I recently lost my right eye in an accident. Should I kill myself for being a one eyed freak?

I recently lost my right eye in an accident. Should I kill myself for being a one eyed freak?

No eye patches will always be cool if you have a legit reason to wear one.

I'm way more crippled than you, OP, and if you think a little setback like a missing eye is among the worst life has to offer, maybe you should kill yourself. We don't need more soyboys.

It's down to you and me, you one eyed freak

Yeah, sure

Yes, just kill youself...youll always be a freak

Losing stereo vision is tough

Enjoy climbing stairs with issues understanding distances

snaaaaaaake eeeeeeaterrrrrrrrr

Get yourself an eye patch and look hella cool

post gaping eye hole

sharpe in eyehole

How bad does the injured eye look to you guys?

2/10 would still fuck eyehole

I want to cum and pee in your eyehole

Mate just dress as a pirate, pirates are cool and socially accepted after the caribbeans depp show

what happened?

Or grow your hair out like this and start traveling around the world, claiming you can see and kill demons that haunt people.

wear a monocle and the jocks will call you two-eyes

chicks dig eyepatches don't worry

Feel bad for you man! Hope you don't get stuck with the emotional aspect of this for too long. I'm glad you still have vision in one eye instead of being comepletely blind. I wish you a happy life.

No you faggot that makes you look cooler

They are developing artificial eyes. Maybe in a few years you will regain sight. Current models get 40p but hey its something.

what happened man? Thats pretty terrifying. I do industrial fabrication and lots of danger to eyes from presses and shears even if you are wearing your eye pro grinders and hand tools. Sorry about your eye. My dad had a retina detach and is blind in his right eye now as well and it really pisses him off...and now he can't shoot and stuff. You will be able to get a glass one and who knows maybe even someday get a bionic one and become a cyborg