Civ. Thread (Continued):

Civ. Thread (Continued):

I will be including the gets from last thread so wait a bit to roll for anything just bump for a few minutes

How To Play:
choose what army you're rolling for and in what cardinal direction (i.e. North, West, south-east, etc.) you want them to move in.
You can specify the way you want me to arrange your new squares (e.g. a thick line, a thin line, fill area to the West, etc.).
If someone moves their force through yours, splitting it in two, the smaller half of your army will disappear and the army who split it will take 5 of your remaining squares.

dubs, 5 squares
trips, 15 squares
quads, 30 squares

A Few Closing Statements:
If a troll starts posting pretending to be OP with images of the game I will abandon thread.
If this thread dies I will make another and link it in this thread.
If the game isn't over by 5am MST the army controling the largest amount of land wins.
If I missed anything in this original post I will address it in later posts.
Also these threads are very hard to manage but I've done it before.
So if it's taking a while for me to upload the next image, please post slower so I can keep up with your gets.

chilldawgia has to be renamed. check previous thread.

TOJO ventures East! (Closing that gap)

freedomland attacks Sup Forums

Tojo says "Close the Jap Gap Just a little bit more" (move east again)

we must get stronger

Tis I, Satan , known for obliterating the niggers




tojo roll roll

chef to attack reich

Fuck you freedomland. Can't you read what OP wrote. Tojo is cool as fuck compared to you. I hope they go pearl harbour on your ass.

Not a bad idea!

Jesus Christ you faggots wait a second for OP to catch up. WHERE ARE MY GENERALS
I have a bear holding a Cali sign
YOU MUST SHOW PROOF you support my cause

for fucks sake hit
be gone faggot

Lt Gen Satan wants to colonize Africa for Chef
Let's go north.




Get sommmeee

ok this is freedom land we shall halt our attack until OP chatches up

Into Africa pls.

roll for tojo


Reich going downnnn

fuck this gay earth


gundam tojo roll

Into northern Libya pls?

Nice. but plz slow posting for OP be courteous.

On the real other nations should include related pics for added fun like I'm doing--just a suggestion...

Thank you. Dude the pasta and rice clans grow while we fight one another.

Tojo has been! Tojo enjoys fun.

No colonialism?

Yeet, more land for Chef.

ok guy sorry for the wait i was finishing the gets in last threaad

>Chef attacks riech
>chilldawgia is renamed to faggot non moving bitches
>Chef whips put Third Riech
>Tojo fills gap

shall we join forces to get stronger. we could be call 4freedom?

hello. this is the leader of faggot non moving bitches (i rolled rename.. my country now fags).

we now shall start moving to freedomlans blue faggots

3rd Reich regroups in Russia

Shout out to Tojo for the related pics.

Lt. Satan how can we contact each other since you still haven't joined my kik war room you faggot? Same goes for my other Lt.s

Chef to Ethiopia

pls call me chef 2.0


guess not


>Tojo fills the gap more
>Third Reich was already dead but Chef fuck their dead bodies
>Tojo continues to close the gap

Reroll for colonialism

Who do we destroy first. 4freedom roll to fuck up non moving bitches

Tojo claims south east asia



Tojo moves West!

Tojo makes its way too Australia




4freedom heads toward non moving bitches



non moving bitches to attack freedomfags


3rd Reich regroups in Russia and claims land




>Chef takes more land
>Freedomland moves north-west

reroll 3rd Reich


>Third Reich was already dead but Chef fuck their dead bodies

Chef leads Lt. Satan and Lt. Chef 2.0 into battle heading for the Slopes--Tojo


-chef 2.0

Ethiopia roll

that 4freedom to you pest

we joined forces

incase i get dubs

damn so close. Rolling for a new 3rd Reich in Russia

Roll, let the fags team up with Sup Forums and destroy fatties

Tojo takes South East Asia

rename freedomland to "faggot non moving bitches' bitch"

reroll for Tojo

Reroll for this

-chef 2.0

>Chef takes 5 more squares
you guys aren't really telling me where to out a lot of these so i just put the in random places

3rd Reich regroups in Russia


Tojo moves South

fuck forgot image

freedom land heads to non moving bitches

reroll for 3rd Reich

As leader of the faggot non moving bitches, i thank you for ur service in making freedom land our bitch namewise



jesus christ lmao


Freedomland advances up north.

3rd Reich starts again in Russia

4freedom has achieved unity. ATTACKS FAGGOT NON MOVING BITCHES.

Africa, about it.

yes!! 3rd Reich expends in Russia

3rd Reich grows stronger again!


I'm pretty sure that against the rules 3rd Reich has been wiped out

chef to tojo chinks

-chef 2.0

you made a big mistake


Tojo will steamroll through 75% of europe without the red army. I don't care either way though.

I consent with this action.