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>fights the germans


>You've been very naughty, user. I don't accept your apology. In fact, I think I will have to punish you.

wtf I hate Palestinians now!?

>woman with bad accent tries her hardest to fake a bad accent


What is her lack of expression not even trying to convey?

>Now in glorious TECHNICOLOR

Has she ever done nudity?

I don't care which greek god you were born out of, you step out of the trenches like that, you're dead.

>It's a "Gal Gadot 'acts' indifferently to everything" episode

So are these people the villains? I never read the comics so have no idea who they are.

>Danny Huston
Oh baby

Woman is 100% Dr. Poison
Dude could be Ares, Duke of Deception (most likely), or just a regular army officer

I fucking knew I recognised her!

Dr. Poison and Duke of Deception are somewhat obscure villains by the way, even for Wonder Woman.

Dr. Poison was only chosen because it's WW1 and actually makes sense.

It's easy to hate fatasses

gal is ugly

Dr Poison looks cool enough
Hope Ares shows up

"I can't stand by while innocent lives are lost"

Brilliant writing, dumb fuckers. Why don't the Amazons or whatever just use their magic powers and defeat the Germans or whatever? God, comics are so stupid.

Probably because she's looking at a green screen for the entire fucking movie.

She needs to work on her voice. Sounds too deep

why does she wear the mask?


Because no one cared who she was until she put it on.

>Sounds too deep
That's because she smokes

WW1 ... Not The " Evil" Germans... kek.

If I pull that off, will she die?

>gal is ugly
delet this

what went wrong?

What the heck's with those costumes?

What the fuck is her power?

It looks bad. Like an empty shell Xena movie but with more colors.

It would be extremely empowering

>e.t. phone home

She doesn't get called a "sexist stereotype" as much as other women because she strong. Also her gadgets are her real strength. Reflective wristbands (why not just make your whole armor out of that or at least most of it), her lasso makes you admit you did something, and her invisible jet.


>DC looks to marvel to make money
>DC quips

Don't get ahead of yourself MCUck.

I guess you didn't watch civil war? Lmaooo

Why is she so cute, bros?


Way to pick an uplifting and morally righteous cause for your superhero movie.

Actually looks good.
I'm surprised.

I want to lick her back tbH

i mean yeah shes pretty, buts a generic model kind of beauty, almost boring to look at

>I wonder if they'll throw in some post-trailer quips
>delivers post-trailer trailer quips

That looks fucking great.


Looks better, but desu I think she's qt-er with brown eyes.

>It's a DC Marketing is astroturfing the shit out of WW trailer discussion across all the involved forums thread


Multiple accounts spamming the same questions and declarations across reddit - same on other forums too, including here.

go away

For what? I was never against it.

>For what? I was never against it.
Apologize anyway.

hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng just dominate me already

Looks like a capeshit specifically designed for the reddit audience. Featuring an openly zionist jewess as a blue-eyed Amazonian demigoddess fighting the big bad Germans, early 2000s bullet-time effects and Gal Gadot's face not reacting to anything. No amount of DC shills can make me watch this. Hard pass.

>within one sentence, Gadot has already ruined the trailer
lol no, this is going to be dog shit


How come they didn't give Gadot blue eyes?

It would have made her look so much better instead of her blackish brown no offence but for a "goddess" her eyes need to be blue.

>that gadot acting

It's Greek island which has kept secluded from the real world for centuries. They're having a Olympics type competition for who will escort the pilot back to America.

So what will your face be when this turns out to be miles better than BvS DoJ?

I seriously hope you're memeing right now


I think the sea is really beautiful in this trailer. Shame everything else is shitty.
Makes me hopeful for Aquaman though.

It's better than the furry-roleplay they sometimes do.

>So what will your face be

Hopefully sat on

annoying accent
generic plot/conflict
boring facial expressions/bad acting


But dat theme tho.

There's no way this is real. Holy fuck this is the worst CGI I have ever seen.

Hey, at least it's not an airport.


>Keeps using the sword instead of her fucking magic lasso.
>No bondage.
>Gal Gadot's shitty accent.
>Gal Gadot's shitty body.

It's sad. The movie looks like it'd have potential if it was Jessica Biel or Jaimie Alexander.

It will never stand up to the invisible boatmobile

Hateful hook nose kike

This movie will save the DCEU.


why is she climbing a ladder, she can fly

From what? Zack Snyder's toxic masculinity?

I take it you haven't seen the tv show or the 2009 animated movie. It happens in both.


>cast Gadot as the "sexy" one
>Isla Fisher is a billion times more attractive even in frumpy clothing

Really makes me ponder.

What PS3 game is this?

That Clash of the Titans tie-in from 2011.

Isla is regular type sexy. Gal is UNIQUE sexy.

This female villain is disgusting, they are openly mocking world war 1 veterans with facial disfigurement from war before plastic surgery existed. Fucking jews.


These guys had it easy, they never had to go through the destruction of their people. They should check their privilege and gib many shekels for the people who made this movie.

Why does she have such big ass titties?

Because she's been poisoned by toxic masculinity.

Why did they CGI her and not use a stunt double instead?

This looks fake

I really fucking hate Wonder Woman's theme song. It's so out of place.

No. I won't apologise. I've always had faith in the DCEU movies.

You guys notice how Wonder Woman blocked a bullet that totally would've missed her anyway if she did nothing?

Damn Gal

This looks like shit

Godamm DC just fuckin stop already

Her theme suits well for BvS with the guitars because she is in modern day setting but for this film they really should have changed it to resemble WW1 but then her theme probs will only be for this trailer.

what the fuck! she wasn't even in the harms way. looking at the bullet speed it seems like the guy would actually get in the middle and take a shot in the head if he went to save WW.

No they need to make a Harley and Joker movie please!

I am dying to see it


>yfw this ultimately kills the entire dc cinematic universe

I love how this scene is being played up like she's hot when she looks like she just got out of ze camps.

that butt