I really fucking hate John Oliver

I really fucking hate John Oliver.

>Jill Stein is stupid
>Gary Johnson is stupid
>Trump is stupid
Guess who to vote for, America?

He showed a clip of Jill Stein saying that she would bring back the 9/11 commission because by their own admission they "did not uncover everything". There's at least some doubt and many families of the victims of 9/11 wanted another investigation done.

John Oliver puts on his stupid "current year" face and laughs at that. You're an idiot to want to investigate the biggest attack on American soil in history of America.

Fuck you, John Oliver. Fuck you you liberal piece of shit.

John Oliver BTFO'd by Jill Stein: youtube.com/watch?v=oLoh-gnY36g

Other urls found in this thread:


He's on the Clinton campaign payroll, it was on the podesta emails.

Forgot to link the episode where he shits out of his mouth.


it's pathetic how transparent the establishment/globalist leanings are among these "political commentators". HRC is the least likable of any of those four and yet him and everyone else act as if she can do no wrong and take every opportunity to demonize the competition. why even bother insulting two candidates who have no chance at the presidency anyway? it's just rubbing salt into their wounds.

He's a paid Clinton shill

However at the same time I imagine he, Samantha "Scream at the camera instead of tell jokes" Bee, and the rest are secretly rooting for Trump. If he wins they get guaranteed ratings as they can continue doing their anti trump schtick for years


At this point I support Hillary and even I think Oliver is an obnoxious toad.

I hope you faggots are ready for the shilling to get turned up to 11 if Hillary gets into office.

The entirety of media AND journalism is basically already on her side and shilling her like it's the only thing that will ever matter.

The "reporting" during her time in office will be so fucking skewed it will be unimaginable.

She can literally burn an orphanage down on Christmas Eve and the media will find a way to spin it so that it's a "bold strike against sexism".

>However at the same time I imagine he, Samantha "Scream at the camera instead of tell jokes" Bee, and the rest are secretly rooting for Trump.

This. The only liberal pundit who seems sincerely worried about Trump winning is Bill Maher.

Reminder that Trump supporters are paid off. Report for shilling.



inb4 one accuses you of Correcting The Record

other than that piss poor attack on Jizz Stain he's correct on the rest, Johnson is a dumbass and trump is a stupid thin skinned whiny bitch and if from that you're not able to see how that makes him unqualified to hold any power, you're an idiot.
if he wanted to attack her he could have used her support for trump over hillary.

>non Americans trying to soap box about American politics and the Americuck nu-society that unironically loves them


Thank you for Correcting The Record.

0.2 shekels has been deposited in your account.

I agree but post this on Sup Forums instead you fucking cuck.

Thanks CTR you really saved me there.

>conspiracy theories are fine when the left do it

you're not going to out do Scott Foval

>Liberals still don't know what a "troll" is and keep using the term wrong


IT'S 2016

>inb4 some fat Tumblrturd starts going "OMG WHY CAN'T DRUMPFLETS HANDLE THE BANTER TRUMP BTFO HILLARY 2016"

All these libcuck comedian commentators have been outed as shills this election. Never gonna pay any attention to them again

>John Oliver shits on a local guy running for mayor here because he was trying to get a new school district created and public education reformed because the current area ones suck.
>Accuses the man of being a racist and trying to segregate schools because of a comment taken out of context from a PBS interview.
Fuck John Oliver.

then stop watching him you pathetic piece of shit, kys yourself

I'm voting for Jill Stein now


>liberal piece of shit
>cite an opposing individual who wants to: cut military spending, throw money at college students
How exactly is John Olive liberal if he supports nuclear weapons development and doesn't want to throw money at dumbasses in debt from trying to churn out degrees in art, women's studies, and history?

it's true though Trumpinas are even more thin skinned than the average run of the mill "sjw"

Jill Stein is a fucking idiot who believes that WiFi is a serious threat to our children's health and that she can erase student debt with magical President powers. I haven't seen John Oliver's segment on her because he's a smug douchebag, but she's very much unqualified to be leader of the free world.

fuck off kike

no, Trump just has normal human emotions. he reacts to things realistically rather than Hillary's condescendingly smirking at the camera like she's in an episode of The Office. people have visceral reactions to provocation and should be allowed to express them.

sorry pothead. not everyone supports your hippy dippy southern california GO GREEN conspiracy theories. guess it's all the autism we got from the evil vaccines


Hillary believes that -

Fracking is good
Weed needs to be illegal
Borders are bad
Regime change is good
FPTP is an acceptable system
Never once has mentioned UBI

Stein may have dumb beliefs, but for every 1, HRC has 2, and Trump 3.

He goes for the other two candidates so those people watching who are voting third party and are on the fence about it don't vote 3rd party.

In this election, between Giant Douche and Turd Sandwich (to borrow from SP), the only reasonable vote is for 3rd party.

>expect comments to be pure shilling
>it's all comments calling him a faggot

As I said, fuck off back to r3ddit with your kike shilling, Chaim. Anyone can see through your bullshit.

He's a neoliberal because he supports Hillary, capitalism and the free market; while at the same time thinking the aforementioned three things can be friendly and humane.

Oliver isn't attacking the third party because he thinks they stand a chance at actually winning. He's attacking the third party because of the possibility of Johnson and Stein splitting the Dem vote and handing the presidency to Trump.

Jesus Christ when did liberals become the Republicans

Real liberals are voting for Trump or Stein. How did the Democrats become the party of the corporates

Did we just witness a "switching" of ideologies

But he opposes cutting to nuclear arms spending and throwing free money at college students.

>"Hey, America, if you're thinking of voting for a third party FUCK YOU"
>Audience howls with laughter
>"That's like trusting an aardvark with your tax returns!"
>Audience laughs so hard it cracks John Oliver's glasses
>"I'm sorry Mr. Aardvark, I'm sure you've got some great ideas about claiming an ant hill as an expense, but you're just not cut out for this job!"
>Audience laughs so hard it shakes the studio foundations
>"I mean-"
>The audience laughs so hard the entire building collapses, killing most them instantly, the rest laugh harder and harder to compensate
>"Come on-"
>The laugher causes a magnitude 11 earthquake, destroying the entire east coast
>"IT'S 2016!"
>Life on Earth ends

There is liberal (Nader, Stein etc.) and then there is "liberal" (Hillary, Obama etc.) Don't get confused.

>Liberals voting Trump

Nope. Also, the democrats haven't been liberals since the 60s, so it's not a switch. The republicans are crazy far right wingers, while the democrats are right-centrists. In spite of all of the Fox news' propaganda, democrats are not socialist communists from the USSR, they're just cowards.

I hate him so much. His voice, his rat face, fucking jew nose and problem glasses. This man is so punchable.

>>"That's like trusting an aardvark with your tax returns!"
>>Audience laughs so hard it cracks John Oliver's glasses
>>"I'm sorry Mr. Aardvark, I'm sure you've got some great ideas about claiming an ant hill as an expense, but you're just not cut out for this job!"
You got his weird jokes on point. Why does he make those unfunny weirdo jokes and why do people laugh at them

the left wing are only in it for increasing state power, meaning they will use a wide range of tactics to increase their power

nothing has been switched, socialism is just rearing it's ugly head

His viewers are stupid idiots.

You have no idea what socialism is.

Is there anything worse than low information voters?

>don't know anyones policies
>don't know how to research things
>only watch comedy shows about politics
>only care about what party someone is in
>only read headlines about topics, never actually reads articles
>when called out on their lack of knowledge they get indignant and shout things like MAGA or YOU'RE A WHITE MALE
>if any celebrity disagrees with them they suddenly hate that celebrity forever

I'm so tired of reading you idiots argue about things with which you have no base of knowledge. You read a headline. Good for you. Do actual research.


Shilling? I only criticized Jill "Dude weed lmao" Stein. I never shilled another candidate. Cry some more you hippie scum.

John Oliver is a coward.

A man with an ounce of courage would have done a Hillary vs. Bernie episode during the primaries since that's who is audience was voting on. But he knew picking a side would upset part of his audience so he ignored the issue entirely.

Uh oh, dude, you insulted two different groups of voters, that means you're a pseudo-intellectual who thinks he's above it all and I can disregard everything you say.

Stein is the leader of the Green Party, who have come out as anti-capitalist and call themselves 'eco-socialist'. So they're not liberal, they're proper left-wing.

If the US government is increasingly regulating the economy, financing social programs alongside subverting traditional morality via progressive moral relativism, then socialism is a fitting term

>Real liberals are voting for Trump
Despite him espousing no liberal ideologies in the entire election cycle? Shill moar.

>Jill Stein will never be my mommy

why live?

I hope everything you fear is true.

I hope NWO globalization means you'll be strung up and made examples of in the new system.

Yes, YOU. I hope every last one of you get executed for trying to tear down American supremacy by supporting a Russia-fellating clown who would disband NATO and collapse US hegemony. Reagan wouldn't have run from a showdown with Russia but I guess you cowards will because you're just fifth column traitors anyway.

I really hope it's all true. I hope all of you get a traitor's death. Freedom? The only freedom you deserve is from the mortal plane. :)

What's that? You're gonna call me a shill? A pawn of The Man? You anarchist scum are the same, you just pretend to champion different ideologies but you're all the same. Just more rebel filth that needs to be put down by the Empire. Yeah you better be afraid. Because if the powers that be are as influential as you think, there's no force on earth that can stop them.

You thought you could work off your Millennial teenage angst by trying to disrupt Western civilization and order because mommy and dady didn't pay enough attention? Yeah no, prepare to be neutralized with extreme prejudice.

And I'll be waiting for you to crackle like sticks in a campfire.

>Despite him espousing no liberal ideologies in the entire election cycle?
Except for being the pro-worker candidate. There was a time when the left claimed to be the worker's party.

Jill Stein was going to be your mommy but she aborted you instead

Socialism isn't government regulation. Neoliberals want the same thing, yet they're not socialists.

Well, fuck. It seems I was wrong. My mistake.

He's not wrong at all though, he just omits Hillary because he's a shill. If you defend any of these 4 candidates you're human garbage.

If he really wanted to go after Jill Stein, he should've attacked her VP, who referred to Obama as an Uncle Tom and repeatedly promotes false flag conspiracy theories. But I guess when you're vying for the fringe vote...

He's not a pro worker candidate you shill, he's just throwing them red meat. It's what you do with uneducated masses to easily control them, his policies would put them in the fucking ground.

Boy, I wonder if there's a board to discuss political issues

Shh Democrats dont like being reminded of history like them being the party of the KKK

Also Hillary got a child rapist off the hook as her first case as a lawyer never forget

Jill Stein is literally the best candidate. So what if she has some wacky ideas about health? You think she will actually ban wifi? Lol.

But then you have Hillary who is a neocon.

And the Right used to be the anti-Russia party. What's your point?

duh he literally works for the clinton campaign

people are really naive if they think all these shows aren't following the campaign script to try to make someone look good and their opponents look bad

CNN even employed the now head of the DNC and let her leak questions to hillary. It's quite the joke

No, they were the anti-Communist party.

Now she's a qt

Why don't women support her instead again??

Trump's emotions/reactions would be realistic if he were like a 14-year-old school bully. Immature, thin-skinned pussies have visceral reactions to provocation. Someone running for one of the world's most powerful positions should be able to take a little abuse without having a complete meltdown over it for two weeks.

Because she has even less depth than the average women, You can't be president if you only care about one single issue.

The same reason as men don't. She (sadly) has a snowball's chance in hell to win.

What's it like to go through life in a hypnotized state where you just regurgitate what the television says

While I'm in this thread, does anyone know any television or film where it all comes tumbling down?

Yeah man they should just not have defense lawyers at all since everyone accused of a crime is guilty.

yes, CNN in about 20 minutes

>for trying to tear down American supremacy
>by not supporting the globalist corporate puppet


If you understood how taxes work and how government works, you wouldn't be saying this.

>Let me defend someone being morally reprehensible by saying it was their job to be morally reprehensible
Checks out. Flawless logic.

lol what are you doing on the internet you globalist fuck?

I think I'll take my chances with the guy who has a record of employing thousands over the woman who's pro-NAFTA/TPP

2/10 wayyy too try-hard

He also has a record of causing the loss of employment of almost as many thousands. Where do you think all those employees at his bankrupted Casinos went? Where do you think the employees of THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES FOOTBALL LEAGUE went after Trump tanked the league in a belligerently misguided attempt to get his team into the NFL? What about the tens of thousands of contractors that he systematically screwed over throughout his entire career? How about all the investors that got fucked when he dumped his personal toxic assets into his company and then declared bankruptsy?

Stop being a fucking idiot. The dude is and has always been a fucking conman. He's not a billionaire and he's not a good businessman.


Different user here. I don't mind Hillary doing her job like a good little professional, regardless of her feelings. That would actually be a plus. But she used the most underhanded tactics, then laughed and celebrated about it after. Zero remourse for what she had to do. Lady is clearly a psycho.


What is americas obsession with putting a british guy as the main host of all your shows, and have him talk about your country and shit on it all the time? Piers morgan did the same.

As an aussie this makes me laugh so much mate.

>bailing out wall street is the same as bailing out jobless college graduates

what a stupid bitch. bernie 2.0 literally doesnt understand collateral

She's far more qualified than your war-loving hero Hillary

>He showed a clip of Jill Stein saying that she would bring back the 9/11 commission because by their own admission they "did not uncover everything". There's at least some doubt and many families of the victims of 9/11 wanted another investigation done.
>John Oliver puts on his stupid "current year" face and laughs at that. You're an idiot to want to investigate the biggest attack on American soil in history of America.

Specifically she wants to investigate the Saudi ties. She's not a 9-11 Truther. Though she does believe some stupid shit.

And the Saudi connections have largely been ignored or not investigated.

>all your shows
>its like 3 out of 2000

stupid aussie cunt

>And the Saudi connections have largely been ignored or not investigated.
Gee, I wonder why.


consider the record..

Jealous of our freedom you shrimp bbq munching faggot?


(((Jill Stein)))

this genuinely makes me upset
trolling is an art and does not deserve the ignorance and disrepsect it's getting

Wtf im a jillshill now!
pretty ironic that the Jews Bernie and Jill were the only candidates who openly opposed Israel