There won't be a better WW2 film than this

>There won't be a better WW2 film than this.
Why such progress in film making and techology is not being used to master at art? Why people got so lazy in their work?

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I like the clint eastwood movies more than this one, desu senpai

>>There won't be a better WW2 film than this.

lol? even his wife made a better WW2 film than he did.

>what is Private Ryan

It's not that great desu

>There won't be a better WW2 film than this.

Go watch some films, pleb

it's shit
the production quality is very bad
at least cum and c has nice shots

Das Boot is better

Not kino.

What progress in film making and technology has there been since 1985? Sure we have better CGI etc but there's no reason a war film made today should be any better than one made then unless you want lots of CGI planes and splosions.

which would look like shit compared to the real planes and explosions in idi i smotri anyway

>we need some shots we gunfire
>lets just use the real thing

Based slavs

Like a lot of commie movies this could never be made in Hollywood due to its disregard for crew safety


Belarusians are Baltic and not some slavs

We can have films about WW2 aviators now that we couldn't then. Not that they would be better.

If the kid had caught a bullet in the head the director would be vilified like John Landis.

>couldn't before

Like what?

What can be done now that was impossible before? Snap zoom shots of 109s?

Fucking hells angels has better dogfighting scenes than almost anything before or since

>Belarusians (Belarusian: бeлapycы, bielarusy; Russian: бeлopycы), or Byelorussians, are an East Slavic ethnic group

Back to school with you, timmy

Helicopters in slow motion with lens flare.

>Belarusians are Baltic and not slavs
what's your endgame, kike?

that other guy should probably move his arm or the bullet might hit him

No need to be an edgy, contrarian faggot.
I mean The Cranes Are Flying and The Ascent are 10/10, but so is Come and See.

Seriously, denouncing all of soviet cinema as propaganda was ironically disgusting west propaganda itself. It makes me sad that Criterion has that western dogma indoctrinated dick up its ass and won't release more soviet movies. There are so man fucking masterpieces from the soviet era to discover, it's not even funny.

Artificial Eye is what you want pal, way better than plebterion.

There won't be a better film than this, period. Come and see is one of a kind masterpiece

there was and it's called Ivan's Childhood

Just watched "The Ascent" last night for the first time and fuck was it draining.

About to dive into Russian ww2 cinema, Filmstruck has a old Russian TVseries that looks worth while, might check that out

> i watched three soviet films wich was awarded on intenational festivals, i'm so patrician now

kys faggot

Kelly's Heroes is one of my all time favorite movies.

>You'll never enjoy soivet kino with Stalin in his little private theater

dude this just a glorified pyrotechnic show

>The film was shot in chronological order over a period of nine months. Aleksey Kravchenko says that he underwent "the most debilitating fatigue and hunger. I kept a most severe diet, and after the filming was over I returned to school not only thin, but grey-haired."[9] The 2006 UK DVD sleeve states that the guns in the film were often loaded with live ammunition as opposed to blanks, for realism. Aleksey Kravchenko mentions in interviews that bullets sometimes passed just 4 inches (10 centimeters) above his head (such as in the cow scene).
Based desu

*tips fedora*

Nice 1st year film student try-hard choice, OP.

enemy at the gates is one of my favorites

Guys, ive been listening to Blueprint for Armageddon and need some WW1 kino.

The modern ones i hear about focus on some meme like a horse or a football match.

Are they still worth a look and is there anything seriously good?

>tfw no Eastwood Stalingrad duology

i dont remember this scene from stranger things. are there more delted scenes of eleven like this?

Its a teaser from season two where Eleven is recaptured and forced to go back in time through the upside down to sabotage the Nazi offensive.

>Seriously, denouncing all of soviet cinema as propaganda was ironically disgusting west propaganda itself. It makes me sad that Criterion has that western dogma indoctrinated dick up its ass and won't release more soviet movies. There are so man fucking masterpieces from the soviet era to discover, it's not even funny.
I sort of agree.
Soviet film making was not propaganda at all - Soviet Censorship was propaganda.
Just look at Tarkovsky's films and how many were edited beyond recognition by the Soviet Administration.