Not just lesbian, but interracial lesbians

>not just lesbian, but interracial lesbians

Really Netflix?

Other urls found in this thread:

how can white women even compete ?

They're both really fucking hot, what's the problem?

encourages people to race mix and be lesbians

So TV should be just all bible passages?


Fuck off faggot

really made me think

literally what's the problem with either of those things

I thought the one on the right was a tranny at first, no lie.

>we need someone to play a bangable dyke
>say no more pham

whats wrong with homosexual racemixing if they cant have children together?

Sup Forums btfo

The one in the right is the hot one

If you rape somebody in San Junipero, do you get charged?

Literally nothing wrong with race mixing if there is no chance of a child being produced so be proud of your love of a buck pounding your boipussy.

the bible has way more edgy shit than that m8

why is Mackenzie so perfect bros

i wanted to trap him lol

>girl not a virgin? Better drag her ass to her father's house and stone her to death

Old Testament justice was raw as hell.

this is the problem

good old times

I wish I could go back

Absolute effin qts


Did Yorkie get blacked by Kelly, or did Kelly get bleached by Yorkie?

>the story about the father and two daughters stuck in the desert, so god tells the daughters to get their father black out drunk and rape him so their family line can continue


Racemixing will breed r9k fags?

its owned by ((((them)))).

Rodger had the aesthetics to be a Chad if he just lifted. The White-Asian mix of incredibly high intelligence creates massive autism and mental problems.

>In this world we're just begin'
>To understand the miracle of livin'
>Baby I was afraid before
>But I'm not afraid, anymore

My Nubian Queen

They've done much worse. Watch sense8 if you wanna see some tranny interracial lesbian strap-on sex and pansexual orgies.

>west african ethnicity





only in the wrong combination

>not just interracial lesbians, immortal forever young interracial lesbians


I want mackenzie davis to fuck me.

fuck mckenzie davis is so cute, i even watched more than i shouldve of halt and catch fire because of her.

this episode was easy to figure out tho, still good.

just imagine being a vegetable for 40y+ and all your memories being fucking worthless

>one is near the end of her life and wanst to experiment
>the other meets her first true love and has no prejudice
Made sense to me.

got a webm? asking for a friend

handsome asian males get average white woman vs semi ugly white man gets average asian womyn.


Kelly is so perfect

i cried tbqh

then i realized how monotonous it would become to live in the same place with the same person for eternity and got even sadder

>isabella guzman

fucking hot

weeb or fatty detected

Goddamn this was an amazing episode.
Watched it high the first time, and I was really confused, but understood it all in the end.

Watched it the second time around, and it was even better. So much satisfying picking up on the little things.

did you blame the existence of sense8 for why you can't stop kissing other dude's cocks?

I mean, if you're going to racemix anyway, it's better that you gay race mix, so as to not pollute the gene pool.

>implying that Asians aren't just that good at math that they know how many times to stab somebody to make them think that you're crazy


reminder not to pirate or pay for anything BBC produces

they're using their platform to brainwash people and covertly hire and favor blacks over white white

they're the biggest propaganda machine for the british elites forcing multiculturalism

>every episode is dark, scalding, warning about the dangers of technology/spectacle culture/social media/general direction in which our society is headed
>story about lesbians
>suddenly the future is bright, technology is great, the world is cutesy and perfect, and defying nature's laws is good and healthy
What did they mean by this?

Somebody should make a bingo for all the shit BBC pushes. It's literally every single TV series, but you won't see it until you know to look for it! So fucking disgusting.

>there wont be more lesbos/bis in the future


At no point did I insinuate this. I just said that the episode about lesbians took a huge shift in themes and tone for some reason.

>bright future
>they're dead

Only in America

theyd be 10x more ug overseas

Really? I thought it was unsettling.

Fuck you. Learn to read first you retarded ape.

>my face when a couple is anything but straight white christian american missourian 2nd cousins

If i enjoyed this, what does that make me?

Was she on the spectrum or just socially retarded due to lack of experience?

Unsure, tell us more about why you enjoyed it. Please tell us specifics like what products you would use when you think of your enjoyment.

spent 40 years in a bed. you figure it out

i think ur socially retarded for not connecting the very obvious dots of a 21y old devoutly religious upbringing first half of last century virgin 40year coma patient and her being socially awkward

Dr Pavel I'm San Lesbokino.

Is it racist that I have no romantic interest in women who are that dark skinned?

No, just means you're low testo.

Wishing you the best.

>television and film

yahoo answers may be more up your alley,fag.

>I don't have an interest in someone obviously not compatible with my gene pool, am I the problem

so? go make your own show about a hetero and same race couple if you want

>implying the girl in the BM episode has even half that much ass

You think grown up people are retards who mindless replicate what they see on tv?

You dont go out much do you?

>Every time Death Wish 3 airs on tv. Wildey sales spike

It sounds like you're the one who doens't get out much.

You guys can't even cherry pick right.

>Viktor Tsoy
Didn't expect that

difference between having an alpha father and a beta father

Ever notice they never cast roided-out bulldykes or mincing flamers as homosexuals outside of animated comedies?
Almost as if they're trying to normalise the walking STI epidemics among the normie population.

> Dude interacial lesbian LMAO

This episode sucked hard in fact it's the worst of S3 you just got baited by the lesbians

> "muh I should like it or i'm raycis"

I can understand that. Hollywood has been casting exclusively good looking people for decades. It's natural that BBC follows suit. They don't, however, shy from casting chimp looking niggers in support of their proud multicult campaign.

pic extremely related

Don't forget it's the only episode to have "after credits" with fucking "heaven is a place on earth" song running

How can people like this episode is beyond me

i've never dropped a show as fast as I dropped sense8

This scene + the next one at the pride lmao


>you will never be a qt lesbian

kys freak

You might be a homosexual if you don't find this particular black woman attractive.

She's a mixed byproduct of american brainwashing and racial deviancy.

nah, it encourages black women to stop going for the cock and stop reproducing blacks

kys bigot

>*tips fedora*

fuck off to reddit, newfag

kys race mixer

What's the name of this bullshit show?! For Uhhhhhm research purposes yeah that's it

i didn't understand the very last scene of this epiode

i mean the inbetween credits short scene, where they are seen dancing in the dance floor together. does it mean that the black lady decided to do the mental upload thing like the other one wanted? if so, it contradicts everything that happened before, right?

It's not worth it, user. 99% of it is literally the purest britcuck cringe.

Everyone gets to bang a beautiful white girl except the average fa/tv/irgin.

Nah anyone with half a brain would find the concept disturbing. I did not feel happy when it ended.

Who said that you're a racist if you didn't like it? It must be harder to enjoy things when you have to make sure the creator's politics line up with your own. It was a solid episode and would have been so no matter what combination of people they used. It's definitely not as bright and cheery as some people on here are saying it is. But then again, those people are probably just looking for reasons to hate it too.