My fiance and I only have sex once a month when we used to fuck all the time and I work a 9-5 job and she stays up...

My fiance and I only have sex once a month when we used to fuck all the time and I work a 9-5 job and she stays up until 4 am playing overwatch all night and sleeps all day.

Is she fat?

Not as thin as when we started dating, but a healthy weight.

either cheating or just general loss of sex drive. I notice I'm a lot less horny when I sit on my ass all day playing video games.

Age? And does she orgasm? How bigs your pee pee

She's letting you fuck her just enough so she can live off you for free. Your fiance is a NEET.

Who the fuck marries someone they have sex with once a month, back out while you can dumbass

That seems like a perfect woman if she isnt fat ofcourse

The sex is usually great, and I'm large enough to actually hurt her after a while, which I can see being a discomfort thing for her. She's not cheating, we just moved to a new town 5 hours away from home and I have the single car all day. She says it's just a loss of sex drive, but like, that sucks because mine hasn't diminished at all. When I get home she gets out of bed and we go out and do things and cook meals together, or play games, or whatever. Generally a pretty good relationship, but fuck.. I just want to fuck and be rested enough to not screw myself out of this new money dollars job.

To be fair, when we got engaged we were having sex like 3 times a week.

wtf my gf stays up all fucking night playing overwatch and sleeps all day. What does it mean tho

But how much SR does she have in overwatch?

She's fookin bronze m8. Playing qp and custom games and shit

What the actual fuck. What’s even the point if you’re not playing competitive. The game is literal cancer unless you have a ladder to climb

does she play in a group with other people?

She just plays with the same two bad player friends of hers yelling in discord. I'm glad she's having a good time but I agree with you. Without comp why play?

Try to spice things up

I AM HABENEROGHOSTPEPPERTRINIDADSCORPION SUPREME MY MAN. Back when we were having sex she was pretty open to trying whatever but I had to initiate it. It was great. Then badaboom, nada

I’m married and me and my fiancé haven’t had sex not once




You're on Sup Forums so I reckon you run into "jerk off to this shit" threads quite often. Stop doing that. Insist on her changing, fiercely. Don't 'politely suggest' anything.



I feel you, you have to be straight as an arrow and let her know you want to bang her brains out. Besides, probably trying to cope with you absence usual stuff.

Get her fucking roasted then once she's in doggy position.... SURPRISE ANAL!!??!??!!!!@@@

That's the thing. I don't think I could be more direct. I'm not forcing her into anything because I'm not that kinda dude, but I've made it very apparent on what's up. Last time we had sex was 21 days ago, and that was a 3 night in a row thing and then it just stopped.

Im there with you OP, our 2 years into dating is coming up and its been 2 months now. Im going insane mate.