Best album covers thread

Best album covers thread

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It's a simple one but I really dig it. Nice thread idea OP.

good one, primus sucks!

tbh prog-rock/jaz-rock album covers are the best looking ones

check this channel out

They sure do!


My nigga










iron maiden. i'm not gonna bother posting images, they're all great and if you google 'iron maiden' you will see the best album covers of all time times infinity.


Did I read the thread title wrong, is this actually most cringey low budget hackjob album covers thread?

Trust me dude, if I listen to them, I don't need to have a reference to it. :)

My NiBBa Peep

Post a better album cover then, faggot.


Judging by the shit in this thread, I would say you all just like trash so good quality art wouldn't be appreciated by you.

Bet you would put Pierce The Veil, you Emo cunt.

Wow, you couldn't be more off base. Nice try tho

What's an album cover?