Should I let him in Sup Forums? On the second floor

Should I let him in Sup Forums? On the second floor.



now feed him meat

Take care of him



OP confirmed not fag

Was expecting b to say push him or something


Sup Forums fucking loves cats, bitch.


orange & white cats are always friendly.
you saved him, he will love you until hes old and gone.

His name is Charles

timestamp him

Has anyone ever actually been so far as have to go GET a cat before?


Go Charles !

Honestly you all are the reason why Sup Forums is shit these days.
I miss the old days when people would have said to kill the cat and OP would actually do it.
Fucking 14 year old edgy faggots invaded and ruined Sup Forums forever

awesome cat. I would sniff him behind his ear while caressing his neck

hooray you have a new friend! i like cats but my allergies dont. i can only visit my cat friends for a few hours.

if he rubs his face on you, that means he likes you and is trying to make you smell like him.

Spotted the newfag.

show pics of you stroking him

>Honestly you all are the reason why Sup Forums is shit these days.
>still here, still posting, still complaining

>why won't you faggots kill the cat
>fucking edgy foureen year olds

Pick a team man.

The cancer blames the healthy organs there killing the body.





awww yea thats it, now try and scratch his belly

never had an issue with cats not liking tummy rubs

when wal mart opens in a few hours get some litter, food and a toy :)

I own a cat already

Oh god...
Isn't the summer over yet? Aren't you kids supposed to get ready for the school?

Now put your balls on his head.

nice! thanks for delivering OP

This big boy.

lurk more faggot


Do it op it's how you let them know you are the alpha pack leader otherwise he will not listen to you.


Nicely done you have earned his respect

Is that your dick

nice double dubs yourself

My balls but yeah

Wow what a thread

Someone screencap this. This is so fucking pure I'm refraining from logposting.

what a yucky boy.

what a yucky boy


kill yourself, you would do something good for humanity, edgelord

Don't nigga he gon snatch yo ps3

what a yucky boy

what a yucky boy

Sup Forums in two pictures

Duality of man

Please give Charles a pat from me, he looks like a good boy

I gave him a squeeze. Is that okay?

try scratching behind the ears. they love that





Op delivers all night


bump so more people can see this


he sleep

Good boy

Pro Charles bump

Thanks but I'm sleepy. gonna head to bed.

Night OP

You did a good today

Should get a laser pointer and get him moving lol

Sup Forums, internet hate machine

what a beautiful cat

Is this excellent bait? Or terrible autism?

I have. My brothers cat would like tummy rubs, but would always end up clawing and hissing, regardless of if you did it too much or not enough. Or sometimes she would just attack as soon as you initiated tummy rubs. So after a while I figured out your had to do a good job and then stop abruptly at a random time to avoid getting attacked.

cant sleep

Does he have flee? You should take him to the vet for vaccines and stuff.
In Germany, our cats get their chip number tattoed in their left ear, does yours have such a tattoo?


I didn't see any while examining him. I have flee medicine.

Do the two kitties get along?

Do you know how to find out wether it's got flees or not? It's quite easy. Rub its lower back right above the tail and swipe the ground with a wet paper towel. Wait a bit and check if any little bits leave red or orange stains. That's flee shit.

They didn't seem to care

Fuck it
jk he seems like a dusty boi maybe give him a wash

Think it's one of the neighbors cats? maybe try asking, or putting up found cat signs

None of the neighbors have cats. He climbed up to my second story window. He knew I was there...

I'll ask around

Take care of him and love him