Anyone see this film? Its called The Handmaiden...

Anyone see this film? Its called The Handmaiden. Just came out in a theater near me a few weeks ago and saw it a while ago.

Pretty damn good. Up there with Park Chanwook's best. There are amazing shots and scenery, some comedic moments, and a second act that is very twist filled and full of shocking shit.

Please tell me someone here watches more than superhero movies.

those fucking sex scenes holy shit is Korea the new France?

Other urls found in this thread:

what do you get by shilling this shit everyday and multiple threads?
same thing happened with that shitty wailing movie.

We have pretty good Korean threads once in a blue moon.

>A new movie comes out
>People want to talk about it

I honestly have never seen another thread for this movie, and this is the first thread I've made on this board in months. I don't come on this board much.

Ah, good to know. Have you seen The Handmaiden?

And now someone will post that lesbian scene from this gook movie and
>wow, hot scene
>10/10 movie
just fuck off to 2ch, faggot


Not him but I saw it a couple weeks ago. I really liked it. Pacing was good plot was interesting but t was borderline pornography at times. Not that I minded but since it was arthouse showing it was old people and some guy behind me brought his mom.

Shut the fuck up and go back to your Dr. Strange thread you autistic cunt. You actually get mad over somebody making a thread about a recent movie on Sup Forums.


Saw it two days ago. A fucking masterpiece imo.

I thought the pacing was especially good considering how much plot they covered, especially in the 2nd part of the movie where things get really weird. And I love typical Park Chanwook violence eventually creeped into the later parts of the movie. During the first part I was a bit worried it was just going to be a lighthearted romcom.

But yeah, the sex scenes were a bit too long, especially the very last one. It felt a bit unneeded.

Great soundtrack too. And the set design was also nice on top of that.

Name the best Korean drama, the correct answer gets an Avistaz invite if they want. (need an email)

How does The Wailing compare to this?

>During the first part I was a bit worried it was just going to be a lighthearted romcom.
You saw the trailer, right user?

I mean it was already screaming SHIT IS GOING TO GET CRAZY. How can you expect a romcom out of this?

Park Chan's I'm a robot but that's ok was really meh and I haven't seen Stoker yet. But this was among his best.

His movies ranked:

1. Bakjwi director's cut
2. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (Fade to Black director's choice)
3. The Handmaiden
4. Joint Security Area
5. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
6. Oldboy

Really enjoyed that one.

Wailing is 5/10 compared to this.

Fuuuck, didn't even notice that this and The Wailing were already out in torrents.
Did the new Kim Jee Woon film come out yet?

I didn't see the trailers actually. My friend asked me if I wanted to see it and told me it was a Park Chanwook film so I just said yes and went in blindly. So I was totally expecting a romcom just based on the first part.

From what I've seen of his I'd say:
Lady Vengeance > Handmaiden > Oldboy > I'm a Robot > Mr. Vengeance

Need to check out his other stuff

Go watch it in the cinema if you can. This movie a fucking feast for the senses and watching a rip on a shitty monitor does not do it justice.

what's with all the chinamen
more like the japandmaiden am i right

Fuck, I wish I had friends to go with.
I go to movies with friends, but its usually some form of cape shit.

Why not just ask one of your friends to go see it with you, preferably someone who you think might enjoy it?

Honestly watching drawn out sex scenes on a big screen with a friend feels sort of awkward. Kind of wish I was alone.

Literally how? I would understand if you were watching this with your mother, but with your buddy?
Me and my best friend would just give some retarded comment like "oh yeah, babby scissor her good!" and half of the cinema would laugh.

shit was fucking great, one of my favorite films of the year. found it hilarious how every guy was a cuck

The best i've seen so far in 2016
Also I find the actress playing Hideko with extra ordinary levels of sex appeal

That poster is cringe.