This slutty 18 y/o waitress was squashed by a semi truck when she fell off her bicycle in front of it...

This slutty 18 y/o waitress was squashed by a semi truck when she fell off her bicycle in front of it, while wearing headphones and not paying any attention.

Would you have tried to save her, user? What would you want in return for saving her?

Other urls found in this thread:

>An 18-year-old waitress died after she was knocked down and crushed by a large truck while she was riding her bicycle home from work.
>According to witnesses, the heavy truck ran over the girl’s chest and then dragged the girl down the road to her death.

>The teenage waitress, who may have been wearing headphones while cycling, was crushed to death under the wheels of the truck when she had a “momentary lapse of judgement,” an inquest has heard.
Hard to feel bad for her when she was so fkin careless.


Fuck of you disrespectful slag

>that last name

How do you even pronounce it? What the fuck?

>Krzysztof Charewicz
>that last name

desu what the fuck are these names

>Olivia Wojciechowska
One less immigrant is good for the country

Some sort of polish abomination

Abomination? You forgot about polish heros fighting for your stupid country like Kosciuszko or Pulaski. Do you know these names or you are just ignorant fuck?

This girl moved all the way from Poland, went to school, grew those tits, got a job, and then casually biked in front of a truck and got flattened. It's poetic.

need more pics of this dead dumb slut

>fuck the body and collect any usable organs

grzegorz brzęczyszczykiewicz

Here's another pic.

do you have nudes

No. I'm looking for them, but none yet. It's not like I knew the slut. I think these pics were from her fb.


Headphones argument is absolute bullshit, for 7 years I cycled 15 miles a day through heavy traffic in central London with headphones in, used my fucking eyes to observe and check over shoulder (aka 'lifesaver check') before pulling round things and generally looked around for awareness at all times.

Many motorcylists wear earplugs, they're not fucking dying every 2 seconds because of it

Found another picture of the slutty Polish waitress. Not quite a nude, but it's damn close.

Totally agree. It's not that hard to see an 18 wheeler turning the corner in front of you at 5 mph, regardless of whether you have headphones in.

This is what happens when a roastie gets used to everyone paying attention to her. She assumes the vehicles on the road will notice her and make way.

i wouldn't imagine ever doing that in the USA, but on the other hand I suppose drivers in europe want to actively murder bikers much less so.

death to the thots

Now that's a rekt video I'd love to see

What a waste of perfectly good tits

I wouldn't have got to fuck her either way, so to hell with her.

Lmao, one article said the semi truck ran over her chest. I wonder what those tits looked like afterwards.

She's dead and won't hear you call her a disrespectful slag.

But I agree, respect traffic.

In this day and age, there's got to be a video of this. Doesn't the UK have surveillance cameras on every corner? Let's find it.

good god, she was a slut. i'm so glad she died and brought her sexy tits to my attention.