Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it

Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.

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You really wanted that thing to be the first woman president?

Go vote for Oprah in 2020

You can’t state that fact here, everyone on 4chins is retarded

>bitch about a tv celeb being prez
> vote for Oprah

Jesus you fags are retarded

>memes aside
how meta of you

bernie would've won dot jpeg

She can be president of a prison cell.

All my this

how are people falling for this b8

>implying "tv celeb" was the only disqualifying factor
>being this dense

Secretary of State was rounding up.

She’s still hot which is why she’s still relevant Probably gives amazing head

I mean id smash that

No. What should have happened is that both parties should've sent actually electable candidates instead of putting forth arguably two of the worst. I, like many others, ended up not even voting because of how awful the choices were.

I hope they do nominate Oprah so it can illustrate just how little the Dems get it while she loses.

Too bad the "best qualified candidate in history " didn't understand how the Electoral College works.

Oprah is profoundly more well-liked than Trump. The reality is that she would crush him if she got the Dem nomination. It would be Obama v McCain all over again and there would be much weeping and gnashing of teeth from Reps.

She might've won against Trump but she won't even get the majority of Dems on her side in a post-Trump election. We've all seen what electing a TV personality with an overly inflated ego does.


Does it matter?


Go jack off.


You can't thread yourself idiot.

And if you support democracy, yes she should be, as she got more votes.

Too many pics of her being AWFULLY chummy with Weinstein for that.
The left would abandon her for that alone.


Well, we're the fucking world's shining example of democracy, and that's not how it works here.
That's NEVER been how it works here.

No they wouldn't. Look at all the social suicide Trump endured.

The left didn't vote for Trump.
The left loses their shit over the tiniest things.
The pics of her would cause so much nit picking & infighting among them she'd never get the kind of united front necessary to overcome Trump's.

She'll just distance herself from him. After all she didn't do anything, and she can plausibly deny that she knew about his sexual behavior.

The Bern got my vote. I really like that dude.

Well thanks to the founding fathers, we avoided that bullet.

Doesn't matter what she did, didn't do, or does.
These are people who consider it reasonable to give kids hormone blockers to kill their puberty and UNreasonable to even question whether that's a good idea.
The existence of the pics is enough.

Nah, she shouldn't...and why? Because 2 populace areas (LA and NYC) should not EVER dictate the entire course of the nation.

Not to mention, you really want someone as president who lost a RIGGED election in her favor? You've gotta be a special kind of dumbass to lose an election that you cheated in.

Fuck them....fuck Hillary, and FUCK YOU.

I voted for Trump but would have voted for Bernie had he been the nominee.


>Memes and jokes aside, she should be in Prison and you all know it.

You're referring to radical left wingers that are a vocal minority comprising a very small contingent of democratic voters.

Well Oprah *IS* a nigger.

That's disqualifying enough as it is. Unless people didn't learn from the last time a nigger was in office.

Still large enough in the dem stronghold states that their disharmony could have a serious effect.



That won't convince anyone. These people latch onto specific social identity issues and become unable to differentiate between them and the rest of the left, nor do they care for the distinction. They will always see leftist ideology as the ideology of SJWs, and nothing you say will change that.

Obama being a nigger wasn't the problem.
His body's fluid volume being over 50% jew semen was. Just like it is with Trump.


I'll just leave this here....

Funny how an extremely similar thing happens with views of the right.

Nope, totally wrong. These are fringe groups that have about as much sway over the democratic vote as Alex Jones does over the republican vote.

You're utterly out of touch with liberals and left wingers.

You mean when he pulled your country out of a recession, repaired your economy, and enacted to law to ensure healthcare for everyone without the private insurance companies being able to rob everyone blind? Yeah that was a real bad time.

Americans are such a fucking joke.


It was divinely ordained

The dubs of truth have been spoken


>You're utterly out of touch with liberals and left wingers.

How so? I wasn't even making a claim about liberals or the left

My bad, I just kinda scanned your post and misread it.


You really are a fucking idiot if you think Obama did that.

And newsflash, you don't deserve healthcare just by virtue of breathing. You want healthcare, then increase your skillset to the point that you'll have a job that gives it to you. It's called a job perk, you're not entitled to it.


>These are fringe groups
The same kind of fringe groups that sank hilldawg by not showing for her, being butthurt over Bern?

If the economy is doing well under trump then it was doing well under Obama


Jayz is a rapper though, Trump is the President

Keep in mind, the FED only raised interest rates ONE time during Obamas 8 years.

LGBTQ purple haired gender non-binary SJWs =/= Bernie Supporters


False, the market was ready to tank, and the MINUTE the results were in that Trump was taking over in Jan, the market went up and up and up. Fuck off, you're a moron.

every single claim in this post is false

Then tell the truth.

It's a basic human right you troglodyte. I am so glad I live in a civilized country where we have a proper healthcare system.

America prospered for 8 years under Obama.

>It's a basic human right

That means you too, champ

That is 100% bullshit. Trump is a rich kid whose daddy financed his start in business. He has had countless failures and bankruptcies and has been successfully sued for fraud and had to pay millions in restitution to the Americans he conned and robbed. The only thing he has ever had any success with his selling his name to other people to put on their buildings, and his shitty tv show. There is zero substance behind that dumb face, and you bought into his con.

>America prospered for 8 years under Obama.
Doubled our National Debt.
10-20 Trillion

You picked the wrong picture, here you go...

The market is currently tanking now that the fiscal year has rolled over and Trump's policies are taking effect.

I'd eat her old decrepit asshole any day tbh


>The market is currently tanking
What is a correction?
What is the FED?
How do their interest rates work?
Why have they raised them?
How many times?
How many times in the last 9 years have they raised them?
Why that many now?
Why are you so retarded?

>It's a basic human right
I'm torn between agreeing with you and the fact that there's at least 6 billion too many humans.

Sanders 2020, we see clearly now.


So Presidential, amirite guise?

>pretending to understand economics because you read a blog once

Implying Oprah would run as a republican?

Hillary, who else?

Why should a young (and obviously evil - look at that face!) child be president?

They are simple questions user. Whenever you're done attacking my character you know nothing about, why don't you take a crack at them.

fat and ugly

I like this graph. And no "semi-logarithmic" bullshit to be seen!

>asking me to do your homework


thanks to whoever made these

>I'm a piece of shit too lazy to get a real job and want to suckle on the teat of government

Neck yourself after swallowing all that refugee cum, faggot.

And lefties wonder why they have credibility problems.


be nice to me, because I won't immediately btfo you. Healthcare isn't a right, but since America is the best nation in the world we should be able to provide it to everyone at great quality. Now I wonder what characteristics of the population there are that ruin this dream...

All you did was list a bunch of names of concepts and organizations with no explanation of how they were relevant to the matter at hand. If you'd actually made a point, or some kind of coherent statement I might have something to address, but you're just a stupid nigger that throws around buzzwords with no understanding of how they're applicable.

not a lefty, but keep making assumptions it's really helping your argument bro

>All you did was list a bunch of names of concepts and organizations with no explanation of how they were relevant to the matter at hand.
So, in other words...You cannot into basic economics?


Yep, definite credibility problem here.