Waifu thread

Waifu thread.

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They're in my car, though..
Tomorrow, hit me up


Nonono the more fun things happen, the better

what kind of fun things

idk? My standards for fun things are quite low dear comrade. I'm already glad if a nice exhibition is going on somewhere



Yeah, then the nosebleed happened..

Is goulash good?

It might, still should. Sooner the better. It's good.

Will later.

Still here


K any particular time I should?

At least it's mostly better?

Claiming best girl

Forgot to add this. Doesn't feel right otherwise..

fun things for me are usually limited to just playing vidya with friends

how much later

Still here

It's way too early edition

It's nice, especially since you can eat it with either potatoes, soup, macaroni and rice.

That's nice too, sadly most people are busy with work and such

Not Junko here. Goulash is great if made correctly. Give it a try if you're a fan of meat.

Right on. I expect top quaility work

I'll be sure to send you my favorite one I've done, then
and not my droopy skellies


i will at some time, give me a few months and i'll probably have it at least downloaded by then


Best girl in itt.

It dried. Now am just cold and somewhat tired. How's yous?

Two weeks+

With soup? I thought it was already soup..

That requires effort..

>Few months
Do it now!

Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня

yea, and lots of people playin shit that i dont have

why so long with no babysitting? whos gonna make sure those brats get learnt?

Hacтя - имя для шлюх.

..I haen't been the range in a while I should go..

But the effort is rewarding in this case. Someone once taught me that food tastes great if it's well made, and even better if you made it yourself.

I meant the meat and sauce in general comrade. Not the goulash soup.

So what do you play then dear comrade?

nooo that's hard

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lately like 90% of my time has been in either ffxiv or minecraft


Reasons. There's always someone.

Sleep is good. Shoot in your dreams.

Right, but I'm not a picky eater..

Oh, I get it. I'd still argue pizza would be better tho..

I can give a link..

Aww, sadly I don't play minecraft and wanted to get into ff14 but wew, the subscriptions is huge turn off.

I know, but with all the celebrations going on it's borderline impossible to order something

But I wanna stay up and chat..

hey dark souls i like that game
that'd be cool :o


rip, pizza is always best food btw

yea i feel kinda obligated to play minecraft cause i encouraged yami to buy the server for us, and 14 sub is kinda pricey but they pump out content patches every 3 months so thats nice

sleep pinkie

B-But chatting...And I can video with Chara, I haven't in like a week..


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Don't order, go get one.

But sleep is good..

Yeah, Dark Souls is pretty fun. Broadsword best weapon.


but sleep

you spelled chaos zweihander wrong

that's not how you spell demon's greataxe


Sleep does sound pretty nice...Soon, soon.
Zweihander a best in ds1

Second toilet visit.


Good. Good.

That's a nice pic.

Those are the opinions of someone who hasn't really tried broadsword.

> toilet visit


>the legend never dies

Thought it was appropriate to share.

this faggot gets it

yea i don't think i've used broadsword once


Babby's first weapon.

give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori give me a (You) me Sayori

Yup, if they would have made it like 5 or 6 like runescape it would have been far more appealing for me to get into it. I liked the trial.

Well, a bit late now since I just ate.


but I still adore 1

I think it wasn't. Although who cares about my opinion.

I dream of a community with good taste in memes
But that will never happen.


Am not too familiar with DS memes..

Give it a try! Right after reading Saya no Uta!

It's never late for pizza!

3 is the best imo.

Кaк бyдeт пo-aнглийcки "cпaлить гoднoтy" ?

mmm, idk. both seem pretty difficult

unfortunately i dont think they'll ever lower the sub cost, sony like hates 14 for some reason, pretty sure they'd just stop all production on it before making it cheaper

3 is shit, and you should learn the ways of the giant dad saya

Hmm, I might get one in the evening then....

That's a real shame, it's just that I'm not in the mood to pay 15 a month knowing full well that the game will disappear in a few years


3 >>>>>> 1 tho
2 is shit



to quote lobos, "ds2 is like bad sex, it's still sex." either that or he used pizza for the analogy instead of sex

yea, ive spent way too much money on it tbh, but i just cant seem to give it up

your opinion is shit

hey naz

Dispatched by the knights to watch over this thread of heresy and debauchery

Ul-Fenesis Claimed
Morning Nazrin

thought you were going back to bed

Duly noted

hey shinobu
how's you?

good morning to you too, i think

I know what you mean, used to be the same with runescape.... until I got banned that is

Hey comrade!! coh2 when?.




im alright, cant decide if i wanna get on minecraft or not

what did you get banned for?

is one place to download it.

3 is good tho..

Good, good. Anything else going on?

The last dlc's final boss was pretty meh tho. Some random dude in the middle of nowhere..

How far you in MHW?

Hai Vali!



He was...cool, but not that cool.Bonus boss, tho

>magic is basically unusable
>choose one

I went, laid in bed for little and then got a monster hunter itch. It's like a drug at this point.
Aye, it's 4am here. Been up since 3
Hrm I don't think I have time before work today so it'd have to be after, or same time tomorrow I like this whole waking up at 3am thing.
Just beat the final boss. Now collecting palico gear before I grind endgame gear

Botting years ago.

Not much, looking for stuff to play

Fam i've done a pure mage build.
It's ez

Aww okay, guess we'll see then

how're you
>he uses magic

well i can't decide for you
if you're feeling like it, go for it

yeah i figured it was really early for you
any plans for the day?

now give me a few months and i'll play it


drugs are bad, mkay


magic is fun

did you finish getting through the twilight forest?



He wasn't a bonus boss..

>uses magic

Lazor dragon was pretty cool.

Start it now!

You up normally at this hour? I shoulda hit you up before dropping an hour into MH. my bad
Just work. Finally got around to buying cheapy earbuds to tune out my co-workers. How bout you?
Donuts are bad mnkay?