Diaper boy thread taken down start a new one here

Diaper boy thread taken down start a new one here.


He's using us to get off but fuck it, ,it's hilarious and sad at the same time

Why was it taken down. Was watching it then watched yt 4 minutes later it got deleted. Last post was at 04. I can't back at 09 and it was gone

Fucking mods are faggots

Maybe op is sean, or some fag is reporting the threads.

try to get op to find this and keep it going

I guess posting somones ID and address is against the rules.


Seanboy, where are you?

Still messaging the cunt. Last thread got deleted out of nowhere because of this

I understand that but was something posted that poked mods? Anyone who was there between the 4th and 10th minute of this hour

They put the thread on autosage
>inb4 it’s a bump limit, fag

our hero (fag) returns

What do we do?

tell him to put a used diaper over his face cuz it turns you on

Get him to suck his own dick holding up 3 fingers or somthing

tell him to put toilet paper AROUND his head

Good one


make it sound like a silly thing

"put tp around ur head for mummy and smile for me baby boy"