewdog Punk IPA and Stella

nothing thats very good for ur body, so m8 stop drinking alk its still not good for ur body!

water so I can stay hydrated

It's good for my spirit

A sleeve of 99 apples minis. Room temp, water chaser. Yep

Your moms pussy juice fuck wad.

Devil's path ipa from catskill brewery, NY

Woah brie
I don't want no trouble

Making my way through a bottle of this, pretty good

this nigger's doing it right

>drinking a beer called 'beer'

thats the best bourbon on the planet imo. Kicks like a mule, smooth as glasspaper. Gorgeous.

Had some cheap whiskey, it was surprisingly nice though

So much beer
Vodka, Blue Moon, Heineken, Bud Light...
I really need to stop

Best bourbon for the money imo

>bud light

How can Americans enjoy this "beer". Drank it last summer when I was In America, it's terrible

We don't stop til we want to
Almost emptied half a botten of whiskey, One of you faggots is going down with me


Nothing, but I might go pick up some apple cider for tonight.

You don't enjoy it. You drink it cause its incredibly cheap and if you are drinking with women they prefer it cause its lighter.
So it's a party beer, that being said if you buy it for just yourself you are a disappointment.
Light beer as a whole is considered a female drink

Figures. Thanks for clearing that up, user

Cats piss...


So good, it was reduced today so had to get a bottle but probably won't be any left tomorrow

Protein shake
>not like an innuendo one either

Fuck it, I'll just get drunkk
no point in stopping now

I disagree. Well, I agree its a terrible beer, and an even worse lager, but as a beer drinker, all beers have their place.

Granted, any Bud/Miller/Coors is a garbage 'beer'. But I'd be a liar if I said I never enjoyed a few pints of any of the above at some point.

Take Bud, its a knock off of a good pilsner, and tastes like rice water... But fuck me if It isnt good after/during a long day in the hot sun. An IPA or a real ale wouldnt be nearly as good.

THAT SAID, I appreciate the IPA/ale more than the bud, in all facets. Im a full on hop head, and can chat beer-geek shit with the best of them. But to decry bud as 'its just shit, its always shit, itll never be more than shit', is narrow-minded IMO.

This is not a defence of BMC style beers, (even though they are arguably harder to produce than an IPA/APA/etc), merely an argument against the hate they get.

Who cares what beer you like? who cares what beer I like? We all like beer, of one form or another. So, whats the big deal?

arizona green tea

hennessy and i haven't had a drink in months before tonight. x's suck

all beer tastes like shit
i just dont care

beer and xanax

I'm gonna down glass five and pour glass six in honor of you user

voodoo ranger 7%
tropical torpeda
natural ice

>x's suck
lmao tis better to have loved and lost faggot


While I half agree with what you said that all drinks can be good my issue is with light specifically. Why would you take a mediocre beer and then literally water it down so it not only has less alcohol content but also less flavor.
Light beer is a sin to mankind

spiced apple cider my nigga

I knew nothing about brandy and wanted to try it. So over a few months I bought bottles of every brandy you could get in the local supermarkets. Some were fucking awful, some were ok. But I kinda feel like Hennesy is not a great brandy. It's OK, but not any better than others cheaper than it, like Remy Martin.

I kinda feel like people drink it because of rap.

Tea, because it's 1am and here in civilisation we drink tea

Amaretto and milk. Old people drink that actually tastes sweet as fuck.