What's the best way to kill myself?

What's the best way to kill myself?

Step one is that you don't, because people love you.

The one that kills you.

I go to a shit university and it's making me suicidal. Why is it so hard to detach intelligence from my ego and self-esteem?

Things aren't always going to be this bad. Things will change eventually, I promise. Suicide is NEVER the right choice. Although you may not see it, people do care about you. Pleasr reconsider.

live til old age and then wait for your heart to fail.

People hit the wall around mid-20's tho.

Jump in volcano

I understand that all things must pass and it's not always going to be this bad, but this doesn't just take the feeling away. I've tried rationalising this feeling repeatedly but it still sits there like a cancer on my brain.

Your twenties is only a quarter of your life, roughly. You have at least five or so decades left to live, why not try to be happy instead of giving up?

Also, don't listen to any of these sociopaths who are telling you how to go about it, because you deserve to be alive and happy.

Are you OP? You should read my other posts

It just takes so long. So long to grow attached to life, to all the things that you create, learn, and then for them to simply cease to exist from your consciousness.

Op, your teenager problems are bs, grow some balls.
The day you grieve your parents or siblings will be the day you will feel suicidal af, that very day you will be aware that you are the next in line.

Obviously. Even I am still trying to find my place. But your childhood through to your twenties is just the beginning of your life. You still have so much time to make a change, and create a better life that you are truly happy with. Don't give up. Death is so boring and so final.

>Death is so boring
You should look into that, Polyanna. KYS.

Thanks for your display of god-tier ignorance. Don't try and compare things that I can't relate to, this pain probably feels just as bad as grieving parents, but the situation just seems "worse" if my parents were to die.

Listen here, you depressed faggot, how about you take your razors and your faggy emo songs someplace else. Go dye your hair black and cut your wrists and fuck off, retard.

What do you do to try and find your place, and a sense of contentedness? I just feel like I've made an endless path of bad decisions, that have put me in a shitty situation, but leaving it doesn't seem like it would make things better.

OD on heroine

>deffo gonna work
>no pain
>Last few minutes are gonna be fun as fuck
>cant fuck it up easy unless your tard

Get drunk at the beach in a storm then swim out to sea.

Oooh, Captain Cheery-Vage is edgy, too. So, multi-faceted this one is.
Guy wants to kill himself, or pretend to, neither he nor anyone else here is interested in your White Knight suicide hotline lifesaver Virtue Signaling bullshit, you pansy.

Depends, how hot are you?

Honestly, even I am not very happy with my life. But I acknowledge that nothing lasts forever, not even personal problems. There is always something you can do to change something about your life.

What about LSD?

Oh so I'm a pansy for not being a heartless jerk like the rest of you? anyone on this board who encourages suicide should commit it themselves for being such a degenerate.

>There is always something you can do to change something about your life.
Such as, e.g., ending it. Go with that one.

Is becoming a trap viable?

Or you could just not be so pesmissitic.

Just because it doesn't last forever though, doesn't mean it won't stay there for the rest of my sodding life.

I thought /b was a slow painful suicide party am I in the wrong place?

Perhaps, but you can move on. Life is the longest thing you'll experience, and once it's over, that's it. Life is a gift, don't throw it away.

>deffo gonna work
Unless you wake up in an ambulance with someone pulling a Narcan needle out of your neck. Then, it's days of psych observation, parents wringing their hands about how they could have failed you to impress the neighbors, acquaintances who haven't checked in with you in years asking what they can do for you, and everyone treating you like a leper when you get out.

If you do it, do it in private, with enough alone time for it to work. No "cries for help," doing it in the next room from your parents, knowing they'll be knocking on your door in 30 minutes for dinner.

not a pleasant way to go compared to heroin my friend

Of course.

No, you're in the right place, but some of us have a heart.


Not even sure how you'd "overdose" on LSD, unless you mean doing some psychotic shit, like jumping out of a window, while tripping.

I'm a faggot for not being a heartless jerk, huh? Whatever. I'd rather be a faggot than a sociopath.


tbf if you're gonna "attempt suicide" where someone can stumble into you mid suicide attempt then you're probas not serious and are just an attention seeking faggot


you just take fucking loads of it


>I'm a faggot for not being a heartless jerk, huh?
Well... you're clearly out of place here and no-one gives a fuck about what you think. So, you just like the negative feedback or you think you're making yourself feel good about what a great, morally righteous person you are.

Why not go start a Logan Paul thread, or join an existing one. You'll fit in better there, dontcha think?

Definitely carbon monoxide poisoning. Easy and cheap to accomplish, no pain and no gore.

Listen here, douchebag, if you wanna preach pessimism, then how about you go kill yourself rather than encouraging others to? The world will be better off without fags like you.

How do you even get that shit anymore, these days? Didn't the feds break up the last "big" distributor four or five years back - and with SR gone, I'd figured it was shrooms or bust, nowadays.


dunno, cant say i ever tried getting any tbh

That feeling op, is the one that makes you go thru 2 ways.
>simply let it go and do something with your life.
>keep it and fail in life

Im feeling the same way op, this idea of death has been running around in my head for the last 3 months and its making me insane, i've decided to enjoy the rest of my life and love my family as much as i can, im 26, i've grieved my brother for the last year and since then i've felt depressed, its hard af, but im moving on slowly.

The point here is that you are not alone and there will always be someone worse.

>if you wanna preach pessimism, then how about you go kill yourself rather than encouraging others to?
I am actually in a thread where OP asked how to do it. You, ... uh, douche bag, are the White Knight faggot swimming against the current.

I have to assume you're some sort of nigger.

What an age we live in, where people who support suicide get praised, and people who try to save people are "faggots" or "retards". My lord, just fuck off.

Oh, Lawsy, what an age! These young kids with their Twitting and their MySpaces.
Heaven help us.

Go KYS, Aunt Bea. Are you sure you aren't OP? You seem like the sort of person who'd have "difficulty" adjusting.

Cut the skin off the bottom of your feet then let it slowly get infected

You're a real faggot aren't you? I bet nobody loves you and you take your frustration out on anons on Sup Forums.

I feel sorry for you, I really do.

Oooh... "faggot." That's hard. You hard? Who doesn't love an Internet Tough Guy?

You a Navy SEAL, too? Delta Force MMA Intramural team? Go on. Tell us all that story about your hands and their registration for lethality.

You're diverting valuable posts keeping OP from KHS with you sermon, in order to lean tough on other posters.

Focus, Aunt Bea! Focus!

You must be a huge retard. Are you drunk or what?

Nobody loves you, so fuck off.

Uh.. no... there's still plenty of dark sites available to buy books of it and anything else you want

>being this white knight on 4chin

Yeesh. Too stupid and old to learn to use Tor safely. And then the mailing and the dogs.
Fuck it. It's simpler not to use.

>use Tor safely
... No such thing.

True enough, but really the fbi don't waste their time with low paying orders, I only see reports of busts against middlemen distributors. Also lsd is probably the easiest thing for them to mail since it fits in a letter

dogs can't smell acid, man you're fucking dumb

by living life to the fullest fag

Old age


>this doesn't just take the feeling away
Your feelings don't matter. That's your problem. You believed the movie Jew. Nobody else in the world cares this much about their feelings and most of them have a worse life than you.

>dogs can't smell acid, man you're fucking dumb

Sigma Pseudo™ Narcotic Scent LSD formulation

Imagine that: an ignorant, yet belligerent shit poster on Sup Forums.

Buy a Hi-Point

Thx not op but good perspective and I'll add the lack of sympathy made me decide, imo just considering it is a cry for help.

I believe I'm able to hear thoughts of people
Like my sisters sleep noises or papas grunts the pitch tells a story, but in public this ability is wavered nonetheless thinking suicide will make a bad smell aswell as a high frequency emissions from the thyroid gland emit making people naturally reluctant to make contact

Don't dwell on suicide chances r your jr size balls won't have the stuffing and in the longcess of thought deprivation yields no fruit
Try religion or anal without condom
I have another trick for ultimate dopamine release asks me for it

It depends. Are you going for style points? Or are you looking for something quick and painless?