White men are weak

White men are weak

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But not in jail.

Here we go again. My 401k, job, mortgage say otherwise. Have fun smoking Newports and drinking 211 in your trash neighborhood where the life expectancy is 30.

Op is a closet white male lol

Anyone looks weak when you aggressively organize against them. All races have been victims of this at some point.

Low effort bait. OP is a white cuck.

I never understand shit like this. Why the fuck would you roll over like a dog instead of just punching that nigger in the face or telling him to fuck off.

>inb4 you get gangbeat and mugged

I've never been afraid of getting mugged. They can either stab me and get 10-25 years in jail or they can walk away. Give them an ultimatum.


Looks like a low budget gay porn flick.

As long as .45ACP still kills them I'll never be weaker than a minority.

You're either old as fuck, newfags or fucking morons to keep swallowing this bait.

you're seeing the pic wrong, he's just about to show his superior white dong

Says the person commenting on the post. lol

I saged imbecile.

the man was kind enough to give the monkey some clothes for his dirty children. Charity is not weakness

Yeah keep making excuses. lol

>insulting people on an anonymous Swedish knitting image board

You're going to get stabbed and they're going to get away because you'll be unable to tell the police anything more than "it was a black guy"
Your entire post reeks of "Sheltered suburban white boy"





u mad whiteboi?

You retarded black stain


story or link of the video?

OK, at that point you might've fucked up.

White men have higher muscle density. Chances are the guy in the picture is atleast as strong as the black guy.

Fuck off fag.

Dunno but I enjoy being part of the superior race. Cant complain. No tho. If i was a nigga then i would kill myself. There is just no future for ya guys to look forward to. Apes in the past.. Apes in the future. But dw. We whiteys will ensure to keep ya fed. Like good pets. =D

Niggers have big dicks but a small brain