Feel like dumping this girls nudes that I met a while back, anyone interested?

Feel like dumping this girls nudes that I met a while back, anyone interested?


post anus hole

Let’s see them

She has a big ass







moar! face and tits? full frontal?

More tits wow

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How do you talk to them? Let alone get nudes. I used to try, but I learned quickly that talking to them doesn't lead to anything so I might as well do something useful. At least for me it's this way


Is that all you got? We need more angles brother

Dumping this girls nudes too if you're interested

Fuck no, bro. I'm just running another post too

Thanks, not Intrested in nudes though. Just wondering about how people can talk to them

As anyone else, don't put them on a pedestal, they're just girls, bro

Feel like driving a rape van and putting it to good use. Anyone interested?


Sounds like a fun Saturday night

There is no pedistal to me, I don't even want to fuck them. I just want to talk to them. But then I talk about the same things I talk to by guy friends, they just kinda shut down. I make the same jokes same small talk across the board. But there isn't a woman other than my neet roommate who will talk to me by choice. And if it wasn't for her bf being the other roommate she wouldn't either.