I just found out my girlfriend has been cheating on me for a few months...

i just found out my girlfriend has been cheating on me for a few months.. instead of getting mad im thinking of trying to get her to send me pics of her doing other guys OR setting up threesomes with her and utilizing the whore. any experience on this? how to go about it? (pic kinda unrelated and random)

This ends in you wearing a dress and tucking your penis. Just get out and save face.

That sounds hot

This pretty much. Anything but you getting out is you being a cuck with attachments and no backbone OP.

Rape the other guy to assert dominance

Bonus points for hiring 3 muscular niggers (can be found for $100/hour) to hold him down and scream "PICK UP THE SOAP" while you rape him

so.... you want to become a cuck?

I think we can assert, based on the content of his post as well as the image put forth, OP is interested in cuckoldry.

I've been fucking this dudes girlfriend for months and I kinda want him to finger out what's going on between me and his girl so he'll fuck off.

Just tell her you found out and instead of being mad you found it hot! Simple as that maybe you could get into a cuckold relationship which is rare and pretty great.

There is nothing between you and a girl besides sex, moron. If she was in love with you then she'd already dump the guy

"utilizing the whore"
it sounds like youre a pushover that seems to pretend you have control over the situation but youre just making the best out of your situation


This guy knows what's up. Cut your ties and be a fucking man.

how to lose someone's respect in 5 seconds

Kill yourself, cuck Lord.

sell her as a hooker on craigslist.

You're not utilizing shit. She's using you. At the beginning it'll seem like you're calling the shots, but once she starts "denial games" she'll see how unbelievably obedient and submissive it makes you. She'll then upgrade to locking your penis in a cage, and before you know it you're a walking tampon whose only use is to serve her illogical and short-sighted desires, boost her fragile ego, and do her every chore.

Basically most "women" are grown adults with the mentality of a spoiled 6yr old. That is, they want a "father" who will make them feel like they're a royal heir on an endless vacation searching for a gorgeous Chad.

No matter what she swears now, she will leave you for that Chad when she finds him. When that happens, you're fucked.

Do like somebody else posted about. Tell her you would get off on watching her fuck other guys. Refuse it being with some guy she picks. Place an ad on Craigs list for a hooker, set it up with guys before hand. Go to hotel with soon to ex-gf and she thinks it is your fetish but really you are prostituting her and making cash off of her fucking random guys. Break up with her after you have made a few grand and go on vacation.

oh noes

this is fucking genious


You pathetic fucking loser.

Cucks are insecure.

Cucks are so fucking beta they are willing to surrender pussy to another man.

Cucks are pathetic.

I third this notion. And I fourth it if you decide to stay with her. Fucking make 10 grand off of prostituting her especially if you're into it. This could become lucrative for a bit then drop her ass and never look back.

You get to fulfill your fantasy she gets to be a whore and you get to make money without her knowing.

this is ur destiny white boy being a cuck . just accept it .. u born to be a cuck white boy