Year 2018

>Year 2018
>People still complaining for this upgrade on their bodies

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>implying anyone remembers their circumcision except converted orthodox Jews

god how are you this retarded user

look at this cutfag trying to justify the mutilation of his dick

the rabbis are very impressed my boy, here, have a shekel goy

The intact penis in the OP's image is not normal at all, and should not be passed off as representative of what an intact human penis looks like. (pic related) is a much better representation.

does samefagging make you any less insecure user


traumatic events leave a lasting impact on the mind. and that doesnt even bring into consideration the impact of never fully experiencing orgasm.


You're right pinhead dick. Ask anyone if they're traumatized from being circumcised, are people who get root canals traumatized?

I had an adult circumcision when I was 23. Got sick of the "ewww" face chicks would make when you whip out the anteater.

Sex is actually better after the circumcision. There was zero loss of sensation.

I now have an aesthetic penis that doesn't smell. And yes it smell, no matter how much you wash it or maintain your hygiene. It is like armpits, you can take a shower, scrub and soap it up, put on deodorant ... but it's still ripe an hour later, or less. I don't give a fuck what anyone says.

Im uncut and have armpits, neither smell with regular washing and women have never had anything but a positive reaciton to my dick. That said I live an athletic lifestyle and have a rather nice penis.

>Got sick of the "ewww" face chicks would make when you whip out the anteater.

Never ever experienced this

Enjoy your less-sensitive scar dick, you're a useful idiot to the Zionists

Armpits and your skin under your foreskin have an oily discharge, like a glands, that secretes all day no matter if you are not sweating or how well you have washed. It's just a fact, dude.

Take a shower, and tell me your armpit compares to, say, your forearm, after 2 hours. One will be moist and starting to smell and the other won't. Plus, you can't wear anti-perspirant on your dick if you ever want to get sucked off.

you did will/did lose sensation whether you realize it or not. You cannot remove nerve endings and end up with the same amount of sensation.
If it has only been a couple years, it's likely not enough time for your glans to have adapted by hardening the skin and narrowing the urethral opening just yet.

As I have said, I had zero loss of sensation and the sex is actually better AFTER the circumcision.

Have you had a uncut cock for the first 23 years of your life and then a cut cock for the past 5 years? And had a lot of sex with both? Can you comment from an informed viewpoint like I can, and not just some shit you read?

It's been years. Zero loss of sensation. The sensation is in your cock head and in the corononal ridge. That your skin has some hidden treasure trove of nerve endings is a fucking meme.

I dont get oily under my arms or foreskin, but I'm not saying nobody does, and when I am living a healthy lifestyle my body odor is not repulsive.

nerves are are the source of sensation. you lost nerves, therefore you lost sensation.

It should be illegal for babies unless medically necessary

Cool. You are the exception to the rule then. Nearly everyone on earth sweats under their arms and in their crotch.

>Got sick of the "ewww" face chicks would make when you whip out the anteater.

worst reason ever

It sure doesnt seem like a meme when I can have orgasms of comparable intensity to females while consistently giving my partners through vaginal intercourse, while most men claim to have much less intense orgasms than females and constantly make jokes about how hard it is to make women cum.

And yet, I haven't lost any sensation, and the skin underneath is exposed, making it possible for direct skin on skin contact there. You may lose some sensation, but you also gain some.

Like I said, there is zero loss of enjoyment of sensation for me, and the sex got better. This is not a debate or speculation. I have lived with an uncut cock and a cuck cock, and have had sex with both. I am tell you how it is for me.

Sweat is different than oil, and if it's able to do it's job by evaporating freely it is not such a pungent problem.

>he's too fucking retarded to understand what "subconscious" is
everytime I come on this shit board i see dumber and dumber shit lmao

Like you can compare your orgasms to a womans without having been a woman. KEKEKEKEKEKEKEK!!!!

Cool. Don't shower for 3 days and tell me how your pits and crotch smell. You are fucking retarded, by the way.

I am glad you are happy with it and you dont have side effects many claim, but I don't think anyone says it should be banned outright. I think adults should be able to do anything to their body they want, but it shouldnt be forced upon newborns, its not the same as piercing the earlobes as some compare it.

yeah regularly cleaning is important if you're gonna wear clothes. if you're just naked and moving around all that shit can evaporate in a nice breeze if the humidity isnt ridiculous, so you can probably even go longer if you're naked all the time.

So i'm against the practice of involuntarily chopping parts of peoples dicks off, But this pic makes the rounds every thread.
The pic is misinformation, Not necessarily about the findings, but the reasons it was rejected where valid.

I'm just saying it seems like a similar intensity, almost losing consciousness and whatnot.

interesting, why was it rejected?

>Mutilated for her pleasure.
Whatever makes you cut fags feel better.


But you did lose sensation, whether or not you think you did. Less nerves = less sensation. You aren't super-human, you didn't retain the same sensitivity after having 30% of the nerve-endings on your dick get cut off.

>itt: faggots insecure with their penises argue over shit that's insignificant

>OP right now

Traumatic experiences and it's effects are experienced entirely within your perception. Nobody has ever been traumatized by subconscious experiences, are you actually that fucking retarded or trolling? Thank god I'm not some uncut retard.

I had a couple root canals and now it’s been years and I have teeth rotting but I just can’t go back. But rather than accept the fact that people get traumatized you’ll just say “pussy” or “faggot”.

could say that about infant rape as well, though. just because they won't remember it, doesn't make it ok.

enjoy having the most sensitive part of your body rubbing against your pants for your entire childhood, resulting in a shriveled, dried up, deformed, and desensitized cock head. Enjoy having to lube up and fap furiously to cum.

I believe it was up on snopes, but here is a snipet I could find:

The missing context is that the hospital was facing a protest by nurses against circumcision, the informal experiment did not have approval from the ethics committee, and there was unauthorised use of hospital resources. So the hospital was well within it's rights to squash, suppress and delete the experiment. It is great to have support from the nurses though.

The experiment can not be taken as evidence of anything except that it is very worthwhile to re-do the experiment properly. What it needs is:
Ethical approval. This always comes first because it is an absolute show-stopper.
Multiple subjects. Brains are very individually variable.
Controls. Brains vary a lot during development, so a control group of uncut babies must be observed.

TlDr: It was done in an unethical and unscientific manner, with too small a control group, and without authorization of the hospital.



You cannot make a valid argument for circumcision to be legal on infants. If it had any point more adults would have it done voluntarily. Don't let (((them))) get to you.

It's not like it matters to you anyway user, you're on here arguing trying to justify your atheist parents making less than $30,00 annually not having you circumcised. If you're getting laid this might matter, but to you this does nothing but give you dick cheese susceptibility.

Why the rush to have this procedure done to newborns? Why not just wait and let the person decide for themselves when they turn 18? Surely if the benefits are so great then the dick doc is going to have a line of 18 year olds wrapped around his building every day waiting to get it done, right?

You're comparing a traumatic experience with someone talking about morality, what point where you trying to make?

itt: op is insecure about his penis

lurn2shower and you dont have to amputate functional parts of your child's body without their permission.

something to consider

Ritualistic genital mutilation performed on people without their consent, against their will, done so often it's 'common practice'.

>dick cheese
ikr? people call me crazy because instead of washing my body parts, i just lop them off. dirty feet? just cut them off. smelly armpits? cut off your arms. smelly and oily hair? cut off your head. problem, uncutfags?

I don't need my childs permission to lower their susceptibility to STD's and from having dick cheese when the medical benefits clearly out weigh the "30% less sensation" he will get. Let me guess, you think there's more than two genders too and that my child should be able to make all the choices he feels like?

You're on Sup Forums, says a lot already user.

tell that to all the dudes who have fucked up circs and cant have sex or masturbate without pain, or all the guys who have a tiny urethral opening resulting in persistent urinary problems, or the guys who have so little sensation they cannot orgasm from normal intercourse, and the guys who had to have their dicks amputated as a result of a botched circumcision.

Maybe you should teach your child to fucking shower and not shag nasty bitches instead.

you know the disease study was bullshit right? you are using bullshit arguments to justify mutilating babies, thats fucked up.

Exposed teen

The CDC endorses circumcision for it's medical benefits. It's been tested and proved, and please remind me what university performed the 30% less pleasure statistic?

so my penis is a destroyer?


>t-the statistic is b-bullshit the CDC is run by jews!

Yeah, taking a knife to his genitals is way easier than teaching him about soap and condoms, you know the two things he's going to be using anyway.

I like the way you downplay facts (30% less sensation) while propping up misinformation as your central point.

What misinformation? Please give me the university that performed the 30% less sensation statistic.

I like the way you downplay my main contingent and attack only my side contingent regarding dick cheese.

This. Circumcision is barbarism and it needs to be treated as such.

saying things with a stutter doesn't make them any less false.


you mean your main contingent of STD's? He said to use a fucking condom you double nigger

Nice dubs, but they won't save you from your lack of tangible evidence.

What university performed a study testing your theory? You're making baseless claims.

"Surveyed group of 18 women"
Then proceeds to claim 6/7 women prefer uncircumcised. This is a typical case of manipulated statistics, this isn't a study either.

should be


>mutilated for aesthetic purposes in a procedure that is condemned by all veterinary associations, and has been banned in a significant percentage of 1st world countries

this also just made me realize that many countries passed laws abolishing the mutilation of pets for non-medical reasons before even considering doing the same for circumcision

>thinks foreskin gives you std's

The only logical argument any of you retards have actually made, god this makes me feel ashamed reading this entire thread and watching all of you fucking tards get intellectually dominated by a circumcised creationist.

Humans have this nasty habit of hiding behind 'religions practices', and doubling down with "Hey, it 'could' be good for you, who knows!"

A better idea is to realise it doesn't fucking matter and stop putting self worth in retarded things like dickskin

Cutfags always embarrass themselves by trying to convince themselves that circumcision is normal and healthy. They don't realize that you can be comfortable with your peen while also recognizing that circumcision is an anachronistic religious practice with no actual benefit


It's not like any of the cutfags have given any good arguments either. between 'well I don't THINK my sensitivity has been decreased' 'cutting off bits of my shween is easier than fucking showering' 'It gives you a 3% decreased chance of getting aids if you live in nig-nog land an 70% of people have it already'.

Circumcision is fundamentally an illogical argument, and therefor attacking it with reason is fruitless

>CDC is never behind the times because of bureaucracy and incapable of making mistakes

>implying most of us cutfags even give a fuck

>year 2018
>still plaguing Sup Forums with this gay ass bullshit

Seems to me you faggots just love arguing about which dicks look better. Go to the /hm/ board, that place will suit you closeted homosexuals beautifully.

Try again, cuck.

The ones with fucked up dicks definitely give a fuck.

>which dicks look better

Refusal to attack anything without reason that isn't a value just caused you to forfeit the entire argument, which is why the cutfag raped everyone in this stupid thread. You're just as retarded as everyone else, being uncut is amazing, but none of you mentioned the fact the CDC has been wrong in the past, or the fact collective practices are already become outdated. No, you'd all rather be retards and throw bullshit facts like that "30% less" tardshit.

tl;dr You, cutfag and every other retard can all go to hell.

>cutting your dick skin for the approval of women

Could you be any bigger of a cuck, faggot?

Because you don't know any different, Like being born blind, or deaf, or color blind. You don't realize what (in this case) has been stolen from you.
Go to youtube and watch peoples reactions to color correcting glass's, or surgical hearing aids, now pretend science could make your dick whole again, and contemplate what you're missing.



How about just stop fucking whores with aids?
It's not that hard, just hook up with someone you aren't related to for once.

>I don't give a fuck what anyone says.
>I had an adult circumcision when I was 23. Got sick of the "ewww" face chicks would make

You fucking beta cuck

lol retard didn't even read it

Never once has any woman mentioned my foreskin or had a problem with it. And if they did, well then they're stupid as fuck for never have telling me and continuing to suck me off. As far as I know, I never had any problems with it. So whatever your problem was was clearly a personal issue, don't generalize and act like everyone else is as gross and unhygienic like you are just to justify you cutting your dick skin. You're just disgusting.


i did read it, thats why i pointed out that i had already made a post about his CDC point.

It isn't just HIV, but being cut: "Male circumcision reduces the risk of an HIV-negative man being infected by an HIV-positive woman by about 50%."

And - "Male circumcision also reduces the risk of a man getting herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV) from a woman who has those infections. "

So, yes there is a pretty good reason to get cut.

only that's not a thing.
Don't try to justify your parents' barbarism and jewishry