Seriously, what is the deal with this rat looking sell out?

Seriously, what is the deal with this rat looking sell out?

no clue who that is.

He is a youtuber who is also a dick with big ego

you've just described 95% youtubers

He is rich by click baiting teens and using his fame to trick business to give him first class everything. I've been in the same room with this dude, and he thinks the whole world knows him

At least they dont look like a rat



He's he a vlogger or a prankster (?)

You gotta give it to him though.
He got rich and succesful looking like THAT and without any real talents or producing anything of note.

just another youtube narc
cant fucking stand them


This is what he supposed to look like normally, I guess he took the wrong med or something and fucked his genetic makeup

why do you guys say narc and sellout? can someone try to explain?

Just some random ass libcuck by the look of it.

That is the sign of a failing humanity

>homo says wat

havent seen the video but i think op is referring to the one about neistats view on logan paul


Casey Neistat, aka "The Caveman"

his mom went on this ride everyday while pregnant with him

He is narcissistic, no doubt. Camera points at him, talking about himself. He vlog his daily life and take advantage of his fame to get free shits by advertising them like what sell outs do.

Nah, I don't buy that.
He's was basically at the right place at the right time. He made it big in the early enough in the vlogging boom/bubble.
He made an absolutely useless app that got bought out for a gajillion dollars.

There are about >9000 Neistats out there jacking off into their walmart socks somewhere in the midwest.
He's got a lucky break and juuuuust smart enough to parlay that into big money/fame.

Monnestadt 7, he's that fag from youtube

Different case, IMO.
He's just another rapper with a gimmick. Niestat got fucking media coverage and the world was fucking slobbering over his dick at one point.

You know those fucking event where you gotta pay $100 to hear some trust fund babby CEO talk about leadership and synergy?
Neistat was selling out those shit and making a good mint out of that for a while.


The only words that come to my mind when I look at his face are "Something went wrong"

I don't disagree with you, I've never really heard of him before. I posted that photo only because to me they look like they could be brothers or something. Kek.

Hes not a sell out. He was trying to become successful since always.

I still don't know him, but I've heard of him. I think the paul's have more notoriety. I thought he was like the fine bros at some point who was famous, but not actually in his videos...

Still not sure.

He made a video telling people he was voting for Hillary Clinton and that they should do so too

guy is a complete sellout he persuaded his viewers to vote for Hillary and later explained that he was paid to do so

just a jew

>He's was basically at the right place at the right time.
aaaaaaand i'm out.

I live near where he's originally from
for some reason there are a lot of people that look like this

Nigga looks like the spokesperson for fav customer at lil bits. Tiny mouth perfect for eating there.