ITT we all act civilized until someone gets trips

ITT we all act civilized until someone gets trips



Lovely weather we're having

Jimmie johnson got wrecked in the nascar "clash" exhibition race today... and in every one the past 6 years... 7 years of failure

I love Caucasians, African Americans, Latinos, and all other cultures


I've heard we're in for colder temperatures, and then warmer. it's like an
early spring.

Civilization is for the simple minded

It's expected to get in the early 50s in my region of the country.

My region gets to 56f at the highest, 20f at the lowest.

I just has the most lovely steak, asparagus, and a delightful hefeweizen!

I cus, you cus, we all cus for asparagus!

evening lads , what will that trump fellow do next ?

and a good day to you Mr. OP

Did you hear? John got the big promotion! He is a really hardworking and dedicated individual and he really deserved it.

hahahaha i do declare the original poster of this thread to identify as a queer

that's amazing

Even we can't say man, he's a tad of a wild card, but he's our president anyways, so we might as well deal.

So close, my lad

Good for him! The LGBT community has come very far in their goal for civil rights.


fucking cunt

Get aids faggot.


lets roll out

Woah really? Did he sleep with the boss

I respect and admire you.

Hello, pleased to meet you, Sup Forums.

so fags, do we become civilized when someone gets trips again? or are we just supposed to be absolute asshats for the rest of this thread

gays are fucking disgusting eat shit and die

Nigger faggot motherfucker

That was quick.




No we stay cunts

God damn everyone here is autistic as shit.


this (nigger)