What is his superpower ?

What is his superpower ?

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Looking stupid


he's a gamer. He can hack into things

Black Robot



Flight, super strength, able to communicate with and control all computer systems/achines on Earth, morph his body into weapons, nigh invulnerable, create teleportation "boom tubes"

What is his superpower ?

Looking like absolute pig shite

Distracting the police.

Free Wi Fi


Why are the highlights on his metal so extremely bright? Especially on his face. They are in a pretty dark room by the looks of it yet there are super bright highlights all over him.

Bad lighting is one of the things that fucks up CGI the most.

Racial quota: The Super Hero

>fast unlimited bitcoin generation


Breaking into houses and stealing tvs

the supervillain shuffle, one assumes


Emp, magnets, rust, HAX, lava, runover, short circuits, burnout, global visibility,


finally, after all this time


He's a nigger so he can pull the race card whenever he wants. This gives him a huge advantage.


hes trying to rid himself of his blackness

a true role model

Jeez that CGI is bad. Will JUST DC fix this or will they leave it like ZodDoomsday and just look shit

Kick your daddy in the peepee.
Here as you can see see.
Running down street and raffing, tee hee tee hee.

not being (as much of) a mary sue


To be the least interesting Teen Titan shoehorned into being a Justice League member that nobody cares about because DC don't want to pay Tony Isabella 50 bucks to use Black Lightning.

He can play The Witcher 3 at 1080p and 60fps.