Things you are not supposed to fap

Things you are not supposed to fap

>not supposed to fap
You know pornography is made for fapping to, right user?

nice gif



I love that jiff


i came


what the fuck

Welcome newfriend.

wat this is why pedos should be slaughtered without remorse. With fire.

would've respected it if he stayed there for her, but he just used her up. What a piece of shit. God damn I'd like to put a flamethrower to that guy


what was it friend

pedo raping a kid in the amazon rainforest then dumping her to fend for herself. 8 year old.

and Sup Forums keeps it in the archive


im really not looking forward to the inevitable pedo "rights" movement. Lots more teen pregnancy and homeless kids raising kids.

Any have the webm of the mantis eating through a nipple?

fake and gay

I hope.

some faggot on b or pol started a pedo rights on twitter so it kinda started. pedos should be killed on sight


Agreed man. They hurt society in a way that far transcends the "your own business your own bedroom" mindset.

If they were required by law on penalty of death to marry and live with the kid they fuck it would be "acceptable" to me. Just barely. Otherwise, kill these cockroaches on sight.

Oh my god. The cringe. THE FUCKING CRIIIINGE

Reminder that pedophilia isn't by choice and wanting to kill pedophiles is wrong. You should strive to treat them.
Molesters are the ones you want to kill, for actually harming children.



Apple ad girl

checked. power of pepe
anyway this whole doll and loli dolls gonna keep em in the basement. not right mind set but if they use a plastic loli doll and stay put, not be shot today


If the law wasn't a barrier I would kill pedos except those who marry for life.



I'm sorry you seek violence as an answer. I prefer peace and if we didn't have a society of sick people who'd rather burn than heal, we would be a better place. Pedophiles would get the treatment they need and not have to resort to kidnapping and raping or other outlets.





Peace is sought by those who seek to destroy.

I seek to heal. Destruction is a last resort and I won't deny it's necessary, but not in this case. We can help these people. You have to put your bloodlust away for once.

Well that's an oxymoron if ever I've seen one

Just like the peace-seeking islamic refugees. Face it, you are decay to a functioning society.

Me thinks this one's retarded. Just because someone waves around "peace", doesn't mean that everyone who enjoys peace is against you you fucking idiot.

Your illness is showing. You will deliberately look for any tiny bit of a reason to justify harming others. You'd even go so far as to make up reasons, like you're trying to now.
You're disgusting. You need help.

The terrorists who claim to want peace are merely using it to fool those blind to their true agenda. I'm not that stupid, user.

how do you think she got them that big?

Hopefully fake b8. Fucking sick.


Yeah rape kids abandon them to fend for themselves and then create a massive teen pregnancy epidemic. How peaceful.

almost checked. this proves you're wrong.

I never said I approve of those actions, user. You're pulling arguments out of thin air with no basis.
A molester should be locked away for their crimes. A pedophile who has not given in should get help. My problem lies in that second part, pedophiles can't get help because people like you constantly demonize an illness instead of wanting to treat it.
You're more disturbing than they are for your insatiable desire to dehumanize anyone who disagrees with you. Perhaps you should return to Tumblr.

Thank you fellow 88

Um, no dumbfuck, you went off-topic, you don't get to decide that all of a sudden everything is back on the original with the comments made on the tangent magically applying to the main conversation. You really are mentally stinted, and should seek help. At the very least, you have attention deficit disorder. Anyways, back to the main point, the other poster brought up that people who keep this shit in check with themselves pose no threat to others, especially when they just get dolls and don't do jackshit. Otherwise, they can go through the standard due process of law, unless you wanna go down the road where I can decide to kill you on the spot for fucking your dog, which I could plant on your computer after murdering you. The point is, you can't go around killing people unless you want to open a huge crock of shit, so don't be so fucking stupid.

A lot of people deserve to die. In fact, the majority of the species deserves to die. It's only nature. Like a pyramid, only a few would ever survive, and the majority will descend to a lower energy level.

That gif is adorable~

Sociopath spotted

Okay there buddy, I guess you got ASPD to boot. You might want to get checked before you do something rash, unless you're just venting here, then I don't give a shit. You either need to learn to hide it better, because you're about 15; or you really have some major underlying problems in your life that only a shrink can fix. While I agree that there are a lot of shitty people in humanity, we gave up murdering each other a while ago with the advent of modern civilization, so social Darwinism doesn't really apply too much any more. But seriously though, get some psychiatric help before you actually flip your shit.

People like you are building the soviet union again in the name of peace. And you don't even know it.

He's so extremist he doesn't realize he's a bigger danger to society than the people he so desperately wants to hurt.
Like a savage dog, only wanting to kill. You need to be put down.

If I could go back in time in a time machine and tell people not to build the soviet union, I would fail for the same exact reasons I would fail today. Because some people want "peace".

This love how anyone could understand this.

did you take those from a Sup Forums thread or a discord?
i have the same pics grouped together lmao


You cling to your precious argument you fail to notice has already fallen. You refuse to listen to anyone else but yourself. Please go back to Tumblr so you can enjoy your echochamber. I will not continue to amuse the idea of you pulling your head out of your ass. Goodbye and I wish you psychiatric care in the future.

Everyone who disagrees with you needs psychiatric help. Just like the soviets. People like you are really fucking evil and you pretend to be good. You build the most evil regimes in history.

wow Sup Forums actually showed me something new for once.
+1 internet

Um, no, who said anything about any of that you dumbass? I know that you're essentially a Sup Forumstard, and are venting here, but really? The only way that this world is gonna fix itself isn't through peace, I agree, but there is certainly going to be a time for that to happen, and in order for any such event to take place, the majority of the population of any area will have to agree with a certain set of moral views and disdain for the current system for anything to take effect. Don't just assume that everyone is your fucking enemy you fucking schizoid. The problem is, there is no hope in the current system, so let it run its course to serve as a warning to future civilizations. Otherwise, you will be put down like a rabid dog for not being able to understand the way that Western civilization has occurred in modern times. And holy shit, just because you actually fit the profiles of those with these disorders, you think that I advocate for fucking socialism? Just learn to fucking hide it you arrogant fucktard, don't go around calling everyone a fucking pinko.

Of all the shit I've seen on the internet, this is surely the most what-the-fuck thing of them all. Not to mention that someone requested it specifically, and another responded with it. What the fuck.

The problem is that it is intentionally being dismantled. So that it can be rebuilt. It isn't a natural course of action. The only way to heal this species is to kill off the very elite, which is of course impossible. We are all stuck.

This is Sup Forums not your philosopy class,

Might as well kill yourself then if it's so damn hopeless. Better to die as a hero than to die as another bloody corpse in the oligarchical machine that is modern America. Make some difference somehow, lead some people in a local area; if you really care this much, then just sitting on your ass doing nothing provides no more contribution to your ideal world than does one of the fucking bigwigs living it up in D.C. The point is, Sup Forums really needs to get it's shit together and make some small militias if they give a shit about their values at all, otherwise, you all will die secluded and alone, with nothing but your own bitterness moving you forward towards your own deaths.

Гpeбaныe выpoждeнныe кaпитaлиcты

cли бы тoлькo кaпитaлиcтичecкиe cвиньи oпacaлиcь, чтo миp pyхнeт вoкpyг них, oни yпивaютcя aпoкaлиптичecким хaocoм

Sounds stupid but starting some kind of farming group would be nice to prepare for WW3.

Sup Forums also isn't Sup Forums, I'd take philosophy over that cancer any day.
Also, newfag wasting dubs on something he doesn't even understand. Get the fuck out.

Sup Forums is whatever the fuck you want it to be asshole; as long as the only thing being done is using bumps and not images, I don't really think that anyone here gives a flying fuck as you can just ignore shit you don't care about.


>you both fell for it

>claiming it was bait
Is this the new "I was only ACTING retarded"?

It's not that hard. If you really have problems with leadership, find someone that you and a group of people around you trust. Making a little club for getting together and learning basic survival skills could be interesting, and agriculture isn't as hard as people make it out to be. The main problem behind this shit is that nobody want s to have a leader to come under. Everyone either sees them as either douchebags looking for money and fame from these people, or as people who can't lead anyone insomuch as they can get to space. The point is, having an actual revolution requires leadership, and nobody wants to step up to the fucking plate, for fear of others, or for fear of themselves. Just ensure that the principles that this country originally stood for are adhered to, and don't have 75% of the motherfucking populace be dumber than a fucking box of rocks. The most important thing for holding a decent government is to ensure that the people are treated fairly, and that they are all educated enough to realize what the fuck is going on with their political candidates. Because this is not the case now, we see the shitstorm that is today.


this is actually a vary vary old green text

It seems pretty easy to lead if you have some money to start with.

Yeah society is pretty depressing. Nobody cares about the species. We are all just caught up in it without being able to do anything. Oh well. Maybe extinction isn't so bad.

Be honest, if it was the dead of night, and you stumbled upon a shack with a single candle inside and her in there too,

Would you?

Sure why not, it'd definitely be an experience.

do not do a fap to this I'm warning you

But what if that's my fetish?

If you're really that stupid as to think that great leaders don't have anything other than money, then it's no wonder Sup Forums can't hold onto anything for longer than a day or two. money isn't the problem, it's loyalty to a figure who will stand for what those under him believe in. As long as the subordinates and followers can agree that the leader is fair, speaks for them, and is basically competent, then there will be no problems. But all in all, yes, people will always look after themselves first; that is how it has always been. A sign of a great leader is someone who can get others to look beyond their own basic instincts to work towards something that will better everyone as a whole. It isn't that nobody cares, it's that the people who need to make necessary changes are not able to, and cannot get to the administrative level necessary to institutionalize that change. And buddy, apathy is never the way to go; that path leads to depression and suicide, and the worst thing that you can do for yourself is to give up any semblance of hope just because things look bleak.

Then I'd suggest getting professional help

>If you're really that stupid as to think that great leaders don't have anything other than money, then it's no wonder Sup Forums can't hold onto anything for longer than a day or two. money isn't the problem, it's loyalty to a figure who will stand for what those under him believe in.

Most "great leaders" in this age are pawns. Most "great leaders" in history are fabricated by the current storyteller historians of today.

Yeah, influence is something, but it's even better to influence a person who can influence others. Then he takes all the risk and the blame, and when he dies, you just replace him.

You can't get to those people behind the curtain, and they are indeed psychotic and evil. Until that shadow government is removed, humanity is headed towards a 100% guaranteed extinction.

Leading a local group might make you feel better, but there's a much deeper problem on this planet than lack of local leaders.

This thread is a shitfest in more ways than one


You can't make any change if you don't do anything local first. Essentially what I am saying is that you don't stop at local you idiot. You keep going, becoming a martyr if you must. If you want to make any change, you have to work for it; this country itself is evidence of that. This country was built upon the blood and tears of patriots who wanted to be heard , and to have a voice in their own governance. If we are essentially repeating history, who is to say that we should not follow suit? Great leaders aren't just pansies who can fucking get people to do what they want. These leaders can get their followers to respect them because they know that the leader is capable and willing to do what is necessary while still ensuring that the ideals of the group are upheld. The problem isn't the leaders, it's the people that follow. The major problem with these modern governments is that too many incompetents are allowed office, while the competent ones lay on the wayside. Your problem is that you, just like everyone else, does not want to take responsibility and be the first person to die in the modern quest for what you believe in; you just want the end result, made evident from "wanting to influence someone who can influence others". You can't get anywhere if you just blindly force all of your efforts onto one person,. If that person is killed, the what? DO you just lay down like rabid dogs to die at the barrel of a shotgun? You need to fight for what you believe in; if you can't even do that, then why even bother arguing here to begin with if you are just another useless vermin who refuses to contribute to your own cause.


These two anons need to shut the fuck up. Neither will acknowledge each other's points and will continue to echo their own. You're just wasting bumps on a thread meant for porn.
Take your useless bickering to Sup Forums. That's where all the salt goes.

I'd still go in. Got any more?

>Great leaders aren't just pansies who can fucking get people to do what they want.

This is exactly what a leader is. If you know his name, he isn't really the one leading you. he's being led by someone else. The best way to lead is to use someone else just like the zionists do. They're not stupid.

>too many incompetents are allowed office

It's done this way by design. It's not a problem from the perspective of the ones at the top. Completely by design. You have this false view of the world that leaders are the ones written down in history books. A true leader's name will never touch a history book. Ever.

You don't get it dude. You need money to truly lead anything. I can't do anything but if I had money maybe I'd make a difference. Yeah sure, maybe if I win the lottery.

Then fucking report me then.

No thanks, it's more of a suggestion than it is a rule. Nice trips though.

We're not fighting. He actually makes sense.