Thinking about just ending it tonight, Sup Forums...

Thinking about just ending it tonight, Sup Forums. I already tried to a month ago by taking a bunch of pills and drinking, but that didn't really do much. Hoping I can find some nearby train tracks to get the job done once and for all.

Fingers crossed, let's hope I don't pussy out.

You're gonna fail at it, just like everything else in your life.

It wouldn't surprise me even a little.

No one TRIES to. Do or do not, there is no try.

Are you femanon?

This is your only guaranteed shot at life. You sure you want to end it prematurely?

Nice trips

This faggot again.

Thanks, Yoda. I'll try to remember that before the train decapitates my head.


I want nothing more than to die.

Well the "pills an alcohol" are the "please help me" of suicide attempts.

That's just not true. If it were you wouldn't be here talking about doing it.

Fuck you android.

I guess.

So while you're here you might as well progress to explaining why you want to prematurely end the only guaranteed shot at existence you've got.

I know you're probably a troll, but if you're not trolling:

You're a useless little bitch. Do you really want to take a nap on the train tracks and accept "useless little bitch" as your eternal legacy for the rest of time?

I don't know about your life circumstances, but maybe you should join the military. They'll teach you to be disciplined, get you in shape, and you'll naturally form strong bonds of brotherhood with the other people there.

Even if you didn't do a stellar job and got killed, you'd still be remembered much more fondly. "Struggled with mental issues but worked up the courage and discipline to give his life for his country..." etc. As a bonus, you'd get to shoot at retarded islamists or maybe even north koreans with the world's best military technology (assuming US).

Will a train derail if there is a cranium on the track, or is it just a myth?

Who cares about being remembered? You're dead and therefore unaware of people remembering you, so what effect would that have? If he dies useless and no one remembers him, his experience will be the same as if he were an emperor. From his point of view, nothing changes.

Sidenote: No, I'm not trolling. I legitimately believe I deserve to die and if it's in such a way that is seen as humiliating or whatever, I really don't care anymore. I'm already useless and have nothing left to give to people. Everyone tells me otherwise but I sincerely just can't believe them. I know that their lives are going to be better, even if it takes time.

It's a myth. Watch videos of people doing it on BestGore or wherever. It basically just slices it right down the middle and pops it off the track.

Not everyone necessarily has to care about it, that's why I framed it as a question. "Do you want to go gown in history as a useless little bitch?"

But in my worldview, human lives are short, humans who do cool things get remembered for a good long while, so I'm gonna try my best to be one of those people. Maybe not at the top with US presidents or Gates/Bezos types, but not completely forgotten to time either.

Since you've only got this one chance to make an impression on the planet, why not go for it? You're gonna die anyway so take any risks you're comfortable with in order to be remembered.

It's agreeable, better to live out your life than to die after years of pain...
Better just throw out your cellphone and all forms of communication and start by cleaning your home... You will feel satisfied...

Cutoff from the rest of the world, It's same as dying and you don't have to kill yourself in the process, to die is to just be no longer around who you care and who care about you

How old are you?

While I don't share you view point, it's certainly more agreeable than just ending it. I guess I'm more introverted. I just don't care about leaving any marks on the world. I care about experiencing as much as I can while I have the ability to do so. Different strokes are fine, but don't throw away the oar.


Dude wtf. My life was complete shit til I hit 25. You have no idea what's gonna happen down the road. Could be even worse than it is now, but it could be better. Why not give yourself the chance to find out?

Buddy come on... What's your reason to kill yourself?... Atleast let us help you out..

Because I don't deserve the chance to go on and have a lived life. I'm a waste of space and always have been.

Alright, well I'm guessing you're living in a room at your mom's house and you haven't seen much of the world yet. No shit, you're 19.

If you want to fast-track it, you could just join the military like I mentioned. You'll get to travel all over the world on someone else's dime, while usually still having access to american stuff (restaurants, etc) on bases even in other countries.

If that's not your thing, like said you're really young and shit very likely to get much better in your life. All you've gotta do is survive until then, even if it means slacking and procrastinating your way through a presently miserable existence.

So many reasons, so little time.

Girlfriend of two years left me and found someone else after a month, and three months in she's already saying "I love you" to him. The medicine I take for my anger and depression isn't really doing much but keeping me calm for periods of time.

I also just feel like such a dissapointment to my family and friends. I drink so much and do all these fucking drugs to stop thinking about everything and they keep trying to stop me. I really don't deserve any of the love or care they give me and I just hope to God they stop someday and let me die.

You haven't completed your college yet... You still haven't experienced what is it work and live on your own, you aren't independent still (it's fun and better than College) and if you really want to change everything change your attitude, necebo effect is totally upon you

This isn't all of it, but just the basic gist of some of the things bothering me. So much more to talk about, but don't feel like it.

Not op buddy.

Try being sober... I haven't touch any alcohol and drugs and avoid them even when shoved at my face, trust me it completely changes your mindset and after few weeks and so your basic brainwave shifts to stable


You wanna talk? I'll help you... I'm a pretty good listener

I know these all seem like big issues to you, but they're really not.

And yeah, get off drugs and stop drinking. Even if you want to die you at least owe it to yourself to sober up for a couple weeks and make that decision with a clear mind and a full night of sleep.

I'd rather not be sober. The past four months, I've been either drunk or high off of something ever day, even at work most times. I'd rather just let the substances slowly kill me if I don't do it myself.

Shit gets better, snap out of it, just don't think about it, if you try you can get shit done, improve don't just fucking kill yourself because you think you can't improve.

Killing yourself just proves that you are weak, but if you try you can get through what ever you are going through.

Happy living, mate

Maybe I'll just take your guys' is just fucking awful and I'd rather not burden the lives of everyone else. I've been making plans to move out west and start anew, so, who knows.

Who hasn't been there? I went through a number a girls before my wife. Each time the relationships failed I said well fuck now I'll be alone forever. Good fucking thing I didn't off myself, cause my wife is fucking awesome. But it took time to meet her. Time. The thing you're trying get out of, is the only thing that can make it any better.

stop being a pussy and do these steps. don't think about it. just do
follow these steps

It's addiction buddy... This was me 10 months ago... Then my friends left off for college and I'm stuck here... Left those then and been in a better state ever since then... Now I have a better mindset...
And once you get sober then only you will realize what should bother you and what should not... Being on drugs simply makes you more and more emotional and results in ego death which you are probably going to achieve

Nope I committed suicide and I actually died, I was an IV heroine addict. Bought 3 opana 40s, 22x stronger than heroin, and 5 dillies. Then I got a 22 GAUGE needle. It hurt but it could hold all 8 of the pills. I then ate 2mg of Xanax and 6mg of kpins and railed a 30mg roxy to make the 22g hurt less and to add to the lethality. Bang the opana and dilaudid and had the best rush of my life and went to sleep in a matter of minutes.

Mom found me cos I had been staying with her cos I had been living in a state over with some junkie friends in a trap and I was home getting the rest of my shit.

She saw me, realized I wasnt breathing called 911 and she narcanned me coz she holds on to some since she learned I wad a pill head at 16. Didn't do anything and then an ambulance came got on a stretcher. Mind you I'm dead at rhis point. They narcanned me 3 more times and then pumped my chest and whatever else they did and I came back and went right back to sleep where they narcanned me 2 more times.

I actually did it. Would you consider this a try? Your logic is just as big of a fail as your entire pathetic life that is wasting away you stupid cuck.

Attaboy... Good luck mate...

And you're still here and never tried it again...gee i wonder why. Cry for help much?

Advice for you, just don't think about the shit that is behind you, start looking forward

Then you know what is it really to die, atleast live for your mother, she didn't raise you to just kill yourself at 19... I think she expects more from you... It's because
Those who have gone through the worst are the best...

No you didn't do it. You're still here.

I was drunk the day my momma got out of prison.

Don't push him to really do it you peice of shit

There you go! Join all the other suicidal degenerate misfits who think they're special and different and deserve to be celebrities.
You'll be parking cars and pumping gas in San Jose in no time!

So what? Just don't be tomorrow, and see the real look at her face when she realises you aren't drunk...

If he wanted to he would have tried again. I don't believe him.

>watch videos of weeb girls
>alcohol is "gay ass"
>talk to strangers on a train

This guy is a pedo moron. Do NOT follow this advice.

Talking to strangers does help.. us and them

What's wrong with talking to strangers? That's how you meet people.

People on public transportation are losers. At least encourage OP to cultivate a group of friends who aren't drunken, homeless, beaner niggers.

Or are you TRYING to make him KHS?

Man is it just me or are "more" people killing themselves lately?
Recently even some I know since childhood ended their lives and I just don't understand why.
I mean I could understand if they had some illness or whatever but they were healthy, young had friends and a future ahead of them.

Is it just a thing kids are into these days?
Damn, sometimes I lose myself in thoughts and broot over it. God damn idiots.

are there still trains like those in the usa? no wonder nobody uses it. why cant you buy a lot of high speed trains and fucking dont kill the earth with your shitty cars. america should kill itself

I don't know, I like my drunken friends alright.

I assume you want America to kill itself after it saves your ass from another invasion and infuses a few more billion into your economy buying whatever dumb assed Euro crap your particular Muslim petri dish of a nation produces.

Well this threads about to go to shit. I'm out.

which invasion? you mean the few millions who flee from terror and rape and war? how many europeans are there? if there is a hall with 1000 people and one guy is coming in and says, now you have to become muslim, do you think he has a chance?
american culture is invading us, everywhere your shitty music, everywhere you shitty language, assholes copy your bullshit politics. thanks, but stay at home and please dont try to bring freedom anywhere else, like you tried and failed in nam

area code?

Oh, when you start getting your heads sawn off en masse, you'll get our local Jews to whine for us to come save your asses, yet again.

Meantime, glad you're enjoying the iphones, Windows, and Taylor Swift albums. You're welcome.

He doesn't need gay sex, that'll just confuse him more.

Bith of you. Please do your part to make the world a better place.

OP you there? What do you think now?

Ya, these guys need a pop on their cranium

Pretty sure a GFCI outlet would trip before delivering a fatal shock.

You. Fucking. Imbecile.

You're taking a meme too seriously.

i use a fairphone which is made in the netherlands, also use ubuntu and hate talyer shit. you can keep that shit to yourself.
also last time america did not much as you think you do, it was mostly england, underground fighters and the fucking communists. learn history. you are not that a big of a deal in saving europe as you think you were

My guy please dont end it via train. It's a horrific experience for the driver and it really fucks them over like that.

An exit bag strategy is honestly the best way to go. Google will help you with more but here is an image to show you how to do it.

Sorry to see you go user. Godspeed


Fuck everything.

You're like a small dog on the end of a leash.

Yeah! You guys didn't save our asses and then finance the rebuilding of a continent! We did it all! Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em!

you won't be missed

None of us will. It's ok.

supposedly hanging is very peaceful if done right. you lose consciousness before you feel any real pain

No one noticed demon trips?

At least you got trips...

Unless they do that gallows drop thing, in which case the very last thing you feel is a blinding wall of pain - if their expressions are any indication, anyway.

If you want to commit suicide, move to the Netherlands, where it appears to be well on the rise. 11 per 100K.

Evidently, living with people with the other poster's ignorant, entitled, and bitter attitude makes people want to kill themselves.

Well this is/was a suicide thread. It seemed fitting.

You realize you only get this, right?

Nobody really wants to die after they've tried it and realizes what it feels like. I hope.

You might as well just do something useful. Master an instrument. Do some really dangerous stunts. If you're going to throw yourself away try to do it in pursuit of something, and maybe along the way you'll find a little bit of purpose.