

Why is this surprising? Probably has pictures of her hung up on the walls of the interracial breeding grounds




Is he paid to shill?

jesus why does he look 60 here

No he's just that pathetic, probably has something to do with low testosterone count


Reminder that Louis Cuck King is the original cuck, used to describe him way before the meme got popular.

Patrice used to call him Louis spiCK


why would liking hillary imply a low testosterone count? people who were cognizant in the 90s generally like the clintons

>cuck does cuck shit
>more news at 11!

no u

They did a study and that is what they found. Male Hillshills have a low testosterone count. What kind of man would let a woman lead them? Low test ones

The irony here being this rumours of this guy being a sexual predator to female comics who work with him have been floating around for years.

often the ones who virtue signal the most are the real criminals

> rumor

Been proven to be true, hope the trump curse hits him soon

I've heard this before, that it comes from a feeling of guilt. Basically, the more PC someone is the more they feel guilty. Often it's just white guilt, but sometimes it's genuinely criminal.

I really butchered that sentence, I got my eye on the television. But yeah, he forces women to watch him jack off apparently.

I'd want the left to eat itself. That would be sweet.