OwO?! What's this?

OwO?! What's this?
No Rekt thread?
Rekt/Gore Thread. Fill this shit up

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Any lurkers?

Bump this shit /b

Dafuq is going on


Fucking nerve gas , some kind of ww2 footage, maybe ww1

Is that a sacrifice or why would you cut through the organs like that



South koreans, this is a traditional thing. They do this town wide and get some good food out of it, personally this is a bit brutal way to kill the pig, my family and i usually shot them or cut their neck when making a family pot luck.
Mortal fatality shit isn't the best for the pig

I believe this is how chicken nuggers are made




Must've been his first ceremony

Got a thing for the bacon

Context, Please?

Mah chitlins



That's what you get for trusting nature

This meme died a year ago... NEXT!


dumdass newfag thinks everything is a meme

her pussy got rekt? qualify?




Any story on this?

Anybody? :/

I think she's either being bullied or submission. I think submission

bitches be crazy


Lurkers? I just wanna know im not posting for NOTHING.


keep it comin'

I'm here. Got any more animal rekt?

pls, ill give u 1 4chanbuck


forgot to say source pls



it's so relaxing . its a nice beautiful day of golf. yet it's horrible at the same time

By the thumbnail I thought he was just having fun on the ball pit

Some bitch cheated with the other bitches man or something.

Whoa is that real?

Thank ye :3
lemme see, fbi man
Lmao i wish someone would photo shop this dude as trump

Filename kek

kid looks like he has downs

Lmao fun times for someone
Yeah dude they had one a whle before this one of an 8 year old shooting multiple dudes i believe.

Fuck at least the got the crotchling out of the way


Oh no! There is a dog running to my leg! Of course my suit cannot protect me anyhow and i have to shoot it to the head? You may ask why didnt i shoot its leg or something? Dont fucking ask lol



fucking kek i am going to get punished for laughing

anyone have that webm of the snake opening the door handle or something and sneaking in and going into a room where a bunch of guys run away

it is new thailands you idiot

Just curious ever shot a gun? Idk personally I've shot a few handguns and rifles. Takes me a while to aim but I get my target most of the time. It's a little hard to shoot as something 'narrow' as a leg. But I agree you're not going to die from a dog. Unless it's like professionally trained to go for your neck. Then again if you stick your finger in it's ass or pop it's nose it'll let go really fast, idk about pit bulls though they don't have 'lock jaw' but they don't like to let go...

have you ever heard a pig scream?
shit will hunt you for life

this can't be real. please don't be real

Go to hell

bramd new fag detected


Yeah their scream is deafening. Like it's at the frequency that makes you evolutionary speaking respond to fear and pain. Not to mention it's at a super high decibel.

Wtf how is that nigga even alive


I'm just the messenger lol but yeah i couldnt stand the sight of a kitten getting brutalized irl :/

How do you feel /b? Knowing a fucking insect has had more contact with tits than your virgin ass?

i was breast fed


No animal gore pls

Keeping a baby human alive doesn't count, i was breast fed and vaginally entered into this world, because of breast feeding and the extra bacteria in contact with my new flesh i have an automatic advantage in life. (look up the vag birth advantage it's a real thing)

Well his ancestors did decide to settle in an area that has little rainfall, poor soil for farming and is an uncontrollable crossroads for trade.


Animal rekt is for pussie.


miserable chinks

never drink a work


nerve gas usually targets either ACH or chloride. Here acetylcholine esterase (probably) as you can see the muscles spasm and lock. Chloride could do the same but this is old and the acetylcholine gasses are old too


are you one of the special ones?

It's one of their main sources of food. Are you Vegan or do you eat meat? You torture animals or even plant life. Look up Plants screaming german laser sounds. It's a real thing plants scream in their own way, by releasing chemicals etc, they sense attackers and cause an effect. everything is torture, unless you eat chemicals. THen you can argue that by changing chemical bonds in your stomach you're inuring those, causing them pain. Pain is universal get over it

I want to know the story behind this

Apparently nobody knows how to read a filename

Im fucking drunk now. anyone else can contribute? :s


This is why nigs shouldn't get guns, they like to shoot shit with no reason

Lmao this made me lol more that it shoulve

This cop isn't a nigger.


Most of you thought that people who jump of extremely tall spans into water die.

You're wrong. It's not "like hitting concrete". It's like falling into water.

Most survive. The Proof is in the video. The ones who die can't swim.

That's what you get when you approach a police officer in a menacing way. I'd have gunned you down too. $100 says this is a 'good shooting' by the books.

is that a baby blood puddle there at the end?

where's the cable?

he got salmonellla

Broken wine bottles.

My first WTF in one of these

Ikr lol


Cables are for pussies!