If you had to pick one race to genocide today, which race would you exterminate and why?

If you had to pick one race to genocide today, which race would you exterminate and why?


Contribute nothing beneficial to society on a global level and their removal will up the average IQ of the species significantly.

they disgust me


The human race. We're fucked up, hurt ourselves and other living beings enough up to the point of threatening life on Earth.

Obvious reasons.

I kinda wanted to say jews, but they at least contribute a good amount for their size.
Yeah, niggers


On condition that the machibe/system that does it can see into every person's soul and see the truth. No hiding or false denial to save their hides.

If no truth routine, Arabic Muslims. At least it would cut their numbers.

If I could assign a race, it would be traps/furries/bronies/log posters.


Obviously they arent all bad but most of them are islamic and to be fair it seems like a sucky oppresive religion (speaking for a non religious neutral point of view)

>most of them are islamic

OP said race, idiot.

Yeah this.
Let me add: stupid people.
Perhaps he meant "Arabic"? I say that because I don't mind SE Asian Muslims.

They're a superior race in pysical terms so suit yourself, but once there are more holes in the ozone layer and skin cancer is much more common to catch by the milky white alt-right neo nazis you're gonna regret killing all the"niggers" you could have crossbread with

Probably the 400 meters, they're not as exciting as the 100m or the 800m

>They're a superior race in pysical terms

Irrelevant. We have machinery to pic cotton now.

I know that they can be black white asian whatever but some of them are so retarded they might aswell be clased as another race

Thats what I meant
Sorry i used the worng terms ima stupid piece of trash

and their elimination will reduce CO2 emissions and reduce starvation worldwide

But the rest of my post IS relevant
If we crossbread then we all get stronger
And once the world is fucked (mad max style[and it will]) superior pysical conditions will be ceirtanly relevant

post your cuck fantasy somewhere else

The fact that they are starving and not extinct yet goes yo show they're pysically superior and we could ceirtanly use those characteristics in out gene pool

Shut up faggot

Post your nigger hatred somewhere else
If youre gonna kill a race then kill a useless one like Arabs

the human race

>milky white alt-right neo nazis



>Sup Forumsacks



I can do without professional sports and interracial porn to eliminate crime and welfare.

whites, for teh lulz


they're not starving because they live on free food handouts from the UN. Stop the UN food trucks and they all die because they are too lazy to move to where the food is

Kinda proving his point.


Niggers, no question about it. You would pretty much empty Africa, drop the crime rate in developed nations immensely while doing it, and take a sizeable chunk out of Islam at the same time.

Universal win for everyone but the NFL & NBA.

Italians. No reasoning needed.

Asians. It would free up a LOT of space and food.

the white race, it's whites whom have the interracial fetish shit, every single white country becoming 'multi-cultural' is some sick shit indeed.

Whites have got to go and whoever came into contact with white peoples' degeneracy also need to be purged or else the serpent seed will continue to spread.


Goddamn fucking niggers (because this is Sup Forums and therefore i'm obligated to say that)


If we crossbreed we get dumber mentally, but stronger physically. Gee, kinda reminds you of... Niggers?


My house would double in value over night without all these shit skins clogging up the neighborhood.


I'd eliminate all caucasians (including myself) in order to save the rest of the human race. Whites have done too much shit to everybody (including themselves) to be worth keeping around. Fuck us all. Other racces haven't done nearly half the shit whites have done wrong. Jesus! Look at climate change, deforestation, & stuff like that. The whole fuckin' planet will not be able to support human life and this is happening under the white's rule! Goddamnit! We had our chance & fucked it up for everybody but the aliens (so far).

East Asians. Bunch of entitled, soulless pieces of shit.

the chinese. they breed, like maggots and they conquer like assholes.


Hollywood celebrities.

human is a specie not a race

white devil cracka

white folk need to go

Whet the world is gone to shit we all become animals once again
And being smart wont matter
Only how fast you can run and how quickly you can kill

>> Yes we need more cuck threads
Thanks faggot



Slavics. So Hitler 2 has less opposition.

Or we could concentrate on not chimping out and it not going to shit.


Because Chinese.


I agree us whites have a retarded inferiority complex that makes us racist

The jews are not really a race, but they need to go now. All wars would end overnight.


You've been brainwashed by the hasbara trolls.

I'm going to say the daytona 500. Exterminate the rednecks AND the floridians, it's a win-win.

Christians....or whoever replaced all the juicy teen threads with faggotry, and other stupid bullshit.

Nigs definitely. Nothing of value will be lost and entire country of riches will be there for the taking.

Every single fuckin' believer in God(s)

blah blah blah nigger nigger niegger
you dumb ass racists
who cares about the niggers
I hope you all kil youreslf

chinese because china

We're going to shit either way, and its the whites fault too
Might as well chimp out in the process

Is cucks a race?

Americanos because they have no culture whatsoever besides going to McDonald's and getting fat.

Wish I could say everyone from North America but if I had to pick it would be those fucking gypsies.

Is Trump supporter a race? If so that is my wish.

The human race


I don't even hate niggers, I would erase any race that would net me 200k overnight if it required no effort. I'm

Gorillas because one day they will evolve into less evolved niggers.

id imagine once u have a buisness of selling organs, once it runs dry, u have enough money to not complain for 20 years

>We're going to shit either way, and its the whites fault too

My reasons are my own.

Based answer.

Homo Erectus.
I'd bring them back from extinction and exterminate them all over again.

All the more reason to get rid of them so your version of a dystopian future doesn't end up being run by niggers. This way we have a better/quicker chance of getting back on track.
Fun fact, humans have been saying we're going to crap for at least 6,000 years. Old clay tablets prophesize the end of times due to the corruption and natural immorality of man.

Don't forget BBQ and fried butter on a stick you ignorant shit

If nations aren't going to enslave them again, niggers. They're not even humans and are wasting an entire continent.


No one
Race genocide is retarded

Yorkshire Terriers

Fucking annoying ass dogs.

The Alien race.

One free universe coming up.