Unpopular opinion thread

unpopular opinion thread
i'll start
>pink floyd is overrated
>most movie reboots are better than the originals
>indie games are shit

>pink floyd is overrated
Nobody even talks about Pink Floyd anymore.

>>most movie reboots are better than the originals
They objectively spend less time and money writing / shooting them, so that's an interesting perspective.

>indie games are shit
...any specifically? I thought Braid was okay.

i didnt realize i had to justify myself
oh wait, i don't
fuck off.

>Jews are ok

It's a discussion forum you fucking retard. No wonder you have such retarded opinions.

>it's a discussion forum
no it's a blind argument cesspool.
i don't feel like arguing with people i dont fucking care about.

>no wonder you have such retarded opinions
unpopular =/= retarded

Found the jew

>opinion "discussion"
literal retard

when did i say discussion?
don't put words in my spot that i didn't type numbnuts

You don't have to

But if you don't justify them then this becomes a bait thread

Is not a ''unpopular opinion'',just an attempt to get attention

Elton John sucks ass and had never written a single decent song.

Radiohead is boring

James Cameron’s best film was Titanic.

Tool sucks.

>hunters should give there killed deer to McDonalds

Dubstep, trap, mumble rap and all that new age stuff is total trash

I'm really frustrated.
Why the single most important aspect of a human being would be the hole they want to be penetrated or penetrate? Why the hell the most "pride" people have is their sexuality? Or the fucking ethnicity wich is 0,5% of their entire genome? Or fucking religious belief, wich doesn't even influence the reality.
Where the fuck is the human mind pride? The conquerors of this planet. The discoverers of science. Soon the explorers of other planets. Why would I value a cock in my ass and be proud of being gay and didn't be proud of medicine, physics, math.
Why there are country flags and pride every fucking where, even if they represent completely arbitrary borders and no fucking earthborn pride?
Sorry for my pessimistic tone.


>indie games are shit
That's not even a genre, you are hating on small developers. I see you don't like justifying, but that does not make much sense.

they really do, so boring and redundant

unpopular opinion thread
i'll start
>pink floyd is overrated
>most movie reboots are better than the originals
>indie games are shit

indie games are gay as shit, you fucking cuck, just admit it and save face while you still can

>Niggers are people

>I don't feel like arguing


Bait low quality, not even worth the effort for an image at this point. Kill yourself fag

Get a load of this guy. If you're not willing to justify and are just gonna throw insults, there is no reason to listen to this.

>Deadpool is an unfunny shit character
>Rouge One was good
>Tards should be casterated (Sup Forums supports this, most people don't)
>The Andy Sixx meme is funny because of how upset people get
>Sup Forums isn't garbage
>Avacados are gross

Video games are boring and a waste of time

Masturbation is better than sex

Heroin isn’t really that bad if you know what you’re doing.

i'm a decent person

New age music is superior

Do that many people like avacados?

Please take back what you said about avocados.