I Am A Hero

Raws have been out since yesterday, anybody know about subs yet? Saw it in Japan and thought it was pretty great, but I'd appreciate understanding more than I did on my initial viewing.

Finally, manga was pretty good.

Probably take a week

Do they mean AN hero
I'm pretty sure its a spelling mistake

Saw it in Japan as well. Was pretty entertaining but the manga is way better.

What's it about?


Just read the manga you idiot.

When are you people going to learn that japs CANNOT into making movies. Haven't been for 15 years now

You're the idiot. I read the manga, but the movie is competent as fuck, if not necessarily as an adaption.

The thing is, it's pretty obvious the director knew he couldn't do the manga justice with just one movie and went for something much more fitting. Everybody praises Train to Busan as the greatest zombie flick in the last couple of years but I enjoyed this one way more.
In fact, part of why the movie works is because a ton of production was handled by a south korean studio, down to visual effects.

link? it's pretty hard searching for such a generic title

Zombie movie set in Japan
Japan is no guns and the MC is one of the few who has a shitty shotgun or hunting rifle and how he saves Japan with it.

he also has a qt half zombie gf

Found one by googling for the Japanese title, can confirm it's legit, but it comes with Chinese hardsubs.


In case you're still interested.

Jap flicks suck Dick

>read the manga
>it fucking sucks and nothing happens

Your loss.

Manga is worse than twd

This shit screams reddit


Just look at that poster, pure reddit

>saves japan with a shotgun

No more a sensible plot than dragon ball z, why should anyone bother?

>shitty shotgun or hunting rifle
It's completely reliable but it has only one or two shots before he has to reload. His skill at reloading it is why he manages to stay alive while characters that steal his gun die quickly.