Return of the Jedi: Vader and Luke

Best duel in the saga?

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Strikes Back is better

yeah, it was fun to watch luke overestimate himself and get clobbered

But that emotion throughout the duel tho... it's so compelling

why vader goes down and bends his knee?

Fuck yeah.

The whole movie built up to it, there's emotion behind it, and there's a good balance of actual action too.
Strikes back is a close second.
Force Awakens right behind it.

I really liked how the OT had this really heavy feeling of the Jedi "using the force" when they're using lightsabers. The very deliberate, unelegant movements make the movements feel really powerful and decisive

Meanwhile you get the flippy spinny shit everything just loses all meaning. The battle between yoda and dooku is the worst for this, because at the beginning their duel with 'powers' was very slow and deliberate and dreadful, and then they fucking crank the pacing up to 11 with Yoda doing flippy shit, and they completely destroy all of the 'heaviness' of the battle in favor of... excitement? That's not quite the word, but you get it

They traded in the dreadful, powerful, deliberate lightsaber duels with flippy bullshit

Fuckin travesty

Yes. Trust your senses.

Fuck no

Esb is also only the fourth best sw after rotj, anh, and tfa

The Bespin Fight in Empire and right after the blast doors open in Phantom Menace.

The latter probably my fave just because of how fucking hard Ewan McGregor was going for it.

I love the music in the ROTJ duel, the tension and the dialogue are great but the choreography is fucking awful. Lukes baseball bat swings and static right foot forward shuffling make it laughable. Some of the worst choreography in the series.

It's too easy to discredit anyone who says the Prequel choreography is bad and the anything but the Bespin duel is good.

I kinda liked the contrast. The "old" Jedi were emotionless and skilled. They don't have any passion into their fighting because they were trained to suppress it. The fights are impersonal. Whereas every confrontation with Luke and Vader are personal. Luke's shit and Vader never goes for the kill but you can feel the emotional weight before their fights.

>Esb is also only the fourth best sw after rotj, anh, and tfa


You're impossibly dumb.

Nah. Jedi's duel is the emotional culmination of the entire saga and Luke's journey.

As great as ESB's duel is, in Jedi you see Luke struggle with the dark side for a minute then his rise as the ultimate hero and redeemer.

Not to mention, it also shows Vader's 180 on the dark side.

It's far more emotional and poignant.

If only Jedi hadn't wasted out time with Ewoks and gave Han something awesome to do it would've been the best movie of all time.

>that music when luke finally snaps

I could maaaaybe give you TFA because I thought it to be very poetic and gorgeously lit but what's so special about the Old Ben/Vader duel lmao?

This user gets it.

Just seeing this webm makes the music play in my head.

God were the original trilogy good.

Notice how i said
Not saber duel

You illiterates

x wings > lightsabers

>If you will not turn to the Dark Side... then perhaps she will...
>Luke now has 20+ attack


The only awesome thing han would have done is die. He was saved because george lucas wanted to sell more action figures, no joke

Im actually happy it was done for tfa instead

Really lucas


GOAT battle music too.

>han and chewie
>kylo ren
>first order lens flare
Those shots aren't even remotely good you spastic fuck.

>The only awesome thing han would have done is die.
Can you imagine? It would've made RoTJ an instant cult classic and the bestest movie ever.

this outfit is so fucking gorgeous

Han was such a jobber in ROTJ. A hokey disaster (well, Leia was just a bit too, but at least she HAD a plot thread even if it was terribly unsatisfactory). You can tell Harrison is just winging it the entire time. Maybe they should have killed off Han in Empire instead and just had Lando replace him...

its like skywalkers are destined to become evil at some point

too much power and they are at their best when they are the most mad

>"only your hatred can destroy me"

At least they arent dense

Oh yes, it would have been the darkest of the three :^)

For me it comes down to the music which goes in this order
>Phantom Menace

everything else is disposable.


>not liking the RotS duel music

What's wrong with being dense

It leads to being so dense

rots had good music too

aotc, like everything else related to aotc, is utterly forgettable. did any music even play?

>What's wrong with being dense
>It's dense
Gee thanks

>zero musical intensity when quigon or ep 2 anakin are defeated
Anakin v dooku (ep 3) is better than all the previous saber fights in the prequels

Not falling for your bait rick

The prequels are so boring but Duel of the Fates is just so fucking good.


That shit was mad gay and you probably suck dicks.

ESB music doesn't kick in until Vader starts force throwing shit at Luke. Give that whole scene to sound design because it's intense as fuck already when John Williams kicks in.

The music after he loses his hand is ace. When it starts swelling when Vader reveals to Luke he is his father >>

the only problem is the actual swordplay looks like complete shit

lightsaber duels looked best in prequels

Obi-Wan vs Anakin was fucking amazing in theaters

>The OT has EMOTIONAL weight
It's literally a father versus his son. of course it's going to have emotion. The PT has Jedi fighting common enemies aside from Anakin fighting Obi-Wan. Are people this dense?

I'd say so yes. RotJ and ESB are my favorite duels, both visually and in the emotion behind it. I favor RotJ though;
> Luke lashing out and fighting like a man possessed
> That wide horizontal pan
> That dark chorus
Shame it's so fucking short

> obi1 and qui-gon fight tattoo guy
> qui-gon dies
> obi1 is visibly enraged
> force field goes out
> "oh shit here it comes"
> same kind of choreographed fighting we had before

Its the best duel because of the ending and the buildup to it. It was like the Wrestlemania main event with two big names and the highest stakes. So while, technically it wasnt the most skillful duel, but it was still the best

there is literally zero emotion or personal danger in those duels

its not like you were worried that any of those hits were ACTUALLY gonna land. they were wayyyy too choreographed. it was more of like a dance.

jesus. Hamill probably has the best reaction to losing a hand I've seen in a movie.

The emperor/luke/darkside shit is as good as the first 2 movies. But it does lack punch though.
They try to convert luke but he has no real incentive to do so. And it never really feels like he actually will stay there. And he doesn't. He imediately recovers. Also I think the whole plot about vader's redemption is somewhat forced and vader havings feels the entire movies only except when he has to duel luke. It never felt right for me.

@00:37 WTF is up with Vader?
He simply sits down
Luke landed zero critical strikes

>the only problem is the actual swordplay looks like complete shit
>lightsaber duels looked best in prequels

> same kind of choreographed fighting we had before
>Obi-Wan is visibly angry
>his fighting style is changed to be more aggressive
>expecting him to use slow precise strikes against a very fast and agile opponent
you OT guys are retarded

He was overpowered, it's pretty obvious.

overpowered and I think, more than anything, he just gave up. He wanted to turn his son but couldn't bare to hurt him again.

wew lad


someone who understands me

Across the Stars is goat

Supreme Sith Lord Overpowered by a manlet with only 3yrs of intermittent Jedi training

Yeah, it's really fucking obvious that it's Bullshit

Obi wan vs Anakin was shit because Lucas/whatever ADHD kids he was pandering too can't enjoy a duel if the combatants doesnt move at least a mile while fighting, riding vehicles, jumping pits, balancing on beams, pushing switches that activate even more shit all while continuously fighting.

You're trying so hard to be obtuse i can't be bothered to school you any further. It's a pretty straight-forward movie, I'm sorry you couldn't keep up.

>It was shit because I didn't like it


The background music is probably the most underrated score in movies.

More like the whole fucking point of the dark side, manifested in that scene.

That was the whole point. Emperor wanted him to be enraged, filled with hate. Hate that powers the dark side. And for a brief moment, Luke was stronger than Vader. A half machine that's pushing sixty.

I actually explained why I didnt like it. The 'chase sequence' aspect (when forced) decreases the tension and removes focus from the characters themselves and their interaction (the fighting). If it was just Anakin and Obi wan duelling without at the same time traversing a super mario lava level the scene would have much more impact.

>implying theres anything wrong with dancing

At the point Vader is in his 40s
Sure, they put and old guy in his suit for the helmet removal scene but at 40 he should be at the top of his game, not loosing to an untrained wannabe
Even Jabba called Luke out for mincing around pretending to be a Jedi

Darth Maul and the two jedi from the phantom menace was fucking hella epic.

Luke v Vader in Empire is a hundred time more engaging than all of the lightsaber fights in the prequels combined. I don't want fancy flipping around I want drama and character.

This is the most contrarian post i've ever seen. Gratz


Can't rank the rest. ANH might have emotions and is honestly interesting, it's done poorly. ROTS does lots of 'good' action but it's too fucking long and over the top. Everyone likes TPM and it's relatively good. AMAZING music and kinda cool. It's over the top in choreography (ROTS is too CGI-y). Dooku fights are pretty decent. Grevious are bad.

I'd stick the first 3 I ranked though.

vader wasn't giving it his all. if he wanted, he could have strangled luke with a twist of his finger before a duel even happened. his goal was to turn luke to his side so they could defeat palpatine together - but he wasnt expecting luke to tap in to the dark side that fast and was unprepared for the onslaught. look at luke's swordplay, he's still a jobber, vader could have murdered him at any time. he just wasn't expecting it.

>thinks it stands for star wars and not saber warfare

>lightsaber duels looked best in prequels
Maybe if you're into watching people dance around with sticks. The fights have almost no emotional context and have pretty much nothing to do with actual swordfighting.

>the actual swordplay looks like complete shit
No really, For the OT, Lucas had the sense to hire a world champion fencer with a ton of experience to choreograph the fights. There's a lot in them that's more realistic than most people realize (for example, Luke's footwork in the ROTJ duel). For the prequels, Lucas hired a circus performer to choreograph the fights (no, I'm not making that up).

The OT fights look way better.

nah nigga, it shows that anger does give him power, but he doesn't care about power

Luke's such a fag. Why didn't he just join Vader and then dismantle the Empire under he and his father's rule?

because that would remove the angst and freudian subtext that lucas loves so much.

According to Hamill, because he's a fag.

because luke skywalker isnt jar jar binx.

It's probably good that it was this short, otherwise it may have lost its punch.