How smart is Sup Forums?

How smart is Sup Forums?

5 out of 7


This same fucking thread again, huh?

Retards detected.

The answer is 1/3

all possibilities of flipping two coins include:
T T --- this possibility is negated by the question

H H is one in three possibilities

1/3 is the answer.

100% I just tried it and I got this at the first try

Is a retard

guess you got me, I thought I was safe on the internet, that no one would know..

So, I know these are troll threads, and they're not even good troll threads, but here's the answer.

One coin lands on heads, guaranteed. That means there are only two remaining possibilities.
>second coin lands heads
>second coin lands tails

The probability of both landing heads under these circumstances is 50%, because one coin is already determined, eliminating chance in its result.

You're dumb.

And you're bad at trolling. Step up your game, some.

And speaking of game, you just lost it.

you have miss-calculated, why would you exclude a valid possible outcome away from the "remaining" possibilities, when working out the odds of what is probable to occur?

Read this
It's counterintuitive, but if you consider that the 4 possibilities have equal probabilities, then you'll see 1/3 is actually correct.


>implying I'm trolling because you're an idiot that doesn't understand a simple word problem
one coin lands on heads, the other lands on tails. that's 1. one coin lands on tails, the other lands on heads. that's 2. one coin lands on heads, the other lands on heads. that's 3. herp a derpa how many of those three where heads and heads smart guy?

"one coin will land on heads guaranteed"

then you:
let me only calculate the possibilities of the "remaining possibilities"....

this is mistaken reasoning...

Because it's not a possibility. One coins outcomes have left the state of quantum superposition wherein both results are possible to a fixed state where the result is a certainty. Learn logic or quantum mechanics.

>the 4 possibilities have equal probabilities

No, they don't. Two possibilities have changed state to one certainty.

This is a pathetic excuse for a troll thread.

>quantum mechanics

>pic related

your an idiot wrapped in your semantic jumble: certainty that something will occur, doesn't get ignored when your counting up the 'valid possible outcomes', if anything, its the first component for calculating the probable outcome, not the EXCLUDED component.


your logic amounts to: if something is certain, its no longer a possible occurrence.

the confusion with this shit comes from the difference between

"given that at least one of them landed heads" and "given that the first (or last) always lands heads"

there cannot be two identical pairs in a set, no matter if it's listed as {t,h] or {h,t}, because {h,t}={t,h} So, you're wrong

It's a mathmatical model with three outcomes you pretentious dimwit

This is eazy :)




beeetch im so smart

This could of been a good troll if the one coin wasn't predetermined. Step up game please.

>could of

Sir pls fuck off this thread is for intellectuals only.

I see that..

>can't answer a basic conditional probability question correctly
>tells others to learn quantum mechanics

You're the worst type of retard; the retard who doesn't realize how retarded he is

The answer is 1/3

t,h, and h,t are not identical, your reduction of them as being identical is non-sense, you can't give an explanation as why they are identical; in TERMS OF THE QUESTION, they are given an identical status of NOT being excluded, but other than that, there share no other common feature that would conflate their possible occurrence into one case of paired coins.

Your you semantically created distinctions that effectively have made you an senseless idiot.

>because {h,t}={t,h}

HAHAHA you fucking retard

How is
penny=tails and quarter=heads
the same as
penny=heads and quarter=tails

They are 2 separate outcomes you simpletong

Answer to OP is 1/3