Hacksaw Ridge comes out today

>Hacksaw Ridge comes out today
>Nobody seems to give a shit

Let's discuss Mel-kino ITT

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Calm the fuck down. I plan on watching it on Saturday.

>implying anything Mel touches isn't instantly kino

Not everybody is a neet who can see films on a weekday, assface.

I won't be a able to see it until Thursday

>the mel is a good director meme
>hurr lots of gore means it's gritty and realistic!
>neckbeard logic

found the jew

Stay home, goy boy

go back to Sup Forums and stay there

>such a wagecucked clockslave you cant spare 2 hours to go to the movies

Go back to the gas chambers in Auschwitz and stay there.

Get this oven dodger out of here

Full Metal Jacket still has the better boot camp scenes. But FMJ war scenes get shit on here.
Hacksaw Ridge's Okinawa is on par with Saving Private Ryan's Normandy scene.

Looks stupid as fuck

>haha le jidf

can't say i expected anything less from Sup Forums

you're a fucking fag

found the kike

Keep posting rare Mels

shut the fuck up

>having respect for mel's film making makes me a Sup Forumstard



aww did i hurt your feelings?

get some taste


>war movies should not have gore

Are you an actual mental retard?

>jews betray and kill Jesus
>Jesus resurrects more powerful
>jews kill Mel's career
>Mel resurrects more powerful

c-can it be...?

>war movie
>>hurr lots of gore means it's gritty and realistic!

Mel Gibson looks like he fucks guys, always has. He's got a major case of "gay face".


Sunday for me. Going with my dad.

underage b&

but me dad and I love watching a godo war movie together. he's 80 years old and is a veteran. get fucked.

Just got back from watching it.
The naked dude who looked like Edward Richtofen felt a bit out of place.
Vince Vaughn was fine.
Andrew Garfield was fine.
There were a couple of old people watching the movie.
A birrion japanese jumpsacres that made the girl behind me scream everytime.
It was a gorefest something I really want expecting, but i don't mind.
Ending felt a bit corny.
I teared up a little when they were interviewing the real people


breddy good Hacksaw Ridge press conference. Based Mel spends the whole time stroking his beard and twirling his mustache like a villain.

your dad's a faggot


my dad killed 121 gooks, by his account.

He is most certainly not a faggot.

>using asian racial slurs while posting on an anime image board

Not at all, I just said not everybody can see it.

Nice projection user, perhaps you should see somebody about it, seeing as you got so much spare time on your hands, you can spare 2 hours a week to talk about your obvious mental problems.

And before you say, no, this isn't projecting. As I do not perceive what I just said as a negative trait that I apply to other people as a defensive mechanism, you? You used 'wagecucked clockslave' as an insult, so it's inherently negative. You getting help, isn't. I'd stick to just calling me a 'cuck' or just reply 'autism'. After all, you're a 14 year old who uses 'cuck' because you learnt it on Sup Forums about 2 years ago.

>hating jew
>= kike

w-wait what i don't get this

they are both implying the poster of "Looks stupid as fuck" is a buttmad jew.


If I didn't know any better I'd say that you must be some kind of Jew

saw it already
first act needed 10 more minutes, last act needed 30 more minutes

Solid 8/10

Just got out of the theater, I cried like a little bitch at the end.

I'm not gonna see it because it keeps playing on youtube ads when I try to watch videos, so fuck mel gibson, gladiator wasn't even that great

So it's actually good? Trailers have made it seem kind of sappy and my most trusted reviewers--who aren't that critical of Mel-- weren't exactly praising it.

>first act needed 10 more minutes, last act needed 30 more minutes
that's a great assessment. I agree, however I think the ramp up of pace in the second act works and adds to the anxiety of the setting.

A third act would be nice also, or maybe just an epilogue.

>media run by jews
>hollywood run by jews
>'nobody gives a shit'

Gladiator was Ridley Scott you incompetent pleb


this is the movie of the year, folks

mel got great performances out of every actor in the film. Vince Vaughn is pretty damn solid.

get adblock you fucking dummy

>great performances out of every actor
even that useless avatar cunt was good in this.

My dad killed a 122 gooks

thank your dad for his from user

Ya all those black and white war movies with guns that sound like star wars blasters are super realistic

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?

it's gonna get snubbed by the kikes though

shit I should have mentioned him, Worthington actually convinced people that he wasn't a block of wood

nice meme

>anti-war movie
If anything it made me feel bad for knowing I'll never be able to tell anyone how many Japs I killed.
Damn I missed out

How many of the Sup Forumsbeards flocking here realize that this is a movie glorifying a pacifist starring a Jewish actor?

If ANY other director made this they'd be crying about jewish conspiracies and white genocide.

The script is very sappy. But Mel makes the world so fucking brutal and horrifying that it really amplifies Dawes heroics. The purity of his intentions in the midst of all that evil really struck a cord with me for some reason.

>anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy

Fighting for the kikes is always wrong

You're the one trying to spin a narrative, goy.

>Caspere knew this

I want to see it
>like Mel
>fucking hate Andrew Garfield

I'm torn.

if you are one of the people who posts this meme, your mother is going to die in her sleep tonight

See it to support Mel so he can make more kino

Yeah but it looked cool, and I ended up learning the wrong message, so who cares

If it helps Andrew Garfield acts like a weird dude because his character was a weird dude in real life.

support mel put the kikes on suicide watch

Andrew's face makes me angry and triggers my autism. I might still go. Can't fell the mel.

see even bidermang was great in this.

>You are now aware that Andrew Garfield changed his last name from "Garfinkel" to appear less Jewish.

Never trust a kike who changes their last name to "fit in." It's their version of taqqiya.

vince vaughn can be a solid dramatic actor, hopefully vinceposting is reborn after this.


Mel wouldn't use Dragoon. This is what always bothered me.


9/10 for me. Very, very good. Court room drama in the second act dragged on a bit too long. I was afraid there wasn't going to be enough war. Very happy I was wrong. The brutality of the battle scenes were emotionally shaking

Only meming retarded children hate Andrew Garfield. Kid is a great actor

The jews didn't kill Jesus, the Romans did.
Also en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollonius_of_Tyana#Comparisons_with_Jesus

MY dad killed 123.

My dad was the fat man dropped on Nagasaki

who else got hyped as fuck after Garfield was coming down from the wall and the nips started getting picked off by everyone on the group

I couldn't resist pumping my fist in triumph. God damn, Mel makes me feel things no other filmmaker can.

It struck a chord with you because he represents how God works; he is a redeemer. He takes something as awful as the battlefield and turns it into something virtuous, pure, honorable, peaceful, and loving

fuckgin spoiler that shit

Just got back from seeing it, aside from a couple of questionable performances it was pure kino. Garfield and Hugo Weaving are awesome.

everyone on the ground*

>more 'americans did anything important during WW2 except supplying both sides to prolong the weakening of Europe' movies

I was afraid weaving would be a footnote or side character. Loved the extra long introduction

Wrong campaign, you fucking europoor.

Weaving did a fucking amazing job portraying a veteran. The facial expressions/mouth shaking was spot on.

Who was the actor who played Schmitty? That guy is the first young man nowadays I've seen that I genuinely thought pulled off the classic masculinity.

He has then potential to be the next Harrison Ford. I hope he gets picked up by more great directors and keeps working with Mel

Yeah, I'm really glad that they didn't just make him an angry drunk with no depth. His character and performance were pretty interesting

The part where they're all at the dinner table and he finds out the brother has enlisted was his best moment, the reaction felt so real.

I thought the cemetery scenes were the best

I got fucking hype, and I'm not even American


does anyone know a cinema in lower manhattan that accepts lone watchers ?
would love to catch this one on saturday night.