Im getting a pepe tattoo. Wish me luck. Its about to happen

Im getting a pepe tattoo. Wish me luck. Its about to happen


if quads add a dick

re 1 time

Good luck op

Traps aren't gay

fucking idiot

Linework done.


Why a sad pepe and not a happy one??

Your so going to regret this when you grow up and have to explain it to people, ass-raped faggot.

Cause it's the Sad Frog meme, newfag.

I knew a girl that had EFG tattooed on her ankle.

Wish I had pic.

Couldn't he just layer and trace and original pepe? The proportions are way off.

bump this shit hes right tbh

Wtf no you are the newfag, it was originally the "feels good man" meme with a happy frog

Enjoy being a virgin for life you faggot

make sure you use a reputable tattoo place. cheap ink may turn green with time.

My dad does tatoos.

>implying this isnt exactly what he wants out of a pepe tattoo
check'd aswell


This is how you ruin your life

Nice, now everyone will know how autistic you are

In 10 years when the sjws take over im ginna have the equivilant ti a swastika on my leg.


I'm laughing but the sad thing is you're kinda right

newfags: have you heard of tattoo removal?
It works amazingly well. Hurts worse than getting tatted and you have to go in several sessions but no regrets.

Yeah you're totally not gonna regret that in a couple years.
Make sure you get a Kekistan tattoo over your heart as well.

But the pain of being a faggot that used to have a pepe tattoo can never be removed

Then you should get an actual swastika instead of a gay frog.

I am in pain.

i wanna do this too but with a swastika

Will post when its finished with timestamp.

have a feelgoodman pepe on other leg


The physical pain of getting a tattoo will be nothing compared to the realization years later that you marked yourself for life with a meme.

Remove the context. Putting any meme on your body is a terrible fucking idea. You're entertained by it, maybe even autistic enough to be passionate about it for the brief period of time when it's relevant, and then it gets overshadowed by some other retarded inside internet joke, and the cycle perpetuates.
You might as well have tattooed Weegee or Hank Hill saying "Boggle".

we are getting there slowly

It looks cool on it's own even without context. Plus, pepe has been alive and strong for years. I also actually like and read boys club.

but our generation will always know of pepe. what does a meme being different opposed to a flag, a logo, a sign or anything else?

Bad Artist
Fucked it up... Enjoy the rest as asingle asshole in y fucking live
Omg the lins taribke

It's a weird angle that i took it from, the red is blood.

Kek enjoy looking like a looser forever kid

Baneposting has been around for years too, and you'd be just as retarded if you tattooed "Big Guy" or Aidan Gillen in powerstance.

looks stellar, i also want one

Put me in the screenshot

Stfu, that makes it look like im samefaggin.


im glad you are doing this OP,

you should be proud

[spoiler]I got the name of my waifu tattooed on my shoulder[/spoiler]

1000 years of good luck





Samefag bumping


is that a blemish? what's the dark spot on his cheek man

When is Spinner tattoo, OP?



I didn't mean you were samefagging, I'm the other post.

Haha, you fucking clown. You're gonna regret this in less than 24 hours.

If you told any of your friends about this and they encouraged you, they're bad friends.

where is the Spinner, OP?


Blood dipshit

Autism of the highest degree

Top kek. Bet I see this thread on Reddit before the night is up. Looks good, OP

Which sub?

Probably r/Sup Forums. Wouldn't qualify for r/greentext or r/classic4chan

die redditors

bloody eyes are a nice touch


>2018 and still upset that redditors are on Sup Forums

I bet at least 3/4 of Sup Forumstards are redditors too

Sup Forums is fucking dead because underage users, redditors and fappening retards came here
kill yourself idiot

Yes, that's what killed Sup Forums. Not the constant reposts, tired memes, never ending trap threads, porn as far as the eye can see, and dick rate threads. I was on Sup Forums for years before I had ever even heard of Reddit and now having been there for several years too, I can attest that the content there is 100x more original than this place. The only reason I even come here anymore is to see the once in a while original post like this one.

Fucking leave then. Never come back.


Top kek. Didn't say I wanted to leave forever, just saying that the platform on which you've based your argument about the downfall of Sup Forums is pretty much made of piss and vinegar. The lack of original content is everybody's fault. If everybody here actually made some OC instead of the 400th trap thread of the day maybe this place wouldn't be a cesspool of disappointment and cringe.

>disappointment and cringe.

A perfect example of the disappointment and cringe I was referring to. Nothing useful to contribute so instead you sperg out and type the most autistic thing you can think of as a slight to me. Thanks for the laugh, user.

My "autistic reply" is how you act unironically.