Well, that was disappointing

Well, that was disappointing.

Why do people act like this is the pinnacle of comedy?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you waste your life like this?

Well I didn't know it would be a waste of a hour and a half.

The ending is the worst part but otherwise solid movie imo.

I think the worst part is the 10 minute bit where a lord tries giving orders to his guards and they can never get it exactly right so he has to explain again and again. For 10 fucking minutes.

Seriously why does reddit likes this so much?


thats gold

Is that supposed to be funny?

how can lawrence of arabia even compete

are you not 15 when seeing this for thee first time? because if you arent, then dont bother with it

this scene redeems the entire movie

No it's literally shit

It doesn't

it was before all american shows copied this joke

>fedora tipper friend forces me to watch The Life of Brian
>don't find it funny at all
>he laughs hysterically at every quip
>fake laugh with him just so I don't come across as a dick

what a painful experience

My experience exactly.

Well meme'd fellow patrician!

How unfair is it that we must lower ourselves to the bumbling status of the plebians surrounding us?

I, for one, have absolutely had it! I shall endeavor to partake only in the utmost kinematic experiences henceforth!

Brb marathoning the Turin Horse, its the 7th time I've beheld cinematic perfection incarnate, the barren scenery, the non-existant plot, grueling time-frame, and overtly obvious existentialist potatoes, SPLENDID!

How I pity those that can extract joy from such swill as Monty Python Flicks, how contrived, Sad!

shit taste, shit thread

>playing with 800 ping

The amount of parodies this spawned is great.

>Australian joins the server
>Playing with a million ping
>When you lag in runescape

>That comment about Bernie Sanders
>10 months ago
Oh man, I want to reply.

You have shit taste if you enjoy Monty Python

Literally lol so randumb xD humour

Why do you even exist?

You're just being contrarian.

That's great.

No, I legitimately think Monty Python is terrible.

Just accept that you have shitty taste.

>Why do """"""people"""""" act like this is the pinnacle of comedy?
its just eurocucks

they suck at everything but are so fucking delusional and insecure so they have to toot their own horns

>my opinion is fact
>please take me seriously

I like British comedy tbqh, it's just Monty Python that's bad.

Blackadder is where it's at.


>Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty

Haha, hilarious! can I save this picture?

All right, we'll call it a draw.

Life of Brian is much better

It WAS the pinnacle of comedy at the time. It may have lost some *punch* along the way. But some of us are still very fond of it.

Needs more laugh track and BAZINGA

Monty Python is exactly the kind of pseudo-sophisticated humor that gave rise to shows like TBBT.

Looks like you did.

It's got some laughs, Life of Brian is the real highlight

did you suck him off afterwards or did you just take it up the ass?

>its a dumb teens don't have any context thread

this movie is over 40 years old, it is highly likely it influenced the modern comedy you find funny

To the youtube commentor, not to Sup Forums.

You have to be 18+ to post here or have an IQ in the triple digits.

When I first watched this as a 13-yo kid I was literally rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.

You realize your two sentences contradict themselves.

Post your top 5 comedies of all time.

I could never get into Monty Python. Literally "so randumb XD" humor but masked under the guise of pseudo-intellectualism (there are people out there that actually believe monty python is sophisticated and high brow)


never found monty python funny, and even watched this before and didn't find it funny

but now that i watch it it is actually fucking hilarious and i could barely function from laughing so hard

Comedies don't tend to age well at all.

I think it was on norm live where someone said the same thing, and that only physical humor can translate across many generations. I tend to agree with that

Dr Strangelove is fucking great and it came out in '64

So is Life of Brian

>Stuck in the 70's
One, it's not the pinnacle. But for it's time? That shit had to be something.

I can confirm Strangelove. Watched first time ever a month back. It's great.

Hell, I might rewatch it.

I'm not an atheist and I enjoyed The Life of Brian. That said, I'm not a big fan of Monty Python.

That fucking webm

Is it real? Please

I don get it

>When I first watched this as a 13-yo kid I was literally rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.

Yes because you were an underaged retard with no taste. And probably still are.

Witness my plebeian taste as I proclaim my fondness of the first series of Blackadder above all others.

people don't. nerds do.


This scene, if you don't find it funny, you might just have brain problems.

I liked it better too tbqh. I don't like smug heroes that much when it comes to comedy, Edmund as a buffoon was funnier.

Blackadder was too weedy in the first series.

>This scene, if you find it funny, you have brain problems.


The only funny part is the weak "hey" at the end.

some of it is good, some of it is not
humour generally ages like milk


is side-splitting


Are you autistic?

>huuuuge tracts of land

>he think absurdist humour is random

We share a board with plens like this

>Am american claiming that other nations toot their own horns

You couldn't make this up. lel

Not if he had an IQ in triple digits when he was 13, senpai.

That was one of the best parts

>HUUUUGE tracts of land

Sorry I forgot to post the whole thing.

What makes it funny is that when this came out, in 1975, thats 1975, no one had seen anything like this.

Really sharp quick humor, and things that people still build on. There is a lot of comedy gold and its really the peak of that troups stuff.

I sort of grew up seeing this and mr bean on PBS and shit as a kid and always thought it was amazingly funny.


fuck I did it again. Also in the beginning his son keeps trying to start a song, its funny shit.


also classic. Tell me you didnt hop all over a table and shit in skyrim

broken down for slow


>Really sharp quick humor, and things that people still build on.

Wtf? how are 10 minutes of repeating a shitty "comical misunderstanding" joke "sharp quick humor"? I swear I don't get you turboplebs.

Have you even seen the movie?

Yes. It was terrible.

>it's an underagefag sees shit shows and movies ripping off Monty Python before he watched it, and doesn't get that it was the one that started it and hasn't yet been surpassed episode

It was groundbreaking at the time, but it hasn't aged very well.

It might have been the person who introduced you to the movie. I discovered it on my own and didnt have someone spamming me with lines and shit, but I am older.

I had already experienced a lot of the flying circus and other british stuff, so when I did see this it all clicked and I found it side breaking funny, but I was also a kid.

Discovering it much later in life, when it is so built up by a lot of people who have never seen any other works ruins it.

Same boat of Edward scissorhands and other movies that are constantly derped out despite being great films.

I am not trying to convince you, because you already dont like it

But I dislike shows and movies that rip off of it as well. This type of humor is just terrible, whether it's original or not. Also, I'm 25, but ever since I was 13 I heard kids quoting memes from Monty Python.

>being this delusional and insecure

wow the denial is strong with you faglords

Because it is.
>absolutely breaks all conventions, conventions that are still deep-rooted even in 201, and uses it to total comedic effect
>great performances
>great ideas
I'm sorry if it isn't your le mature humour for mature educated people like yourself, maybe you prefer George Carlin strawmanning politics for an hour and a half.

This whole sequence is unironically the funniest part of the movie

>The first castle I built sank into the swamp
>The 2nd one that sank into the swamp too
>The 3rd one, well that one burned down, fell over and then sank into the swamp
>But the 4th one, the 4th one stayed


>>>/le reddit/

Man George went fucking nuts at the end too. Really lost his mind.

He was a faggot libtard cuck and a puppet of the Jews.

I've seen it so many times that the humor doesn't land like it used to but it is very comfy.

I want Sup Forums to go back to their containment board.

A martial art based on happy slaps?

>0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account

That doesn't diminish the shit he was saying about how fucked up everything is. Cal him an edge lord or whatever, but the truth is edgy. And gay sometimes too

Thanks, now fuck off.

Agreed. I recently rewatched "Blazing saddles" which is from about the same time. I doubt they could make that film in today's politically correct climate.